(12) Zero Percent (12)

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"Goodnight." jotaro says before walking off. "Night!" you said. You knocked on the door and waited a while before the door opened. Holly stood there in a long beige silk robe.

"Y/n! come on in!" she smiled while holding the door open.

"Hey!" you smiled while entering the room.

"I'm going to wash my face, alright!" Holly said as she made her way to her master bathroom.

You nodded and you neatly placed your things on her dresser. You began analyzing Holly's room, it was huge. On her nightstand was a picture of her and a little kid standing next to her. The kid in the picture showed to be smiling and look genuinely happy. 'this must be baby jotaro' you thought as you smiled to yourself.

You look towards the bed and reached your hand out to remove the comforter from uynder the pillow. You then sat down and wrapped yourself into the soft fabric, laying your head on the pillows. As this action was done Holly exited the bathroom. She sat on her end of the bed and put on moisturizer.

After she was done she turned off the lamp on her dresser side and then turning to lay down on the bed. A few minutes of excruciating silence go by, and you just cant seem to fall asleep. Holly had a silk face mask to match her robe. 'God, why did i have to be an insomniac...' you thought to yourself. You wanted to get up but you decided to wait until you knew Holly was asleep. Until then you started to think about random things. It started with food, then you started thinking about animals, then to music. Your thoughts carried for a while until you started thinking about Avdol. Your dad.

You still couldn't believe that after all these years your dad didn't actually leave you. It made you happy to an extent but you were reminded that your mom isn't the person she seems to be. And that made you angry. You didn't want to  think  about this right now. you turned to your left and watched as Holly took slow breaths before you sat up and slowly stood up from the bed. You made your way to the door and quietly twisted the handle. After successfully getting the door open without making a sound, you slowly closed the door making sure it didn't click when it shut.

Finally exiting the room it felt like you could finally breathe again. You took a big sigh and made your way to the front porch and sat down on the steps taking in all the misty air. Zero then Appeared next to you. "Hey Zero."  "koh.." he responded. 

You didn't know what to say. Usually you'd rant but, now... You were just lost for words. Today had just been a roller coaster, and you didn't know how to respond to it. you just sat there looking at the dark cloudless sky, and the moon illuminated its soft light. "Miss L/n?" a rough voice behind you spoke.

Your head turned only to see the old man in a blue two set pajamas "Old man?" you said. He giggled and took a seat next to you. "Right, I haven't properly introduced myself yet." he said your eyes followed him. "My name is Joseph Joestar, I'm Jotaro's Grandpa." 

"Nice to meet you." You smiled slightly. "Is that you're stand?" he asked and pointed to Zero. Zero waved at him. "Yeah, thats Zero." Joseph raised an eyebrow. "How'd you come up with the name?" Joseph asked. Your shoulders shrugged. "I don't know it just sounded cool."

Joseph's face contorted in a face of absolute disgust. "W-what did i do?" you asked. 'I didn't say anything wrong did I?'   "No no no!" Joseph started "Not only should the name be cool, but the name should come from something. for example, some stands are named after the major arcana in the tarot deck and ninety percent comes from a song name or a band name!" he explained.

"So i should rename my stand?" You asked. "No! nothing like that... Maybe add onto it. His name is Zero right?" You nodded as you looked at him with your eyebrows furrowed. think of a song with the name zero, and another word." He said "Like the song-"

"Zero percent..." you interrupted him. "I'll name him Zero Percent." Joseph quirked an eyebrow in confusion "What band is that?" he asked and your eyes widen but slowly died back down. 

"Its not a band, its a song by a band." You spoke. "I don't blame you though the song is pretty underrated." you said. He looked at you waiting for you to tell him the band name. "Its by a band called My Chemical Romance, doubt you ever heard of them." you said. his eyebrows furrowed. 

"Nope... Never heard of them.." he said. you sighed "I bet Jotaro knows." you said and crossed your arms. 

"Knows what?"

'Speak of the devil...'

"My Chemical Romance." you said as you turned around to see him with a cigarette in his mouth. "Who doesn't know Mcr...?" he took the cigarette out of his mouth.

"Thats what im saying!" you stood up and Zero, or Zero Percent dematerialized. "Ignore him, his music taste is awful." Josephs Jaw dropped and he looked extremely offended. "I'll have you know that I have exquistie music taste!" Silence fell.

"Yeah right..." Jotaro spoke and threw his cigarette out in the grass. "Lets go Y/n it's almost twelve o'clock." He spoke then walking back into the house right after. You looked at Jospeh before you followed Jotaro "Night Joseph." You said. He waved and watched both you and jotaro enter the house.

You yawned and rubbed your eyes as both you and Jotaro walked down the same hallway. Jotaro found his room and stopped. You stopped with him and his eyes squinted. "My moms room is that way." he told you as he pointed further down the hallway. "I know, i just wanted to say good night Kujo." you smiled with your arms crossed. You could see his eyes light up before he looked down. 

"Night Y/n.." he said before entering his room. After seeing that he left you went back to Holly's room. you slowly turned the door knob and slowly entered the room. You turned around to carefully shut the door and then you turned around only to see Holly sitting in the corner of her room in a comfy looking rocking chair with a coffee table next to it and a lamp on top.

"O-oh, heyyyy." you dragged out. Holly looked up at you and smiled. "Hey Y/n!" you smiled and waved erratically. "It's almost twelve, i was worried about you..."

"Oh don't worry, I just went to get some fresh air." you told her. she stood from her chair. "Do i need to adjust the air conditioning?" she genuinly asked you, starting to walk to the door. "No no, its fine, just. hard to get comfortable." you said.

she stood there for a while, looking deep in thought. "I'll tell you what.." She then grabbed one pillow from her bed. "You can sleep in here for tonight." she smiled. 

"Where will you sleep?" You asked. She just smiled and opened up the door. "I'll figure something out." she closed the door, leaving you in the room only illuminated by the corner lamp.

You then started to feel bad. you went to turn off the lamp and made your way to Holly's queen size bed and crawled under the comforter. You yawned and your eyelids fell heavy. you didn't realize how tired you were until now. Sleep finally pulling you into its hold.

End of Chapter 12

btw sorry it took forever to upload this chapter, the end of the school year has been kicking me in the ass with final exams and trying to pull up my grades, but finally its summer time and maybe i can get a few more chapters in. Plus writers block has beed a bitch, so yeah...

I love you guys!!!!!

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