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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt,  the mysterious person happens to be Penny's agent who has a meteor piece. The meteor granted the agent the ability to fly and mind control, calling himself the contractor. Meanwhile the two cats told Bolt about what really happened. Bolt, after understanding what happened, decides to go after Penny once more in Adventure Bay with the help of Widow. Let's roll!!!

Two Days have past since Bolt left the studio with Widow and they are finally approaching Adventure City. 

Widow: Alright, we should be there in a bit. 

Bolt: Finally! That took longer that I thought it would be. 

Widow: Well, what did you expect? 

Bolt: Maybe it was closer at least, and I usually do this with Rhino and Mittens.

Widow: Rhino and who now? Oh wait, is that the hamster and the cat you were talking about earlier.

Bolt: Yep. I haven't told you about them right?

Widow: Not really. You haven't said much about your journey. 

Bolt: (Sigh) I don't blame you. It has been one wild ride. It all began when I got stuck in a box that took me all the way over to New York. Afterwards, I met some pigeons who said that they know me but surprisingly they didn't. I then met a cat named Mittens who looks a lot like you. I tackle her because I still thought she was knows where Penny is. She persuaded me that she knows how to find my owner. We did many things like hoping on a truck and then jump off of it. Then-

Widow: Jump off?! 

Bolt: was my idea. I found out about blood the hard way and then we got hungry. We then saw a bunch of trailers and then Mittens have the great idea to make me beg. Heh, I didn't know how to beg.

Widow: Really? You don't know how to beg?

Bolt: Well yeah. You ever see me beg once?

Widow: You got a point. How was it?

Bolt: It was weird. You have to do a bunch of stuff so that people can give you free stuff.

Widow: Ehh, I can relate to that. So what happened next?

Bolt: I manage to get lots of food for the both of us. At one of the trailers, we met a hamster named Rhino.

Widow: Rhino the hamster?

Bolt: Yeah, it's something about his ancestors. The three of us work together to get me home. We then head over to Adventure Bay, where we meet the Paw Patrol. 

Widow: The Paw Patrol? I never heard of them.

Bolt: Well, they're a group of pups that help people along with a ten year old boy.

Widow: Okay now you're pulling my leg. You're telling me that a young boy with his pups is helping people?

Bolt: You'll be surprised. They're actually tougher than you think. Believe or not they have super powers.

Widow: WHAT?! 

Bolt: Yeah, they have a meteor at their place. It apparently gives them their super powers. From what I heard from them, parts of the meteor have been scattered out across Adventure Bay. 

Widow: Only in Adventure Bay?

Bolt: The pups have said that many villains in or around Adventure Bay have found a meteor piece somewhere in the area. 

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