(15) Still Mad? (15)

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7:26 PM 

"Thanks for this Sherry!" you smiled as you sat in front of her fireplace with a blanket covering you. After Sherry took you in, she let you use her shower, Lending you some of her clothes. She was in the kitchen cooking up some dinner, when she asked you a question. "Why'd you run away from home?"

Your eyes darken, remembering all the events that happened. "My mother is a lying skank." you responded. "Sorry for my language." you added. She simply smiled and shook her head. "its fine! stay as long as you like! im sure my brother wouldn't mind!" she smiled.

You smile back at her as Iggy, the dog crawled in your lap and layed down. "Seems like iggy really likes you!" she said "yeah!" you spoke hush as you pet Iggy and he fell asleep. You heard keys clink at the door. You look that direction and see a tall built man with tall striking silver hair. You also noticed that he had earrings kinda like Kakyoin's, but were broken heart shaped instead. 

"Sis! i'm home!" he greeted, only to be met with you sitting down petting his dog. "uh- you're not my sister...." he frowned, though you coldn't see his eyebrows. 

"Oh, Jean! You're here!" Sherry came from the kitchen. "This is Y/n! She'll be staying here for a couple of days! get to know her while i finish up diner!" she smiled and when back to the kitchen. You stood up, putting iggy aside and the blanket on top of him. you were

about to introduce yourself until you saw him already looking at you. 'Where the heck are his eyebrows?'. He grabbed your hand gently, slightly bending down and gave it a small peck. "Bonjour belle, My name's Jean Pierre Polnareff!" he smirked. 

"I'm a minor!" you smiled back as you put your finger on his forehead and moved his face away from yours. his smile faded.

"You're a child?" he grimiced disgustingly. "Uh yeah. what about it?" you said, raising your eyebrow. "What was that? all i heard was 'goo goo gaga'" he laughed. He already got on your nerves. "You aren't funny." you said, making him hault his laughter. 

"Yes i am! Sherry, what demon did you bring here?"  

"It's Y/n...."

"Whatever." he rolled his eyes. "Lets sit down and have a more civilized chat." you sighed sitting down on their small sofa. You could glance out their window seeing it was getting later and later.

"So what brings you here miss Y/n??" He asked, lifting up a little to pick Iggy up and sat back down. 

"I ran away from home beccause my mother is a lying, two face, hoe bag." You spoke as you reached your arm over to pet Iggy. "Woah, Woah, Woah! slow your role kiddo!" He said "You seemed to skipped a few chapters can you fill me in?"

"Goodness, its like i have to recite my life story every single day." you rolled your eyes and began explaining everything leading up to this point. You eventually told them everrything, leading out some obvious details like names, stands, and etcetera. 

Sherry then eventually brought in the dinner and placed all the plates on the table. They lived in a fairly small little apartment, so their living room and dining room were quite close. they had a round wooden table and four chairs, and you still felt the fireplace even from where you were eating. It made you feel warm, cozy, and you felt like you could fall asleep right here on the table. 

"You know Y/n, your situation sounds Hella familiar..." Polnareff spoke up, breaking the silence in the dimly lit dining room. "Oh boy... i've heard this before." you spoke with a roll to your eyes. Sherry only sat there Listening. "It reminds me of my best friend, He had a situation exactly like yours, don't you think it's bizarre?" 

"Yeah, like imagine if your friend had a daughter whos mother was sleeping around with men while out on her fourth birthday with her father, then coming home, then breaking up, losing the court case and loosing custody of his child!" you snickered jokingly. Polnareff  eyed you shockingly. "Um..." was all that he could say.

He pushed his plate forward and stood up. "I think its time for me to go to bed!" he smiled "But Jean, you haven't finished eating!?" Sherry said. He shook his head. "Just set it in the fridge i'll eat it for leftovers tomorrow!" He smiled slightly before leaving and going off to his room. 

"Whats his problem?" You asked. Sherry simply shrugged her shoulders and stood up and placed Polnareffs plate in the refrigerator. You stoof and, went to put your plate in the fridge. "Oh, was it bad?" She asked with a worried look.

"No! your food was really good Sherry! I'm just really tired, its been a long day!" you said with a slight smile, your eyes growing heavier and heavier by the minute. "Oh okay!" she smiled. "I'll go get you a blanket and some pillows!" she said as she quickly walked out of the kitchen.

While she was gone, you walked over to the little couch, sitting down. Iggy was sitting on the other end, awake and facing the fireplace. You smiled and pet him once more before you felt Sherrys presence behind you. She handed you a Large comfortor and a pillow.

You got set up and got ready to go to sleep, and before you knew it, you were out cold in fetal position with iggy sleeping at the other end.

7:41 AM

The next morning, you were already up and walking to school. You didn't want to, but Polnareff was already up early in the morning waking you up. You didn't even have your uniform with you so you were in jeans and a t-shirt. You had a spare uniform in your locker at the school, now you just had to get into the school without getting dress coded.

Finally making it to the school, you tried your best to discreetly make your way to the locker rooms. That was until Kakyoin spotted you. "Y/n? why aren't you in uniform?"He spoke up as he began approching you. "And why didn't you answer your phone last night? i was worried."

'Oh snap... i forgot i tell him to call me when he got home...'

You grimiced as you looked up at him. "Its a really long story, Just let me change before an admim comes." you said as you looked around him making sure there wasn't an adult nearby. "Well okay, hurry up, class will start soon." He gave you a soft smile before walking away.

You quickly walked into the locker room and found your locker, tryng to change into your uniform as quick as you can. You didn't have any extra loafers, so you just kept your sneakers on. As you finished, you closed your locker and walked out of the locker room. You checked the big giant clock that was in the hall, and you saw that you only had three minutes before the bell rang. You relaxed and walked to your locker, You were surprised to see that Yuko was standing there waiting for you. 

"Hey Y/n." he said awkwardly. "Hey..." you said back. He looked up at you and watched as you were grabbing your things from your locker. "How have you been?" He started. You shutted your locker and looked at him. "I'm fine and you?"

"I-i'm great! yeah, um...yeah..." He said awkwardly while rubbing the back of is neck. You lean against your locker and look at him for a second before you saw Jotaro in the corner of your eye. You look the direction he was and you could see him, but his hat was covering his face, and he still had that menacing aura around him. 

'That hoe still cant be mad can he?' A rush of wind flew past you and you saw the blonde girl from the skating rink. She Approched Jotaro and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, his deadly aura lifting as he then began walking down the hallway.

you stomach sunk and your eyes slightly widen.

"You okay Y/n?" Yuko asked. "Yeah im fine! see you tomorrow!" you smiled at him and placed your hand on his shoulder before you left. Just as you left the bell had rang. You made your way to your class and sat down in your assign seat. 

'Why did i get this feeling?'

End of Chapter 15

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