(24) Goodluck (24)

530 18 15

7:35 PM

-Kakyoin's Point of View-

Me and Mr. Joestar watched as Jotaro stormed out of the interrogation room. We couldn't hear what they were saying but both of them looked pissed. Me and Mr. Joestar shared concerned looks before we followed Jotaro out.

The car ride to my house was very silent, and no word was spoken. Whatever she told him must've really rubbed him the wrong way. If he didn't already look pissed before, He definitely looked pissed now. All I could think about was "What the hell did she tell him? and why only him?" All I could do right now was give him time and space. 

Mr. Joestar parked on the side of the road in front of my house. I got out of the car not saying a word. As I enter my home both my parents greet me with smiles on their faces. "You came just in time! dinner is almost ready!" my mom told me. I thanked her with a hug and went into my room. I lay on my bed feeling drained. It feels like I'm losing both of my friends. We removed Jotaro from Chuya's control, but that caused Y/n to go into a coma. With Jotaro being stubborn, it's gonna take him a while to tell us what she told him, especially if it made him this upset.

I genuinely thought that saving Jotaro would make everything go back to normal, but I, unfortunately, thought wrong. I could tell that Jotaro was trying hard not to worry about Y/n. I just think it funny how we didn't really know her for all that long but created a strong bond with her. I just hope that she can pull through and survive. 


-Jotaro's Point Of View-

After arriving home, I went into my room and slammed my door shut. At this point, I didn't know what to believe. I was conflicted and I wanted to shut everyone out. 'I need to smoke...' i thought as I went back out of my room with a pack of cigarettes and made my way to sit on the front porch. I pulled one of the cigarettes out of the pack and lit it, taking drags out of it here and there, just to clear my mind. That's when I heard the door open.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my mom sitting next to me with a smile plastered on her face. She softly placed her arm on my forearm and looked at me with concern, though, her smile still stayed. I took a drag out of my cigarette before asking her. "What was dad like?" As I asked this, Mom's smile grew bigger.

"Your father was such a charmer and tease!" she started "And he was such a good man, I could go on!"  I kept taking drags out my cigarette as I listened closely. "I don't know if you wanna hear this, but I remember this specific moment when I was pregnant with you, your father and I was cooking together. We were cooking homemade pho and I had accidentally gotten the flour everywhere! He noticed and came up to me and comforted me. That's when he said 'You have something on your face' and he blew more flour on me! We ran around the kitchen throwing flour at each other, and giggling like kids! He had socks on and he tried to slide around the island and ended up falling on his butt!" I pulled my hat down as she talked about the moment with the biggest smile on her face.

"I went and sat by him calling him a klutz, that's when he sat up and grabbed my hand, we looked each other in the eyes, and that's when he said. 'Holly, You're still beautiful, even when you're covered in flour' and he kissed me!" She finished. I looked at her with an eyebrow raised. She looked into the sky and smiled. "I'm glad he's following his dreams! You might not realize it but he's providing and supporting you more than you think!" she looked at me as I put out my cigarette, taking in everything she just told me. "At first I was totally against him leaving, but now, I'm so glad that I let him pursue his dream." The rest of the time was silent until she stood up.

"I know you're worried about Y/n. She's in good hands!" she spoke as she turned around and approached the door. "You should get some rest sweetie." she said before she entered the house. I took a deep breath as the wind started to blow. I hated how things were going, and it was all because of Chuya. I knew it wasn't my fault, and I had to learn to come to terms with that. I hated how Y/n risked everything to save me. Why didn't she just let Kakyoin and Avdol handle it?

I stood up and took in the night air as I turned around and I went back inside. "Jotaro, your mother said leftovers are in the fridge if you're hungry." The old man told me. "I'm not hungry, just tired." I told him as I went back into my room, falling into bed and falling asleep instantly.

6:50 (3 days later - Monday)

I woke up to my alarm going off, already feeling exhausted. I got up out of bed and hopped into the shower. I then realized that it's been more than a week since Y/n was awake. After thoroughly washing, I got out and put on my school uniform.

I left my room and exited the house without saying a word to my mom or Pops. When I open the front door, I could see Kakyoin getting ready to knock. Once he saw me, he lowered his hands and moved out of the way as I started to walk passed him. "How are you feeling?" He asked me as he began to walk behind me. All I did was let out a hum and pull my hat down, not giving him a real response. 

Even though we were walking together, Kakyoin was lacking behind. A wave of guilt washed over me as I started to realize that I'd been acting like a total ass toward him. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. He stopped and looked at me with a confused expression. "Good grief..." I spoke as I pulled my hat down and approached him. I placed my hand on his should and nudged him forward. "Stop being all depressed, we have a test to do." I said as we both started walking again. He smiled to himself and I let go of his shoulder.

As soon as we entered the school building the bell rang. "Good luck JoJo!" Kakyoin said before he turned around and went to his class. "You too." I said before he left. I Watched him leave before I turned around and made my way to my class.

End of Chapter 24

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