Mindless Onslaught

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, Chase was able to break out his cage causing him to be himself once more. It didn't take long before Bolt and Sweetie to arrive without much trouble. It wasn't the same for the Cat Pack, who met the Contractor along with the Ruff Ruff Pack that was now under his control. They were able to survive against them...or did they...YAHOOO!!!

Bolt: I think it's time we all struck back. Ryder?

Ryder: (Smirks) Ooh I got something for him.

Sweetie: Wait. How do we know that cat is not under his control?

Everyone just realized and proceeded to step a few feet away from Wild.

Wild: Woah woah. I'm not controlled by him. You guys can trust me. 

Rhino: That's what they all say. 

Ryder: Hmm...I think I got something that can tell us if he is speaking the truth. 

Everyone begins to listen to Ryder.

Ryder: Alright. I need Zuma to be on standby. 

Zuma: Got it. 

Ryder: Alright Wild. I need you to close your eyes and don't open them. 

Wild: Alright? (Closes his eyes

Mittens: What is your plan Ryder?

Ryder then signal Zuma to use his powers on Wild. Zuma was a bit hesitant at first before he shot Wild with water. Wild jumped and meow all over the lookout.

Wild: What was that for?!

Ryder: This was a test to make sure that you react as you did. I noticed that people and pups who are under the Contractor begins to act as if they're a robot. That mean's everyone in here is safe. 

Everyone was relief that Wild was fine. Wild was a bit angry, but relaxed as well.

Bolt: So now what?

Ryder: We-

A loud thud can be heard from outside.

Mittens: I'll go-

Ryder: Wait! I have a better idea. Let's all head up to the top.

Everyone took the elevator to the top and exit out of it. Ryder then went over to the periscope. Ryder took a look at his surroundings to find everyone in adventure bay standing all around the lookout. 

Ryder: We got bad news.

Tuck: What's the bad news?

Ryder: We got company all around the lookout. The Contractor must have gotten them all, while we were distracted. 

Ryder looks around to find the vehicles to be surrounded, which is preventing them from leaving at all. 

Ryder: They're around the vehicles making it hard for us to make a quick getaway. I'm going to lock the lookout.

Ryder pressed a button on his pup-pad, which created a strong metal barricade on the front entrances. 

Marshall: What do we do?

Mittens: I could scout the area for any possible exits. 

Ryder looked around and found that the garage door was not surrounded at all. 

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