(11) I Have A Heartbeat (11)

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"So...If you're my dad, then why'd you leave??"

"...Here's the thing.... I didn't leave..."

"What do you mean?" you asked him. He took a big sigh and pointed to the ground, signaling you to sit.

"Me and your mom never got married. your mom was in the relationship for the lust, and she longed for sexual interaction and not an actual relationship. Suddenly you were born and that's when she stopped caring really.

I was the one changing your diaper, i was the one feeding you, giving you a bath, reading you to bed, i even taught you about the Major Arcana in the tarot deck! I took you out to the park on your fourth birthday. We got ice cream, i got you a teddy bear and you named it Annie, because it was in one of you're favorite Michael Jackson songs!

Then when we went back home, i told you to go to your room because I heard your mom. She was in bed with another man... We got into a heated argument. We ended up taking it to court and somehow, you're mom has gotten full custody over you and she had a restraining order against me so i couldn't see you...."

A tear tickled down your cheek and you quickly whipped it away and stood up. "I'm gonna get some fresh air..." you said as you walked outside and started walking down the street.

Meanwhile kakyoin and Jotaro listened to the whole thing. They looked at each other and then Jotaro spoke. "I'll go get her..." he said as he exited his house. He saw you already down the street so he slowly sped up and walked so he could catch up but still stay behind.

You ended up finding a pond area and sitting on the grass, pulling your knees towards your chest. Zero came out and sat next to you. Zero turned his head and stuck his tongue out at Jotaro. 

"Hey Zero!" you smiled and rubbed his head. "Koh...?" he spoke. "Yeah, i'm fine!" you smiled.

"No you're not...." Jotaro said as he came out and sat next to you. "Excuse me?" you asked. He said then he looked you dead in the eyes. "You aren't okay... i know it."

You drew in a shaky breath then sighed. "Wanna talk about it?" he asked you. "What is there left to talk about?" you asked as you furrowed your eyebrows and tried to contain the tears. "How do you feel?" he asked.

A tear came strolling out of one eye, and you simply just looked away. "I....i feel like...." you paused and whipped your face. "i feel like absolute shit.... Like a Burden... a mistake...." you licked your lips and put your head down as more tears began falling.

Jotaro lightly placed his hand on your back in an attempt of comfort. "I just feel, really mentally and emotionally drained..." you spoke out as your voice felt coarse. Zero disappeared and then you looked up at the sky. "And yeah, i do feel as if no one is actually there for me..."

"i've spent these past few years, just talking with Zero... Even though he doesn't actually exist. he doesn't have a heart beat and he's just my manifestation...."

There was a small moment of silence. "Well i exist, and I have a heart beat..." Jotaro spoke. you looked up and your eyes met. He then stood up and held out his hand. 

You looked back down with a small chuckle. you looked back at Jotaro and grabbed his hand, but before anything else you wrapped your arms around his body, giving him a hug. "I don't deserve friends like you guys...." you said as Jotaro slowly wrapped his arms around you.

"You deserve more than a friend right now." He said. A little while later he pulled away. "Are you still sleeping over or no?" he asked.

"Yeah... i don't think i can face my mom after hearing what happened." You said as you crossed your arms and looked away. Jotaro sighed before he went into a squat. "Get on." he said as he pointed to his back. 

You got on and wrapped your arms around his neck and wrapped your legs around his torso. He held onto your legs to keep you up and then he began walking. "I'm sure my mom has already starting cooking by now." he spoke.

Once Jotaro made it to his house, he put you down and Kakyoin gave you a hug.  "Did I take it too far?" Kakyoin asked you.  You shook your head. "No i'm actually glad you found my dad." you said. "At least now i know what kind of person my mom actually is."

Avdol then entered the room and looked in your direction. "Hey..." He spoke. "Hey." you replied. There was an Awkward silence before Holly entered the room. "Dinner is ready!" she exclaimed. Everyone went to the dining room and sat down, waiting for their meal to be plated.

"So Y/n, are you still staying the night?" the old man asked. You nodded your head as you watched Holly give everyone their scoop. "I don't think i can face my mom after hearing the things shes done."

"Where is she gonna sleep?" Kakyoin asked. Everyone went silent for a second. "She can sleep with me!" Holly spoke. Everyone agreed as they put their hands up for prayer. Finally, you guys started eating in silence.

A few minutes go by and you stand up to go and wash your plate. "Don't worry about the dishes honey, Jotaro will do them!" Holly said. You sighed and nodded and made your way out of the kitchen area.

You went to go get your clothes from where you left them, and you had found a bathroom in the Hallway. You Ran some shower water and started to undress. While you were in the shower you felt super tense. 

It was a quick shower, all you wanted to do was sleep. You felt tired and worn out like an old pair of shoes. You hurried and got dressed, and went to the dining area to check if anyone was still eating, but it was only Jotaro washing dishes like Holly said.

You suddenly felt yourself lift from the ground. It was Star Platinum He carried you and placed you next to Jotaro. "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping with my mom?" he asked. 

"Ew dude, don't say it like that!" you said with a disgusted look. "I just got out of the shower and just came to check if anyone went to bed yet."

Jotaro Finished cleaning the last plate and took a small glance at you. "Why are you still here?" he asked. "I don't know where your mom's room is...." you said as you looked at him.

You could see his eye twitch and jaw clench. "Follow me." he said as he started walking down a hallway. You followed behind him and admired the paintings on the wall. There was a photo on the wall that intrigued you.

It was a middle-aged man who had Jotaro's features. He had fair skin and soft looking matte black hair, and his dark eyes showed this look of jubilance behind them. "Who's that?" you asked. "That's my dad, now come on." he said.

"Your dad is Handsome.." you said. "Y/n....." Jotaro gritted. You laughed and continued walking. not too long  after, you then stop in front of a door.

"Goodnight." jotaro says before walking off. "Night!" you said. You knocked on the door and waited a while before the door opened. Holly stood there in a long beige silk robe.

"Y/n! come on in!" she smiled while holding the door open.

End of Chapter 11

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