The Truth

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Previous...bolt was reminded of his owner from the exercises the pups laid out for him, which left him worried for his owner. Onto the show WWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOO!

5 hours of Bolt of training later...

Bolt POV

sigh...That was some...sigh...intense workout. I need...I need...some sleep.

Bolt: snore...snore

Mittens POV

Sheesh, they did a number of that dog. Maybe they should tone it down a bit.

Mittens: Don't you guys think that you may have overdone yourselves?

All of the pups looked at Bolt.

Chase: Maybe too much.

Rubble: Yeah, he did have to fetch a boulder that landed in the water.

Zuma: That reminds me, he was having a bit of trouble with swimming.

We all stared at him.

Zuma: For some reason, he wasn't able to swim as well as I thought. Especially with his age.

Rhino: I never saw him swim in those shows.

Now we all stare at Rhino. What exactly does he mean by that?

Chase: Uhh...what do you mean by that?

Rhino: Oh, you guys haven't seen it yet?

Chase: Seen what?

Rhino makes his way over to the remote and switches to a specific channel.

Rhino: Look!

We all stared at the screen and we saw a familiar dog with a girl.

???: Bolt help!!

Bolt: barks

It was Bolt, but who is that? We all kept watching, which lead to a full-on marathon for the past 4 hours. That was when the screen turn off suddenly. We all look at where the remote is and it's none other than Bolt.

Bolt: Oops...sorry about that. yawn What was that just now?

Rocky: So you haven't seen it?

Bolt: Seen what?  I just woke up.

We all started in disbelief except for Rhino. We were all just speechless.

Bolt: Why are all of your staring at me like that?

Chase: Do you know?

Bolt: Know what? You guys are not saying anything.

Mittens: do we explain it to you?

Bolt: can explain it tomorrow. I got training.

Skye gets up and stretched before going with Bolt. Leaving the rest of us by the TV.

Rubble: So...what do we do?

Mittens: What we need is a plan. A plan on telling him the truth. That...he is just a movie star.

Zuma: What's so bad about being a movie star?

Mittens: Listen pup, I been around places and more time than not. People usually don't act like how they do when they are not on camera. Penny isn't...well...the person that Bolt thought he was.

Everyone was taken aback by my statement.

Chase: Now I und- achoo! Sorry, cat allergies. Now I understand where you are coming from but Bolt has someone that he- achoo depends on with his life. His whole motivation is with his owner.

Mittens: How do we need to know that this is true?

Chase: Well, let's- achoo! Let's ask him about his life before all of this. Maybe we'll- achoo learn more about him. 

Mittens: Maybe you should step away from me.

Chase did step back, which is enough for him to stop sneezing luckily.

Chase POV

We all waited patiently for Bolt to be done with Skye which took about an hour. Skye comes in with Bolt in which they looked concerned with something.

Rhino: The court will now decide your fate.

Bolt: Uhh...

Skye: I didn't do it!

Chase: Do what? This isn't about you Skye.

Skye: Oh uh...never mind then.

Chase: Anyways, there's something that we need to ask of you Bolt.

Bolt: Yeah?

Chase: Could you tell us more about where you came from?

Bolt: Uhhh why?

Chase: Well, it can help us get a better idea of where you are coming from.

I'm pretty sure we all saw him raise an eyebrow. I'm assuming that he is uncomfortable about it.

Bolt: Well, the earlier memory I can think of is when my owner got me from someplace. There were other pups.

Chase: Mind if I ask who is this owner?

Bolt: My owner is Penny. Penny Forrester. Later, a bunch of people in suits came to her parents.

Rubble: People in suits?

Bolt: Yeah, I think it's the government. They have taken all of us somewhere discrete. You see, my owner's father is a brilliant scientist. He developed something that could change the world. That led to the uprising of Dr.Calico.

Rocky: Dr.Calico?

Bolt: Dr.Calico is an evil mad scientist that wants to cause to our family. Especially with my owner's father. Dr.Calico even took him but not before he gave me superpowers. Powers that can help my owner. My owner then decided to go save her father. We went through many adventures from surviving missiles in a city to entering a secret facility. During that time in the secret facility, I was put in a trailer. Actually, I've been placed there many times after many adventures. I manage to escape that trailer, which placed me into the city. I then come across Mittens and Rhino and here we are today.

Everyone's reaction except for Rhino right now:

Everyone's reaction except for Rhino right now:

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This is not what I expect at all. Where do we even start? Everyone has the same reaction as me except for Rhino. What is up with him? Does he know? How should we-

Mittens:'re from a TV show.

Bolt: W-what?

To be continued...

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