A Yelp for Help!

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, Bolt and Widow finally approaches Adventure Bay as Bolt told Widow his journey. The two needed help when someone appeared near them. Meanwhile, Mindy went over to the studio to meet with the director to only find out that the agent became a director. Mindy notices something was off so she went to the bathroom to call for help. ONWARD!!!

Mindy was on the phone in the bathroom.

Mindy: (Quietly) Please pick up.

???: Hello?

Mindy: Is this the Paw Patrol.

Ryder: Yes it is. My name is Ryder and-

Mindy: I'll get to the chase, I think there's something going on in this studio. I was wondering if you can come by and check it out. Just hurry as soon as-

All of a sudden, the bathroom begins to rumble for a bit. Mindy kept quiet for a bit before nothing was happening. 

Mindy: Just please get here as soon as possible!

The agent kick down the bathroom door.

Agent: Sorry, we have updated our private policy! (Sigh) I was hoping that you will comply with it without any trouble, but it looks you force me out of my hand. I worked this hard to make sure that nothing bad will happened. If you're not going to comply, then I will make you.

The agent raises his hand towards Mindy, which made her unconscious.

Ryder: Mindy? Hello?

Agent: Sorry kid, Mindy...had to take a break. I'm in charge. D-don't worry, she's fine. Trust me okay?

Ryder: (Understands the situation) (Pretends) Oh all right then. Have a good day!

Agent: You too. 

Ryder hanged up.

Ryder: Hopefully he didn't noticed.

On the other side.

Agent: He's coming for me. No matter, it's not like anyone could stop me.

On Ryder side again.

Ryder: (To himself) Something happened. We need to be stealth if we're going to get to the bottom of this. I should head over to everyone.

Ryder exits the look out to see everyone is playing soccer except for Mittens. Ryder approaches Mittens.

Ryder: Mittens? Are you okay?

Mittens: To be honest, no not really.

Ryder: What happened?

Mittens: (Sigh) I-I don't know. I don't have anywhere to go. 

Ryder: Well you're always welcome at the lookout.

Mittens: Thank you, but...I feel like this isn't where I belong. 

Ryder: What do you mean?

Mittens: This place doesn't feel like home to me. It's strange actually. I had a dream, where I was in a house with Penny, her mother, Bolt and Rhino. It was so peaceful. It feels so vivid and I want that so much. Maybe I'm reading it too much. 

Ryder: I understand that because that's also what these pups want as well. A home that welcomes anyone no matter where you came from. (Realizes) That reminds me, we have a problem.

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