The Last Steps

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, Rhino and Tuck were facing against their friends. It was a fierce battle for both of them. It escalated to a point, where things get a bit intense for the both of them as they glance the blood in their paws. Fortunately, their opponents were release from the clutches of the Contractor. WAAHHOOOOO!!!

The contractor was all alone.

Contractor: (To himself) Once I take over the neighboring cities using my army then no one will stop me. One pup or dog isn't going to make a difference. I might as well release Skye since she has no use for me.

Scenes cuts over to Bolt and Rocky.

Bolt: (To himself) I got to give it to this pup. He sure has an imaginative mind. 

Bolt was currently facing against Rocky who created a giant mech dog using both his super powers and the materials around him. Rocky tries to step on Bolt, but he was too quick for him. 

Bolt: Too slow!

Rocky strikes the ground, which made Bolt fall over. Rocky uses this opportunity to hold him, but Bolt regain his balance in time. 

Bolt: Alright, time to end this. 

Rocky then throws everything at him by releasing hordes of robots at him. Every robot was getting closer and closer before they all became still, including Rocky himself. Bolt uses his super speed to make time around him very slow. Bolt was able to quickly get up and get inside the mech to retrieve Rocky who was about to hit a big red button in front of him. Bolt grabbed him and set him on the ground. Bolt then went back up into the mech and try his best to self-destruct it. 

Bolt: Where is that self-destruct button?

Bolt kept on looking and looking before a glow appear in the middle of the room. It was the same button that Rocky was about to press. Bolt had second thoughts about it.

Bolt: I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. 

Bolt presses the button, but nothing was happening. Bolt shrugged it off and kept looking around. Five minutes have passed and Bolt couldn't find anything so he decides to self-destruct the mech himself. Bolt was ripping wires left to right before he notices something was off. Bolt saw one giant blue wave that appears to be going away from Bolt. Bolt went outside to that time was still slowed down. Bolt get a closer look to see that it was an actual laser that is currently heading at Rocky who was facing the opposite direction of the laser. The laser is inches away from him. 

Bolt: ROCKY!!!

Bolt quickly ran over and tackle him to the side. The laser manage to hit both Bolt and Rocky, but slightly. The tackle was enough to leave Rocky unconscious. Bolt look back to see the mech going hay wire and ended up destroying all of the robots that was released by Rocky. The mech then collapse leaving behind a big fire before creating a big explosion. Scene cuts over to the Contractor.

Contractor: (Sigh) (To himself) He was one of my best generals. Too bad I have to release him. 

The Contractor heads towards one of his soldiers. 

Contractor: The rest of the Paw Patrol should be weak enough for your team to capture them. 

Soldier: Aye sir!

The soldier left with his team to capture the Paw Patrol.

Contractor: (To himself) It's almost time...

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