Training and Sorrow

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Previously...a super problem occurred, but it was dealt with by none other than the Bolt, and the Paw Patrol. In the aftermath, Ryder realized how dangerous Bolt was by himself. He opts in to help better control his powers with the help of his pups. The question is...what is happening on the other end?


??? POV

It's been almost a week since Bolt left. I really hope that he is doing well. I miss him so much. My thoughts got interrupted by someone opening the door.

Penny's Mom: How are you doing baby?

She took one look at me and she understands. She gets close and hugs me. I hugged back at her, which made me feel better. It felt good knowing that I'm not alone. All of a sudden the door swung wide open and it was my agent.

Agent: How is my little super star doing? And guess what?

I looked up at him with excitement hoping it was him.

Agent: Well, we got a sponsor!. The sponsors of this story is none other than raid shadow legends. It is one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! Currently almost 10 million users have joined Raid over the last six months, and it's one of the most impressive games in its class with detailed models, environments and smooth 60 frames per second animations! 

Penny: Wut

Take 2

Penny: Is it him?

Agent: Well...

As soon he said that, a dog came in and it was him!

Penny: Bolt, you came! I hugged him so hard that he started to squeal a bit.

I immediately let go of Bolt just to see him get behind a man that just came in the copy room. 

Penny: Um bolt?

Agent: Well...not actually. It just...

???: I'm sorry Penny.

A dark skin women came in and interrupted him. 

Mindy: I'm Mindy from the network. Look kid, I know how worry you must be about your dog, but we must keep moving. If we don't people will lose their jobs. Good people with family. That is why we got him.

She pointed at the dog that looks a lot like Bolt. 

Penny: I-I u-understand. 

Mindy: I'm really sorry.

She then hugs me before we all left. Before that, I stopped the missing poster copies. I really hope that this movie will finish soon. I wonder what my boy is doing right now.

On the other side of this sorrow

Bolt POV

I stopped training with Chase and felt as if Penny was calling me. Why I have a weird feeling that she needs me right now? What if I-

Chase: Bolt, focus up please.

Bolt:...ok Chase.

I still can't shake that feeling off. Maybe I'm just paranoid for Penny. I really hope that this training will finish soon. I know that she needs me, but I don't want to cause any problems the moment I leave to meet her. My mind has been on Penny. Who knows what cou-

Chase: Barks

Bolt: Augh!

Man he is loud and strong at the same time. He definitely train to become the strongest.

Chase: Come on Bolt. You know you have to concentrate in order to fully control your powers.

Bolt: How long did it took to control yours?

Chase: About 10 minutes give or take?

Bolt: WHAT?! It didn't took you long to get use to it?! How?!

Chase: Well, I used to have one power, but I later got another once, which also took about 10 minutes to figure out. Your powers are different. Afterall, you got more than one super power. It's gonna take you a while to figure out them all. And that another thing to keep in mind. The amount of force you applied to it. During the time to the beach, I saw you use a lot of force within you to release a bark that cause catastrophic damages. We also need to work on that as well. 

Man, I got a lot to work on if it meant the safety of my owner. I will do whatever it takes to make my return to her more safer. I just have a bad feeling about my powers, but why? I'm controlling them well right? Maybe I am paranoid of what could happened. I shouldn't let that bother me at all. 

Chase: Looks like our time training the bark is up. Next up is your super strength with Rubble. I will go get him. Just stay here okay. I will be back shortly. 

Chase left me and now what. I just look up in the sky and hoped that everything will end well. 

???: Heads up!

To be continued...

Author note: How do y'all like this series so far? This is actually not that bad in which it is my second story. Here's another heads up! Another story might be in the works, and it ain't like the others, but you already knew about it. With patience, it will come soon. 

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