At the wrong place, at the wrong time

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, Bolt finally met the two black cats face to face. The three chat for a bit before Bolt explain his struggles. The cats went out to get to the bottom of this, while Penny had an interview with Hailey Daily. She learns more about Penny as it went on. Penny then explain her missing dog in which a member of show found "Bolt" in the street. ONWARD!!!

Penny: Bolt I'm coming for you!!!

After the interview, Penny uses the bathroom. During this time Hailey Daily approach Penny's agent

Agent: Well, that was-

Hailey Daily slapped the agent in the face in which he stepped back from her after being hit.

Hailey Daily: Next time, worry about Penny and what she needs. She needs HER dog! I can't believe you replace her dog. What kind of an agent are you?.

Agent: ...

Hailey Daily left the agent alone.


Max was currently with this person and her three dogs at the dog park in Adventure City.

Max was currently with this person and her three dogs at the dog park in Adventure City

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Dog 1: So you're not the same dog?

Max: I'm not. My name is Max. Have you met Bolt already?

Dog 2: In a way. We haven't properly introduced because he was in an emergency. I think he was trying to look for his owner.

One of the dogs sniff Max's (Ahem) bottom. Max noticed this.

Dog 3: Oh sorry, want to sniff mines.

Max: (Shrugs) Why not? What's your names?

(I don't know their breed so the dog I'm referring to is based on location

Dog 1 (Dog on the left): I'm Casey.

Dog 2 (Dog in the center): I'm Bane. 

Dog 3 (Dog on the right):  I'm Pepper.

Max: It's actually nice not having too worry about the movie. 

Pepper: Movie?

Max: It's a long story. I'm supposed to fill in as a dog actor. I'm supposed to be like Bolt hence my appearance. I'm essentially his doppelganger just in case. He's been gone for weeks so I had to fill in for him. It was really rough. 

Casey: That's horrible. 

Max: Yeah, but luckily he came back. He was searching for his owner in which I saw him in the studio.

Bane: Studio? Well that's strange because I just saw her on TV. Penny right?

Max: Yeah. W-what, she was on TV?

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