(5) Stand Arrow (5)

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7:02 AM

You woke up to your mom calling your name and throwing a pillow at you. "Y/n wake up, your friends are here."

"What?!" You mumbled out as you sat up. "Get up ready for school! Your friends are waiting for you outside!" You mom said finally before she left your room, closing the door behind her.

'friends? What friends?' You thought before you sat up and started changing into your uniform.

Once you were dressed, you exited your room only to see Kakyoin and Jotaro sitting in your living room having a chat with your mom.

"What are you guys doing here!?!" You asked in shock, making all three turn around to face you.

"we came to walk with you to school." Kakyoin said. Your mom looked at you with a smirk.

"I didn't know you had two boyfriends!" She smiled playfully. "There's a reason god gave you two holes!"

"Ew mom, please shut up! I don't like them like that!" You cringed as you put on your shoes.

"You and Jotaro are both so disrespectful to your mothers!" You glared at Kakyoin and he giggled.

"Good grief...." Jotaro scoffed as he lowered his hat. "Tell me about it..." You rolled your eyes.

The two boys stood up and began to follow you out of your front door. "Have fun at school!" You mom said.

You ignored her and closed the front door after both Kakyoin and Jotaro came out.

"Your family genes are strong Y/n, your moms beautiful." Kakyoin spoke.

"Thanks, I guess." You said. "How old is she?" He asked.

"Oh shes Thirty nine." You told him. "She looks so young." He said. The conversation then fell silent.

"you know, you and Jotaro are just alike. From the way you guys act at school, to the way you act at home." Kakyoin spoke up again.

"Yo Kakyoin, I never noticed you had cherry earrings?!" He looked at you for a second before he smiled. "Cherries are me favorite fruit!"

"Cherries are decent, but I like (favorite/ fruit)!" Kakyoin Giggled. "No way! Cherries are better!"

"You guys can stop flirting now, we're at school.." Jotaro spoke up.

"Oh shut up! We weren't even flirting your just jealous." You rolled your eyes.

Jotaro scoffed. "Good grief.." He lowered his hat.

"well, I'll see you guys at lunch I guess.." You said before you left the two boys. "See ya later y/n!" Kakyoin waved.

Jotaro watched as you walked off. He felt something in him. He couldn't explain it. It was like a stomach cramp... But in a good way?

It was strange.

11:33 AM

you got your bento, thankful that you didn't have to fight anyone today. You hated missing lunch.

'Bastards are trying to mess up my eating schedule...' You cursed in your head, making your way to the rooftop.

You sat down and opened your lunch, your stomach growling in the process. You were in the middle of taking a bite of your teriyaki chicken, you heard the door open.

You looked up only to see Jotaro. He looked around before he spotted you. "Yo..." He spoke.

"Sup Kujo..." You said as you took a bite of your chicken. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You seen Kakyoin?" He asked.

" ah, I woo've sumed ee woo've been wift ou.." You said as you chewed your food.

"What?? Swallow your food... Good grief...."

"I said, Nah, I would've assumed he would've been with you." You said as you swallowed your food.

"He left class a while ago and never came back." He said, finally taking a seat next to you.

"mmh, okay..." You said, still eating your food. "Where is your lunch?" You asked him.

"Don't have any.. Not hungry.."

"You sure?" I asked and he nodded lowering his hat.

You then took out a napkin placing half of your sushi and Chicken on there with an extra pair of chopsticks, scooting the napkin towards him.

"I said I wasn't hungry.." He said as he glared daggers into you.

"Do I look like I give a shit?"

"Your going to end up getting into the habit of not eating then your going get all scrawny and skinny and you're gonna starve to death.." You said glaring right back at him.

"Why do care?" He said as he lowered his hat and picked up the napkin.

"Why are you sitting next to me?" You asked and he said nothing as he staring to eat the food you gave him.

"I hate your smart mouth..."

"okay edge lord.. Everyone hates everything about me.." You said that last part to yourself.

"What?" Jotaro asked. "Oh... Nothing important.." You said.

In truth, Jotaro heard what you said. That same cramp from earlier struck him.

Zero came out and poked your shoulder. You turned to face him. He slightly pouted and pointed to your sushi.

You sighed with a small smile and gave him the sushi and he ate it happily. You rubbed his head and continued to eat.

Jotaro watched the scene. 'Everyone hates everything about me...' He repeated in his head, eating the last piece of food that that was on the napkin.

You felt Jotaro's eyes on you and you turned to look at him. "What?!" You asked. Jotaro took a glance at your bento and his eyebrows furrowed.

You looked where he was looking only to see that the rest of your food was gone. You turned around seeing Zero stuffing his face.

"you-..... UGHHH." You threw your box on the ground. Zero had a wide toothy smile. And Jotaro's lips slightly curled up.

3:44 PM

"Jotaro! Finally your home! Kakyoin is here aswell!" Holly Jotaro's mother chimed.

"really? Where is he?" He asked her. "In the Study with papa and Mr. Avdol." She told him.

"Thanks.." He said as he made his way to the study.

"Kakyoin..." He said, entering the study. "Oh..Heyyyyy Jotaro.." He smiled.

"Why'd you leave school early??" Jotaro asked.

"Oh, I ran into a enemy stand user." Kakyoin said.

"Enemy stand user? But we defeated Dio??" Jotaro spoke.

"Yeah, apparently they earned their power with an arrow. They were trying to go after y/n, but I defeated him with Heirophant green."

"Wait.. Did you say y/n??" Avdol spoke. Joseph gasped a little. "You don't think?"

"Jotaro, do you know her last name?" Avdol asked. Jotaro shook his head. "I don't either, why?" Kakyoin said.

"I think that might be my....."

End of chapter 5

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