The Studio

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, the Paw Patrol along with Bolt and crew get ready for a spy mission to find out what they're dealing with. After a long discussion Widow also stands with the Paw Patrol to help them out. Chase, Rhino and Widow all are approaching the studio without being catch. Um...WWWWWWWOOOOOO!!!

Chase: Alright everyone. Equipped your suction cups and let's climb over to the fan. We can disable it and enter it. 

Widow and Rhino: On it!

Everyone equipped their suction cups and started to walk on the wall. They all approach the fan, where Chase disables it in order to enter inside of it. After approaching inside and navigating through the weirdly structure ventilation. They're met with lights that shining at a familiar person.

Widow: Penny...

Rhino and Chase both looked at Widow in confusion before realizing who it was. Inside the Paw Patroller are everyone that are watching the three through the big screen that is split into three screens. Each screen is watching one of the members.

Bolt (Inside the Paw Patroller): PENNY!!! 

Widow: (Heard Bolt through the ear piece) (Quitely) Ow! Keep it down would you?!

Bolt: Sorry. What is happening here?

Chase: I'm not sure. It looks like they're making some sort of movie.

Bolt: Why am I getting deja vu?

Rhino: (Spotted someone) (Quietly) Guys get down.

Without missing a beat the two get down to prevent anyone from getting seen.

Widow: (Quietly) What happened?

Rhino: (Quietly) Look.

Rhino pointed at a person who happens to be floating as the person is spectating everyone on the set.

Agent: Alright everyone. Let's take it from the top! Action!

Everyone within the agent's vicinity started to get in their place.

Widow: (Quietly) T-that agent! 

Rhino: (Quietly) It looks like that person is controlling them.

Everyone in the Paw Patroller gasp on the sight of the agent.

Ryder: Looks like we're dealing with a new super baddie.

Skye: What does he want with them.

On the other side...

Agent: No no no! Cut! We're doing this again until we can get it right! (Sigh) People are so annoying when they don't listen! It's a good thing that I can make then listen. From the top everyone!

Scenes cuts over to the trio again. They were all speaking quietly.

Chase: Sheesh. Talk about controlling.

Widow: He wasn't always like that.

Rhino: More importantly, where did he get those powers? 

Widow: I'm not sure. We got to find Tux. He should be nearby Bolt's trailer. 

Chase: (Spotted someone familiar) Wait...isn't that Bolt?

The two looked down to see another Bolt there before Widow quickly pointed out something.

Widow: No, that's Bolt's replacement actor Max. I forgot to mention that ever since Bolt left they've hired a replacement that looks exactly like Bolt so that they could continue making the movie. 

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