(1) Zero (1)

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4:32 PM

Your feet collided with a rock as you began mumbling curse words under your breath. 'does she seriously think I have a problem??' You asked yourself as you were walking home from yet another therapy session.

You've been going to therapy since you were thirteen. You were a little menace. You were in seventh grade when you'd been saving up money to go to a fair that was in town.

You kept the money in your bookbag you were going to go to with friends after school. You ended up going to the restroom and coming back to a boy digging in your book bag.

You were always a shy kid who was the victim of bullying. Kids picked on you all the time.

But when you saw that boy rip your bills into millions of pieces, everything inside of you erupted. You tackled him to the ground and beat him until he was black and blue.

What really pissed you off back then was none of your bullies faced consequences. You were the one getting suspended and sent to detention. And that angered you.

Every time when someone picked on you, you'd waste no time sending them to the nurses' office.

It only got worse in high school. The guys thought they could take advantage of you, and the girls thought they could run over you because their little fuck toys wanted you.

But you didn't let that happen. You got into fights almost every single day, and people started setting people up and betting money.

Your mom was a single mother. Your dad left when you were four and started a new family.

You loved your mom. She tried her best to raise a civilized being, but instead, she raised a punk... You hated that about yourself because you hated putting stress on your mother.

So during your first year, she put you in therapy. Therapy obviously wasn't working. During your second year, you were in a fight.

You went against a tough opponent, and when he threw his punch some tall figure came out of nowhere and punched the guy square in the stomach.

You were the only one that could see him. He was like, A Guardian spirit or something. He was around six feet tall and had charcoal-black skin and long white hair. The part of his eyes that was supposed to be white was black, and his irises were red.

He had long red horns that came from the top of his head, and he had three white spikes going down both his arms and two right below his collarbone.

There were also two that came out of each side of his lower abs. He had a white skirt-like thing around his waist with black plates on it and a rope that acted as a belt.

He had some type of fire powers and he always had those creepy ass faces floating around him. But he put them away most of the time.

You called him Zero. Your Guardian angel...well Guardian demon per se....once you made it home you went straight to your room. Your mom won't be off of work until seven tonight.

"Yo Zero..." You called out to your spirit. He came out and sat crisscrossed on your bed and you laid your head in his lap. He doesn't really say anything but you liked to vent to him about your problems. Sometimes he's like an actual human.

"I hate therapyyyy...." You dragged out. "It's the same bullshit every single day!" You complained. Zero started playing in your hair as you began to rant about your day.

"my therapist so so freaking annoying! She made me sing this stupid song about getting along with friends like I'm some kindergartener or something!"

"Koh..." Zero said. "I know right!! It was so stupid, and I cannot wait to stop going..."

Zero made little braids in your hair before you sat up. "I'm going to make some ramen, you can stay here if you want..." Zero then disappeared into you as you shrugged your shoulder and went downstairs and cut the stove on.

Tomorrow was Monday...oh how you dreaded going to school... Every day it there was girls squealing and yelling over that Kujo! It annoyed you to your core, and you felt like ripping their esophagus every time they squealed.

"eeeek! It's JoJo!!"

"Oh my god, Jojo!!"

"Jojo can you walk me to class!!!"

'JoJo this and JoJo that! They only want him for his looks and nothing else...!' You thought as you angrily stirred your ramen.

Zero ended up coming out and placing his hand on your shoulder. "Koh...?" He had a worried look.

"I'm fine Zero.. it's just that I'm angry at something that isn't even happening yet." You told him. Zero crossed his arm and nodded before going back into you.

After your ramen was finished you sat at the lonely dining table, with cheap food..you sighed as you started to slip up the noodles.

'I wonder if I can control Zero, or if he's just a guardian spirit..'

After you were finished with your ramen, Zero came out and pushed you to your room. "You stupid spirit what are you doing!!!" You yelled and tried to escape but his strength was much stronger.

Once in the room, he pointed to the clock. "Koh." He said. You looked at the clock which read six forty-two. "What? Moms almost home from work??" Then he pointed to the bed.

"what you want me to go to sleep??" You raised your eyebrows. Zero nodded his head. "But I have to wash dishes!"

He shook his head and pushed you into the bed before disappearing. "I swear that disrespectful ass spirit!" You stood back up and went back to the kitchen, only to see that your bowl was gone and all the dishes were washed.

'When the Hell did he do this???'

You went back to your room and simply just turned your light off and went to bed. "Night Zero..." You said before your eyelids closed and you were asleep.

End of chapter 1

First chapter :D also if you wanted a picture of what Zero looks like, it's at the top. More chapters will hopefully be longer than this because I hate making short chapters but I usually get writers' block while writing long ones...

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