Where it hurts

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Previously, the pups along with Mittens are trying to learn where Bolt came from. They realized that Bolt was a movie star, but he has no idea about it. They plan to tell them the truth, but it went downhill. Onward to the show!

Mittens: Bolt...you're from a TV show.

Bolt: W-what? 

Chase: (Looks at Mittens) That's not how I would do it.

Mittens: (Looks at Chase) Well sorry, sometimes you have to rip off the band-Aid quickly. 

Bolt: What are you guys talking about. 

Mittens: I'll handle this everyone. Bolt, Penny is not who you think she is. She's...an actress.

Bolt: I'm not following. 

Mittens: Everything you know is fake, look! (Points at the TV, where it is playing one of Bolt's adventures) You see? 

Bolt: But I have experience through them. Everything was real from the light to smell. 

The pups and Rhino were just watching who were also surprised by her. She grabs the remote and pause it on a frame that included Bolt, Penny, and Dr.Calico with his hencemenMittens gets a bit mad and grabs Bolt by the ear and puts him in front of the TV.

Bolt: Ah ah ah ow ow ear ear! 

Mittens: Look at me Bolt. I'm real. Now how about this huh? Is that real? (Gets closer to the TV and stands besides Dr.Calico) Does this look real to you? (Points at his hencemen) Or is that? Is that real? (Points at Bolt who's firing his laser from his eyes) Or that? (Gets closer to Penny) How about that Bolt? She's an actress. She's just pretending. 

Bolt: Not Penny. 

Mittens: There is no Penny. She's fake. (Gradually gets closer to Bolt)

Bolt: No you're wrong. She loves me. 

Mittens: No NO Bolt, that's what they do okay. They act like they love you. They act like they'll be there forever and then one day they'll pack up all their stuff and move away and take their love with them and leave their declawed cat behind to fend for herself!!!

The tensions dissipates to where everyone in the rooms just looked at Mittens in shock. Bolts and Mittens were frowning

Mittens: (Sigh) They leave her. Wondering what she did wrong. 

The room was silent for a good second.

Bolt: I- I'm sorry Mittens but...Penny is different. 

Mittens: (Serious tone) Then go. 

Bolt: Mittens I- 

Mittens: Get out of here Bolt! (Faces towards the opposite direction of Bolt showing her back in front of Bolt) I never should have taken pity on you. 

Bolt: All of this-

Mittens: Just get out of here Bolt! 

Bolt with his head down was walking out of the lookout, while everyone watch. As he about to leave the lookout, he said one more thing

Bolt: You take care Mittens and everyone else. 

Bolt left the lookout and uses his super speed to get to his destination. Everyone else in the lookout just watch Mittens as she stands alone in front of the TV. She looked at everyone else before putting her back on them with her head down. No one did anything for a minute before Skye went up to Mittens and hugged her. One by one, they all started to hug Mittens. Even Rhino got out of his ball and hugged her.

Rocky: We're all so sorry for you Mittens. It must have been painful. 

Mittens: ... (Sheds a tear

Everyone: I'm sorry. 

Mittens: (Slowly cries

All of a sudden Ryder comes in and noticed the group hugging Mittens in which they didn't noticed him.

Ryder: (To himself) Probably not a good time for now. (Leaves without anyone noticing him)

The hug lasted for a minute before they all stand back.

Mittens: (Wipes away her tears) Thank you everyone. 

Zuma: I'm sowwy.

Mittens: (Chuckles at Zuma's speech impediment, which he still has and not because...uhh...moving along) Thanks Zuma. (Sighs) Now what?

Ryder: (Checks back into the lookout to see if it was a good time) Oh. Hey everyone. (Walks through the sliding doors

Everyone: Hey Ryder. 

Ryder: Is everyone alright? 

Mittens: Yeah, we're just going through some stuff.

Ryder: (Looks around) Where's Bolt?

Mittens: Yeeaahhh...about that. 

Chase: He left.

Ryder: (Shocked) Wait what? Why?

Chase: It's a long story. What happened?

Ryder: Well, Mr.Porter food crates got stolen by the Ruff Ruff Pack. We need to head over to Moto HQ. You can come as well Rhino and Mittens if you want. 

Mittens: Maybe not right now. 

Rhino: (Eagerly) Please?

Rhino gets into Chase cruiser were about to leave until-

Mittens: WAIT!!

Ryder: (Stops suddenly and looks back at Mittens) Everything alright?

Mittens: Yeah. I actually want to come along.

Ryder: (Smiles) Hop on.

Mittens hops onto Ryder's ATV. They all drove over to Moto HQ, where everyone gets dress up except for Rhino and Mittens. They watch Ryder giving instructions to the pups.

Mittens: Wow, I'm honestly impressed at how well they work together.

Rhino: It reminds me of us. 

Mittens take what Rhino said into account. This only adds to her wounds.

Ryder: We need all of the help that we can get when trying to find the missing food crates. We could use your help Mittens and Rhino.

Mittens & Rhino: US?!!

Ryder: I can see that you guys work well as a team if you guys manage to get all the way over here. I even create uniform just for the two of you. Go to the elevator and come back. We'll be waiting. 


Bolt: (Runs for miles on the road) No, this isn't the path. How about this way? (Runs for miles on the road and hits something) Ow ow ow! Dumb pole! (Runs for miles towards Barkingburg without realizing) (Sigh) I need some help. Looks like I'm in some medieval place. (Spots the castle) Maybe the queen that rules here can help me. (Sigh) I wish Mittens and Rhino were here. (Runs towards the castle

To be continued...

Author's Note: Coming at you every Tuesdays! Also, want a bit more experience? Try combining the video with the chapter. Start from 1:11. I hope you like it. :D

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