The Final Fight (Part 1)

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, Bolt has finally met the Contractor in person. Bolt tries to attack him, but the Contractor has other plans. The Contractor was willing to strike a deal with Bolt so that it goes well for the both of them. Bolt decline the Contractor's deal and begins to fight him in the next room over. LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!!!!!

The Contractor begins to pull something out of his suit. He pulled out a ball-shape device. He toss it all around the room. The ball unleash gases that made it hard to see anything.

Bolt: Show yourself!

Contractor: (Echo) Hahaha!

The Contractor's laugh bounce all over the room making it hard for Bolt to track him down. The Contractor was able to land some hits on various parts of Bolt. Bolt think about one of his training exercises with Chase about the other senses. Bolt begin to utilizes his other senses. At the back of Bolt's mind, he knew that this will be his final fight. Bolt uses his sense of smell to track out the Contractor's location.

Bolt: Found you!

Bolt was able to see the Contractor was right behind him. Bolt was able to evade the Contractor's attacks and counterattack, which sends him back a bit. Bolt uses his super speed to launch a barrage of punches all over him. The Contractor was stunned for a bit, but he was able to regain his balance. The Contractor then tries to control Bolt's mind. Bolt got close in which the Contractor uses this opportunity to get him. Bolt uses his super strength to get out of his grip.

Bolt: I know all of your tricks. There is nothing that I don't know about you.  

Contractor: You say that, but I haven't play all of my cards out unlike you. I always like a good game of black jack. You never know all of the dealer's cards in hand. 

Bolt: Why is this about cards now?

Contractor: So I could do this!

The Contractor pressed on a wall, which happens to be a button. The button cause some of the wall to be fallen off revealing some soldiers hiding right behind them. The soldiers quickly surrounds Bolt. 

Contractor: Bye bolt! You and I had our fun, but I better get back to work. You aren't what I hope for.

The Contractor left Bolt with the soldiers as he escapes through one of the hidden entrances. Bolt did had a trick up in his sleeves.

Bolt: (To himself) I was hoping that I would never use this.

Bolt heavily glared on each of the soldiers as they were coming at him. What the soldiers don't realize is that they're becoming on fire. Instead of attacking Bolt, the soldiers are trying to distinguish the fires from themselves. This bought Bolt enough time to leave and find the Contractor.

Bolt: (To himself) It's a good thing that I can control my heat vision. Now where is this guy?

Bolt finally manage to escape the building to the open world. Bolt looks around and couldn't find him until he looks up in the sky to see the Contractor just observing the world around him. The Contractor didn't noticed him at all in which Bolt use this to his advantage. 

Bolt: (To himself) Now let's try this. 

Bolt once again stared heavily, but this time at the Contractor. Bolt began on glowing green.

Contractor: (Sniffs the air) (Sigh) Cloudy today. It looks like its about to ra-

The Contractor suddenly got hit by something from the back, which evidently burned his suit leaving behind his pants and his surprisingly muscular build. 

Contractor: (To himself) Ow ow ow! It feels like I got a major sunburn in my back.

Bolt: (Amazed at the Contractor's muscle) (To himself) Wow. It looks like he didn't waste time at the gym, while I was gone. 

The Contractor looks back to see who did it and it turned out to be Bolt.

Contractor: How did he? !!!

The Contractor realizes that Bolt must have all of super powers when he made contact with the meteor.

Contractor: (To himself) (Smirks) Huh, laser vision. Should've known he would gain his actual super powers. (Scoffs) I can't believe he got all five of his powers. It's a good thing that the meteor made me more durable. (At Bolt) YOU'RE ON!!!

Bolt uses his laser visions at the Contractor, but he was able to evade it with ease. The Contractor was coming at Bolt closer and closer to the point, where he tackle Bolt straight to the ground. The two strike the ground so hard that they went underground for a bit before arriving at an empty train station. The two got separated upon arriving. A train's horn can be heard in the distance. The Contractor got an idea. The Contractor grab hold Bolt's head and faced him towards the upcoming train that was getting closer and closer by the second. 

Contractor: Maybe this time you'll learn...

Bolt notices the train coming.

Bolt: !!!

Bolt was trying to get out of the Contractor's grip, but it wouldn't be enough time for him escape. Bolt then quickly thought of an idea. Bolt faces down onto the floor and perform a quick super bark, which would propel him and the Contractor quickly above ground without causing too much damage. Bolt repeatedly uses the super bark, which gave the two a lot of momentum to be above ground. It was powerful enough to launch the two high up to the air to the point where they're above the clouds. Bolt then strikes the Contractor at the body using his hind legs. The Contractor stumbled back before looking at Bolt. The two stared down at each other as Bolt momentum finally stop in which he begins on falling. The Contractor watches at Bolt falls. The Contractor was not satisfied. The Contractor was rushing towards Bolt as Bolt just watches the Contractor getting closer and closer. It was beginning to rain. Rain pours down on the two. Lightning strikes between the two of them in which the two were unphased by this. It was as if nothing else matters them at this point other than each other. Bolt uses his laser vision, but the Contractor was able to withstand the damage long enough to punch Bolt in the face. This resulted in Bolt making a backwards flip, before punching the Contractor in the chest who was trying to get another hit at him. Bolt then tries to combine both his laser and heat vision. He would use his laser vision in one of his eyes, while using the heat vision in his other eye. He manage to lit the Contractor on fire and remove a bit of his skin at his shoulder. Little did they both realize the ground was just a minute away from impacting. 

To be continued...

Author's Note: The end is near...

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