(9) You Don't Look Japanese? (9)

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7:04 AM

You were currently testing ready for the school day. After putting on your bow tie, you went to the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal.

You sat down at the dining table and started eating your cereal. You really didn't feel like going to school today, but you didn't care because one, you didn't want to seem like a coward. Two was because you needed an education.

The reason why you were so set on getting an education was because honestly, you didn't know what to do with your life after school. So you decided to stay in school and keep getting degrees until you know what your career is going to be.

As you were nearing the end of your meal, your mom came out of her room in a robe, and her hair as messy as ever.

"You're up early..." She spoke as she started brewing coffee. "Oh yeah... Kujo is gonna pick me up today, Kakyoin has to stay home today..." You told her.

She hummed with a small smile. "Are you working today?" You asked your mom. "Nah, I have an off day today." She responded.

The house went silent, and it'susually how it was with you and your mother alone. You stood up and put your empty dish in the sink and heard a knock at the door.

"Coming!" You said as you sped walked to the door and opened it revealing Jotaro standing idly with his hands in his pockets and head facing the opposite direction.

"Hey..." You spoke inviting him in for a little while. He entered the house with small grunt.

"Hey there!" Your mom started speaking. "Y/n you have great taste in men!" She snickered as she tool a sip of her completed cup of coffee.

"Oh my god mom.... Shut up...!" You said as you started slipping on your shoes.

"Hey Kujo, I'd love to meet your parents one day!" Your mom smiled widely as she finished her coffee.

"I'm sure my mom would love you...." He spoke lowly. You grabbed Jotaro's arm and gave your mom a quick goodbye before dragging him out of your house before your mom could say anything else embarrassing.

"I'm so sorry Kujo... My mom has no filter..." You said as you let go of his forearm. "Its fine.."

The walk was silent, you didn't know what to say. You didn't want it to be awkward. Your brain raced with conversation starters until you found the right one.

"Whats going on with Kakyoin?" you asked, and he just simply shrugged his shoulders.

You hummed and continued to think of more conversation starters. "So, you play any video games??"

He shook his head. You sighed getting agitated, while putting your hands in your skirt pockets.  Once again it was silent. "when did you get your stand?" Jotaro finally spoke. 

"During my second year. You?" you asked, looked up at him. "So you had yours longer than me.. i had him a for two months now." he said. 

"Hah, loser!" you joked with a smirk. "Don't get Cocky, i'm still more powerful than you." he said with a glare. "Yeah yeah.." you smiled and walked ahead of him.

"Well..I'll see you later i guess." you said with a small wave and started walking to your locker. Jotaro stood there and watched as you left his side. He lowered his hat down and prepared his self as he began to walk to class. He hate to admit it but he knew that if trained your stand enough, you'd probably be just as powerful as him.

You were getting ready to change into your loafers until you could spot Yuko approach you from the corner of your eye. 'Jesus Christ...' you said under your breath not wanting to fight anyone. "Y/n can we talk?" he asked.

// Psycho //  Jotaro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now