A Fight to End

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, Bolt was still in Barkingburg before it was invaded by Claw and his dragon Sparks. The two caused the destruction of the castle, while the rest were coming up a way to defeat them. It escalated to the point, where Bolt uses his powers to save everyone. He took a leap of faith and...

Sweetie: OH NO!!!

The two of them landed deep in the moat. 

Bolt: (Swims to the surface) (Begins to breath) Okay, I'm alive. (Looks around) Where's Sweetie?

Bolt heads down to the water and spots Sweetie who was unconscious in the water. Bolt catches a breath of air before going into the water to grab Sweetie before going back to the surface and gets out of the moat.

Bolt: (Exhausted) Come on Sweetie. 

Sweetie was still unconscious. Bolt placed Sweetie on her back.

Bolt: (To himself) I guess I have to do CPR. I really wish Marshall was here right now. Alright, let's do this!

Bolt presses Sweetie's stomach a couple of times, but nothing happened. 

Bolt: (Slowly cries) COME ON!!! 

Bolt tries, but nothing.

Bolt: (Sigh) I guess it's time for-

All of sudden, Sweetie gets up and starts coughing up water.

Sweetie: Y-you saved me. 

Bolt: Yeah, I did.

The two looked at each other, but the moment was interrupted by another fireball that sent towards the castle. The two looked at the castle that was now in shambles.

Bolt: I can't save them.

Sweetie: Don't worry about them. Trust me. That castle has a lot of secret entrances that only me, the Princess, and Earl knows. They're safe. 

Bolt: That's a relief. Now to finish this dragon. Do you still have the rope.

Sweetie: Yep.

Sweetie's pup pack opens up to reveal the rope and place it besides her.

Bolt: Alright, let's do this. 

Claw: HAHAHA!! Soon Barkingburg will be no more. Let's go Sparks.

In that moment, Sparks was losing control.

Claw: What is it Sparks?! Don't you know how to use your wings?

Claw looks at Spark's left wing and saw two holes in it. 

Claw: What?! Who would do this?

Bolt: That would be me!

Claw: You will pay for that!! 

Sparks launch several fireballs at Bolt, but he dodges them all with ease with his super speeds.

Bolt: Look's like you missed me. I miss you too. 

Claw: Grr!! 

Sparks retreats to grab a couple of boulders from the bridge and throws them at Bolt

Claw: Take that!!

Bolt smirks and uses his super strength to destroy the boulder with one punch

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