Going in deeper

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Previously, on Paw Patrol meet Bolt, there was a war going on between the paw patrol and gang to the Contractor's army. The gang was still standing, but certain pups had it more harder than others by dealing with the army generals who were former members of the paw patrol. Ryder realizes that they're going nowhere if they don't grab the meteor piece. One brave member decides to do it.

Ryder: Guys. We need to get the meteor piece. Who can get it right now?

Almost everyone: Umm...

???: I think I can.

The member talking was none other than mittens.

Mittens: I can do it. I'm the only one that can go in there undetected. I'm also really evasive so I don't have to be worried about getting captured.

Ryder: Good luck Mittens. 

Everyone: Good luck Mittens!

Bolt: Stay safe.

Mittens smiled as more soldiers come over to her. She teleported before the soldiers came to her. The soldiers looked around and shift over to one of the pups. Mittens teleported inside one of the rooms that was dark and quiet. 

Mittens: (To herself) Great. Just my luck. It's a good thing that my helmet has night vision goggles. 

Mitten activated the night vision goggles. 

Mittens: (To herself) What is this room? It doesn't look like anyone is here.

Mittens kept on exploring, but there was nothing that can be found. 

Mittens: (To herself) This is actually a good thing because I can get the jump of the Contractor. (Sigh of relief) You got this mittens.

Little did she know, a particular member was watching her every move. 

Mittens: Why do I have a feeling that I'm being watch right now?

Mittens look back and saw a silhouette hiding back into the darkness. 

Mittens: (Sigh) Now I got to deal with that. 

Mittens kept exploring to find some sort of exit out of the room. Mittens also occasionally looks back to see the figure getting more and more closer, while hiding.

Mittens: Okay. I had enough of you. Show yourself!

Mittens stands her ground waiting for the figure to attack her. It was quiet, too quiet. Mittens looks around and found nothing.

Mittens: . . . 

Mittens resume walking before she heard something coming at her. She quickly move out of the way and look back to find nothing once more.

Mittens: What? 

Mittens heard something behind her so she use her powers to go behind the figure in which caught the figure off guard. 

Or so she thought...

In that moment, a cage dropped down on her. The bars of the cage were glowing a mixture of red and orange. 

Mittens: WHAT?! Heh, do you think this cage will stop me?

Mittens uses her powers to escape the cage, but it didn't work

Mittens: Huh? 

Mittens tries to teleport, but nothing happened.

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