(26) I'll be back (26)

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-Your Point of View-

"M-mr. Joestar???" you softly muttered. however, it came out hoarse and unintelligible. It seems like he heard you though since he turned around. His eyes grew wide as he rushed over and delicately wrapped his arm around your body, hugging you softly.

"You're finally awake!" he said as he let go of you, looking at you with a big smile on his face. "How are you feeling?" he asked as he got in a squat position to be eye level with you, rubbing your forehead with his non-robotic hand. 

"I need water.." you said, though it came out rough and unintelligible again. Your voice was so dry Joeseph didn't understand a word you said. Joseph stood up and sat you up so that your back sat against the headboard.  he was about to say something else but the door had opened. You could see everyone else enter the room.

Everyone rushed toward you, softly engulfing you in a hug. Jotaro stood aside watching as everyone piled toward you. You fiddled with everyone's hair before they let go.  "How do you feel?!?!" both Avdol and Kakyoin said at the same time. You knew that they weren't going to understand what you were saying, so you looked around the room looking for anything to help them understand what you were trying to say.

You then spotted Jotaro holding a water bottle in his hands. 'It looks like he's already drunk a little bit of it,' you thought 'Who cares, I'm fucking dehydrated.' You pointed towards the bottle in his hands and then pointed to your mouth. He immediately got the hint, unscrewed his water bottle, and gave it to you. 

You grabbed it and chugged almost three-fourths of the water in there. You didn't mean to drink nearly all of his water, but you were just really dehydrated even though they kept you fed and hydrated through tubes. You gave Jotaro his water back and quietly thanked him. "How long was I asleep for?" you asked. your voice was still hoarse and scratchy but it was easier to understand what you were saying now. "Almost about a week and a half," Polnareff said. 

After Polnareff said this you started to cough uncontrollably. Avdol placed his hand on your back and lightly patted it to help. That's when you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your ribs. Your first instinct was to take a deep breath when it caught you off guard, but that only made it worse. You coughed harder, trying to take as few breaths as possible with your hand covering your mouth. That's when Joeseph approached you. You removed your hand away from your mouth and looked to see blood. 

'What the hell?' you thought. "Kakyoin Why don't you find a worker and bring them in here," Joeseph said as he grabbed the bottom of your hands looking at the sight. He took some tissue out of the tissue box that was on the table next to the bed and cleaned off my hands. After he was done wiping the blood off of your hands, he place the tissue in your hand and told you to wipe your face cause you had blood on there.

After you wiped the blood off your face a nurse came in and started Checking things and writing them down on a clipboard. While the nurse worked on you, Mr. Joestar had gone outside the room taking Polnareff, Kakyoin, and, Jotaro with him. It was only you, the nurse, and your father Avdol. "Hey umm...What can I call you?" you asked Him. You didn't really feel comfortable with calling Avdol 'dad' yet, and you didn't want to be disrespectful. "You can call me whatever you feel comfortable calling me. I don't mind if you call me Avdol or Muhammad!" he said.

"Okay!" you said. You were really glad that you had gotten confirmation that you weren't obligated to call him dad. Then everyone else came in and congregated near you, making sure not to get in the doctors' way. "Look what we got you!" Joseph said as he handed you a blue piece of paper. You took it and flipped it over. Your heart felt warm as you saw the card with everyone's name on it.

 Your heart felt warm as you saw the card with everyone's name on it

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"Thank you!" You said with sincerity. You couldn't explain how much you appreciated the letter. The doctor finally finished what they were doing and left, Giving you guys some space. "So how are you feeling?" Joseph asked you. You only shrugged your shoulders, seeing as you weren't feeling great, but you weren't awful either. It was a little hard to breathe and you had a headache, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the headache you had before you passed out.

"I'm alive...So that's good," you said, Not exactly sure of how to respond. "I'm glad the rest of you are okay!" You said as you wavered your eyes toward Jotaro. you both held eye contact before he broke it by pulling his hat down and looking to the side. You looked down at your hands, you didn't realize how cold they were until now.

"We're glad you're okay!" Polnareff spoke as he sat down at the end of the bed. "You had us all scared!" He said as he wrapped his body with both his hands. "Thanks, guys!" you said with a smile on your face. "Do you guys know when I'll be able to leave?" you asked. Everyone silently shrugged, not knowing the answer to your question.

That's when a nurse entered the room with not so much of a happy look on their face. "I'm sorry to tell you this Mr. Joestar. But you guys have to leave, we have to run more tests on her to make sure that she's really okay."Everyone frowned as Mr. Joestar nodded. "We'll be out, can we say goodbye first?" he asked. The nurse left the room with a nod. Everyone took turns giving you a hug. Polnareff and Joseph made sure they hugged extra tight. Avdol gave you a hug with a light pat and rubbed the top of your head. 

When it got to Jotaro he held his hand out while looking down at you. You looked him in the eyes as you placed your hand in his. You could feel how warm his hands felt while your heartbeat quickened. He had a soft look in his eyes. It wasn't like the harsh, hateful one he'd given you before you took the rope off his spinal cord. He didn't look like he'd beat you up, or cuss you as he did before. It felt warm and sincere. 

"Jotaro, let's go!" Polnareff said as they all waited by the door. The only time he broke eye contact was to look at them after he rubbed your hand and mouthed 'I'll be back'. He walked away from you putting his hands inside his pockets. The warmness that he provided with his hands went away as he left, Feeling cold like they were before.

"I'll be waiting..." you said, primarily to yourself as they all exited the room. You sighed as you looked at your hand, Placing it against your chest as you laid back down. You replayed the moment in your head, not being able to forget about it. Those eyes... It was like a welcome home. The way the both of you looked into each other's eyes felt comforting to you.

End of Chapter 26

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