(19) Knife (19)

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That's insane! 💀Y'all did that!

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That's insane! 💀
Y'all did that!

(Three days later)

Walking out of the court room finding out that your mother was a felon, committing crimes such as theft, burglury, fruad, and Sleeping with minors....It felt as if a tight hold on you finally let go now that she was serveing some years in prison.

You were now in your fathers custody now, which made you happy. Though you'd be happier once you got Jotaro out of this type of hypnosis thing. Doing nothing for the past three days besides catching up on school work was really exhausting and the only thing you could really think about was trying to help Jotaro, though it was hard, you shoved those thoughts away and tried to stay on top of your priorities.

This was also the day that you found out that Polnareff was your god father. You found out when Avdol called him up for support along with Joseph and his family, plus Kakyoin, Your mother on the other hand had no one for support. You didn't feel bad though. She was a criminal.

You all stood around the stairs outside the court house dressed in formal attire, Everyone in suits, you and Holly in short thigh length dresses, you all in  your own thoughts.  Holly and Kakyoin leaned against the stair railing, Avdol, Joseph and Jotaro sat down on the stairs, and you stood next to Polnareff on the side walk. 

Polnareff turned around to face everyone before opening his mouth. "You guys wanna go eat out somewhere?" everyone instead of saying anything only nodded, you could tell everyone was starting to get tired. "I'm going home." you heard jotaro say before he stood up and started walking down the street. You and Kakyoin made eye contact, seemingly to be in sync.

Everyone else just kinda srugged it off, letting him go. You all decided to go together in Josephs car, Joseph and Avdol sat in the front and  Kakyoin, Polnareff and Holly sat in the back. You being the younger and somewhat lighter, You sat in Avdol's lap. It wasn't uncomfortable per say, it was just awkward.

Once you all arrived at the restauraunt, you all go to a table and waited for a waiter to come and accomodate you all. It was a moderately fancy restaurant, and smelled really nice. A few minutes go by and a waiter comes and takes your orders.

After another few minutes you all get your food and get ready to eat until you had the urge to go to the bathroom. "Excuse me." You spoke as you stood up and headed to the restroom.

After doing your business and washing your hands you left the restroom and was about to go back to the table you felt a tap on your shoulder it was star platinum. "What are you doing here?" you asked the stand. He only let out an 'Ora' as he pointed to the back of the restaurant. Then he started to float to the back of the restaurant and you decided to follow him.

He phased throught the back door, and since humans cant phase through solid, you had to open the door by hand.  Once you were now outside of the restaurant, you saw star platinum float to the left, where you saw Jotaro leaning against the wall with a cigarette in his hand.  

Jotaro threw the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it, putting the fire out. "Jotaro?" you spoke with confusion written on your face 'i thought he went home..' He sat up and made his way towards you. 

He stopped three feet away from you before he held out his hand, You looked him in the eyes, anticipating that something was going to happen. You hesitantly placed your hand atop of his. And just as you expected.

He gripped your hand super tight as he aggressively pulled you toward himself, and just in the nick of time, you stumbled your way into a high kick, knocking Jotaro back before the knife in his left hand collided with your abdomen.  You were so glad you wore shorts under your dress.

"You're so lucky my stand doesn't want to cooperate." He spoke as he glided towards you, holding up the knife above his head. you ducked and charged towards him, your body collided with his as he stumbled back. You put your foot behind his causing him to trip and fall, the knife out of his hold as it slid across the ground. 

You tried to get the knife but Jotaro grabbed your ankle and pulled it, causing you to fall on your chest and scrape your chin on the concret. "Fuck!" you shreiked. He dragged your body close to his causing your dress to ride up and your shorts to reveal. He then stepped over you to grab the knife again. All his weight was on his knee, which sat on your back to stop you from escaping.

He grabbed your hair and started pulling it so you were now looking ahead of you. Your skin from your chin lifted and blood started to drip. He hovered the knife horizontally under your neck, like he was about to slit your throat.

"Jotaro, let this sink in..." You spoke, He still gripped your hair fairly tighly. "I dont need to think, I'm going to fucking kill you." He said, slowly inching the knife closer to your neck. 

"Don't forget that i can actually control my stand right now!" You said, trying not to use your stand. Now you could feel the sharp blade of the knife touch your skin. 'Guess i have to use my stand...' You closed your eyes. You were about to emit scorching flames around you, Until you both hear Joseph's Voice. "Hermit Purple!" He voiced out as his purple vine stand shot out and grabbed the hand that had the knife and tried to force it away from you. 

You heard Kakyoin call out his stand too, His emerald green knocked Jotaro fully off of you causing him to skid across the concrete towards Joseph, who still had hold of him. Your head hung down low and fell onto the concrete, Your chin still stinging a little. While Joseph, Avdol, and polnareff tried to knocked Jotaro out, Kakyoin stood infront of you and started to help you up. 

"Why didn't you use your stand?" He asked and he pulled you closer to himself. "I was about to, but your adventurous ass wanted to play super hero. i was gonna have a cool little moment there." You said causing him to crack a laugh a little while you frowned. He brung you back into the restaurant to aid your wounds. "Well, you can blame Star Platinum, He's the one who lead us to you."

"That thing is the one who lead me to Jotaro to get killed in the first place!" you said in an annoyed like tone. He sat you down and held up a finger, like he was telling you to stay. He went up to the workers in the restaurant and asked them for a first aid kit. 

After a little while, he eventually got his hands on a first aid kit, He made his way over back to you and opened up the kit and started to disinfect the wound. After cleaning your chin and getting all the blood off your chin, and on your neck to were it dripped. You knew he was finished when he put the bandage on your chin.

"There you go, good as new!" he said. as he closed up the first aid kit. "Thanks Kakyoin!" you said as you got up and hugged him. "No problem!" he hugged you back. "By the way, where is Holly?" you asked as you broke away from the hug.

"Mr. Joestar called her a cab and took her home, he also paid for the meal too." He explained, Just as he finished telling you that, Polnareff entered the building and approched the two of you.

"Come on guys, we got him knocked out. You two also have a lot of explaining to do!" He said while he pushed the two of you out of the door. 

End of Chapter 19

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