(22) Take Your Time (22)

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-Kakyoin's Point of View-

It had been a few hours later almost after midnight, Jotaro had woke up just a few minutes ago but he looked fine. The Speedwagon foundation still decided to do some more check ups on him, making sure that there wasn't a delay in the sickness. Y/n on the other hand Hadn't woke up yet. We figured that maybe she was really exhausted and needed the rest, but everyone was skeptical.

One of the men that were working for the Speedwagon foundation approached Mr. Joestar with a clipboard in his hands and began to speak. "His reports came in normal. We took his Temperature, a blood sample, a urine sample, and we swabbed his mouth and nose," He spoke. Holly then chimed in, standing next to her father as she began to listen. "Everything seems fine for now, but We'll keep an eye on him just in case. as for the girl-" At this point Everyone was listening intently, waiting for what was about to come out of the mans mouth. "-We couldn't say the same exactly. She's running a very high fever and it seems that she's in a miniature coma," Every ones faces filled with worry and concern. 

"We aren't sure when she'll wake up, but she won't be asleep for long if she survives." It was like you could feel the devastation in the room. Holly and Avdol looked the most distraught. "We'll do everything we can to keep this girl alive!" The worker tried reassuring, but it only cause him to get blank smiles in return. "It's getting really late, I'm gonna head home." I said before i stood up and started heading towards the front door. "Stay safe kiddo." Mr. Joestars ragged voice sounded before i opened the door. "Thanks, i will!" I voiced back before i shut the door and started making my way back home.

As i'm walking, I'm contemplating what just happened in the past few hours. How come Y/n got sick instead of Jotaro? Was the stand user lying about the outcome? was it all just some big hoax she told us, knowing Y/n would be the one getting sick? Either way, no matter what it is, she's going to pay for what she did.

-Jotaro's Point of View-

After waking up, and taking all these samples, The old man and the others explained to me what all was happening. It could explain why i blacked out for a second at the skating rink then come to realize that i wasn't in control of my body or the word that i'd say. It was because of Chuya, The blonde chick. Right after Y/n slapped her, i lost all for of control over myself, though i could see everything i was doing. It was like i was possessed. 

The Speedwagon foundation had taken Y/n in and they quarantined her, just in case the sickness i was supposed to have, spread and got anyone else sick. They also took Chuya in too but they put her in a solitary room until she decides to tell them what her stand is really capable of.

"JoJo, Left overs are in the refrigerator if you're hungry." Mother told me with a light smile on her face. "Thanks but, I'm not hungry." I told her as i headed to my room, shutting the door behind me. As i was now lying in bed, i couldn't help but to think about all the things that happened while i wasn't in control of my body. 

"Kakyoin, what are you doing hanging around the brown girl?" 
"I just dont want people to think you're a thug like her!"

"Jotaro Kujo! Come out and talk to me!"
"There is nothing to talk about, especially with you, now leave."

"You're so lucky my stand doesn't want to cooperate."
"I dont need to think, I'm going to fucking kill you."

'I really tried to Kill her?' 'No i didn't, it wasn't me.' I quickly tried to ignore the thoughts that were trying to pollute my mind so i could relax so i could fall asleep. But i couldn't shake the though of the looks Kakyoin and Y/n would give me when  Chuya was in control of me. Especially the looks Y/n would give... 

Replaying her incredulous looks in my head was like someone throwing a million micro needles into your soul. All the moments i had with Chuya made me sick to my stomach. I find myself thinking of Y/n in those moments, not meaning to. I found myself falling asleep faster. I fell asleep without feeling like the last few days of my life weren't controlled, even though it one hundred percent was.

8:20 AM (The Next Day)

Of course the next day was a school day. Y/n still hasn't woke up, and the old man told us that he was going to see if the Speedwagon foundation would let me see her since i didn't get to see her when i woke up. Me and Kakyoin walked together into the school building, heading our seperate ways to get to our lockers. On My way Towards my locker, I come across Y/n's Locker and i could see the scrawny kid she usually hangs out with. We crossed eyes for a split second before i pulled my hat down and continued walking to my locker. Opening up my locker to get my things. I could feel the kids presence behind me. 

"What do you want..." I asked, Not really wanting to be bothered this early, or at all for that matter. "Do you know where Y/n is?" He asked. "Not here." i said blatantly. He didn't like that answer as he stayed by my side even when i slammed my locker shut and walked away. He only followed behind me trying to pry the information out of me. "Why, where is she?" He asked, only for me to ignore him, but he kept asking. "None of you damn business, now fuck off." I shouted He stopped in his tacks and scoffed with a face of disrelish. He then Turned around muttering 'asshole' under his breath. I just ignored him as i continued making my way to class.

3:12 PM

Classes had ended for the day and everyone popped up out of their seats to leave. I got up and pulled a cigarette out of my pocket and lit it, Inhaling and exhaling the tobacco as i exited to school building only to see Kakayoin sitting on a bench next to Y/n's male acquaintance. 

Kakyoin spotted me from his peripheral and smiled a little before standing up, The guy following suite. They shook hands before he turned around and walked away. "What'd he want?" I asked as a approched Kakyoin. 

"He was just asking where Y/n was." He told me. "Why?" I only shrugged my shoulders, blowing out the smoke i inhaled. "What'd you tell him?" i asked as grew agitated. Kakyoin side eyed me with pursed eyebrows. "Dont worry JoJo, All i told him was that she was skipping a few days because she didn't feel well." I only kept taking drags out of my cigarette as we kept walking. "Jotaro is there something you aren't telling me?" He asked with concern written all over his face.

"If i wanted to  tell you something i would've told you." i started "Maybe i dont want to tell you right now." Kakyoins expression fell. i pushed my hat down after instantly regretting my wording. He looked back up at me with a faint smile. "Take your time JoJo, i wont rush you!" i threw my cigarette on the ground after one last drag. "Goodnight JoJo!" Kakyoin said before seperating to go to his house, i stopped to watch him for a second before i started walking again. "Night.." 

End of Chapter 22

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