(20) could you elaborate? (20)

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Everybody was now at the Kujo's house, After you and Kakyoin explained to everyone what was going on, They decided to go and find the girl and force information out of her so that you guys could get Jotaro back to normal. 

While everyone else was gone, You, Kakyoin, and Holly stayed and watched Jotaro.  After Joseph and the others knocked Jotaro out, they decided to tie his wrist together and his ankles together, Just so he wouldn't go crazy and try to kill you again.

You were sitting in the living room with Jotaro's head in your lap while Kakyoin slowly paced around the room. His hat slowly fell off his head on the other side of your lap, you took it and put it on the coffee table closes to you. After putting his hat up, You started to observe his features.

The way his lips naturally frowned, how his eyebrows were furrowed even in his sleep. You knew Jotaro was the token hot kid at school, And even being around him for this long, you now finally understood why. You softly placed your hand on Jotaro's face, rubbing it slightly with your thumb. 'We'll bring you back, i promise...'

Kakyoin then sat down on the couch across from you with his elbows perched on his legs and his head hanging low. "Whats taking them so long..." Kakyoin dragged as he leaned back on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. "I don't know, just be patient." You told him as you began to run your fingers through Jotaros hair.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Kakyoin quickly shot up and went to open it. Five men in a dark blue polo shirt, white jeans, and a hat with the word 'Speedwagon' on it. Two of them carried boxes. You saw that Kakyoins tenseness died down as the men came into the home and approched you, taking Jotaro off of your lap. They Quickly and efficiently layed out a pallet on the floor, and put Jotaro on there.

You stood up to approch Kakyoin with confusion written all over your face. "Who are these people?" You asked him. "That's the Speedwagon foundation. They work for the whole Joestar family." He simply explained. 

One of the workers approched the both of you and started to explain what they were doing. "Mr. Joseph has called us and informed us that we had to put him to sleep and monitor him." The worker explained. "What, why?" Kakyoin asked. 

"I'm not sure, he only informed us to put him under anesthesia and monitor him until they arrive." as you listened to the worker you watched as the other workers hooked Jotaro up to IV's and monitors. 'What the heck is going on?!' 

You took a glace up at Kakyoin before looking back at Jotaro. 'this is too much...' you then dismissed yourself and decided to take a breather on the side of the house. You sat down on the wooden porch as your legs dangles off the edge.

You wondered if this will actually work, you if you'll just hurt him, or if this was the work of another stand user in the first place. You didn't want to do anything that could potentially kill jotaro. This was one of the most stressful situations you've been in, Not even your exams were this stressful.

You stayed in this position for a while before you could feel a presence behind you. Holly had came out and took a seat next to you also sitting in silence.

"Jotaro made a great choice becoming friends with you." She suddenly spoke after the few minutes of silence. All you could do was stare down  at your hands that was resting in your lap, with the smallest smirk on your face. "Well, Jotaro isn't the type to be friends with just anybody." You responded.

Holly giggled at your response and you chuckled. "You're right about that!" She smiled. "My father said that he'd be here soon, and that you and Kakyoin needed to be in there for when he does arrive." She had explained to you. Your smile slowly faded as your eyes fixed on your hands. You took a deep breath before you stood up. 

"It'll be alright Y/n! JoJo has been through way  worse!" she smiled reassuringly. Your eyebrows raised a little and Holly began to giggle. It was questioning though you decided not to speak on it. You knew Jotaro got into altercations, but to know he's got into way worse situatons than these, was unsettling.

The both of you made your way back inside of the house and could see that at the same time Joseph entered, gripping The blonde girl with hermit purple as she was knocked out. Advol, and Polnareff came in right after he did and they circled around Jotaro, Making sure they didn't bump in to any monitors or cords.

"Care to explain what we're doing?" Kakyoin spoke up. He was sitting on one of the couches leaning back with his arms crossed. One of his legs shook rapidly up and down and waited for one of the adults to answer.

"Remember when we fought steely dan?" Polnareff spoke up. Your head perked up upon from hearing the familiar name. Kakyoin noded his head as his leg continued to bounce up and down. "Avdol can you please tell them I don't want to be the bear of bad news..." Polnereff spoke as he pulled his knees up to his chest.

Avdol then sighed before opening his mouth. "If we don't do this as soon as possible Jotaro may or may not die." He said, not sugarcoating a single word. Your heart dropped. The room fell silent, Kakyoins leg stopped bouncing and both your eyes widen. The only thing that you could hear besides your heart beat was the monitors and and men around the room going in and out of the house. "C-can you elaborate?" You spoke, trying not to let your voice crack as you already stuttered.

"Her stand has the ability to tie it's self to the spinal cord of whoever she decides to touch, obviously with the abitlity to activate this whenever she pleases. As the knot on his spinal sits there, she has full control over his movements and actions but the subject is fully aware of whats happening. The knot also get tighter around his spinal cord everyday until it eventully snaps and he dies...." Avdol finished explaining. The room was very tense from what is was before and it felt very dull and grey. "So do we just untie the rope and he's fine right!?" Kakyoin asked trying to be optimistic in this type of situation.  

"We wish it were that easy." Josephs old hoarse voice spoke. "If you put too much pressure on the rope it will tighten." 

"Not to mention that if we manage to untie this rope from his spinal cord, hes prone to becoming fatally ill afterwards...." Polnareff had spoken, only just a few seconds after Joseph finished speaking. the silence once again took over the room. "We should hurry up and like try and get this thing off of his spinal cord, cause theres no telling when it might snap and kill him...." You said as you inturrupted the silence, Everyone else nodding in unison. "Do you know how to shrink the size of your stand??" Kakyoin asked you, placing one hand on your shoulder. 

You shrugged your shoulders. "I dont know, never tried it." You could see his Hierophant Green materialize next to him and shrink about ninety nine percent smaller than it was. 

He took a deep breath before   Zero Percent materialized above you. As you tried shrinking Zero you didn't think about the difficulty of it, but moreso the thought of saving Jotaro. It was still very difficult for you, giving how you don't really use your stand for the reason Kakyoin and everybody else has used their stand.

You still managed to shrink Zero to about the same size as Hierophant. It took a lot of energy, but you refuse to give up. "Before you guys go, theres something you also need to know." Avdol spoke up. Both you and Kakyoin looked up at him waiting for him to speak again. "lets make it quick please." Kakyoin rushed. He seemed very impatient, you could see the worry drowning on his face.

"Make sure not to take the rope off by the stands, this will cause the strands to grow and elongate, and then it will create another an additional tie on his spinal cord, eventually merging with the first rope, and getting tighter." Avdol finished explaining. You and Kakyoin looked at each other, obviously telling that you were both growing nervous. The both of you simultaneously took a deep breath getting ready to take both your stands inside Jotaro's head.

End Of Chapter 20


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