The Interview

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, Bolt pretended to be Max so that he could finally met Penny...or so he thought. Bolt realizes that Penny was fake all along. Bolt world's is fall down as he realizes that Penny isn't the person that Bolt thought she was. Bolt was then place in a cage, where he meets nothing but his sadness...and also two familiar cats. ZEE GOO!!!!

Bolt: Come on! Work!

Black cat 1 (Dr.Calico Cat): Uh, is this a bad time?

(Author's Note: The cats names were never said in the movie if you're wondering.

Bolt: You guys are the last thing I want to see.

Black cat 2 (New cat): Uhh, this is the first time we're meeting. 

Bolt: Well, I'm surprised that you don't recognize me.

Black cat 1: Recognize you?

The first black cat took a look at him once more and realizes the dog in the cage.

Black cat 1: BOLT?!?! 

Bolt: Took you long enough. I thought cats are smart.

Black cat 1: Ouch. How's it going? What happened to you man? Why are-

Bolt: Jeez slow down. One at a time. That reminds me. We never properly met. What's your name?

Black cat 1: Oh right. Since I'm assuming you know what's going on, my name is...Widow. 

Black cat 2: And my name is...Tux.

Widow: Now that we're properly met. I want to ask you something. What happened after you left the trailer?

Bolt: Now that's a long story for another day. The short version is that I got in a box that sent me somewhere far away. I got some help with another cat and a hamster. We then arrived in some place called Adventure Bay, where meet a group of pups and a young boy who's really smart. I got powers and then I lost my powers when I came over here and here we are right now.

Widow: That's...a lot to take in. (Realizes) Wait, you got powers? Now I know that you're our Bolt. 

Tux: Yeah, do you still have your "powers"? 

Bolt: I used to, but-

The two cats are laughing at Bolt for thinking he still got powers.

Widow: (Wipes away a tear) Ah, that brings me back. 

Tux: Haha, it was funny. I thought you're small as well Bolt.

Bolt: (Annoyed) Anyway, I lost my powers. Well, it doesn't matter since my owner was fake all along. (Sigh) Just another ploy for people's entertainment.

Widow: Really? There's no way.

Tux: Yeah, she loves you a lot man.

Bolt: Yeah, I believe it when I see it. 

Bolt turned his back on them, which the two cats huddle up. They were chatting before they said their goodbye at Bolt. They wanted to see if what Bolt is saying is true.


A show was about to begin that stared Adventure City and Adventure Bay favorite reporter...Hailey Daily. They were still getting ready before they become live. In the backstage is Penny along with his agent making sure that they have everything ready.

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