(2) how can one be so weak? (2)

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7:21 AM

You were in the middle of putting on your school uniform before your mom called you down for breakfast.

"Coming mom!" You said as you put on your knee-high socks. After getting completely dressed, you ran downstairs.

You, mom, sat at the dining table with a cup of coffee in her hand while reading the newspaper in the other.

Your mom knew about your Guardian spirit. When you first discovered him when he had punched that guy, your mom thought you were crazy so she put you in a mental institution for a good two weeks.

When you were in there you kinda bonded with your spirit. Once you got let out, you showed your mom what Zero could do. She was scared when he lit 5 candles on fire.

She slowly started to accept Zero and Believe that he was there.

"Using your spirit to do your chores, I'm disappointed.." She scoffed while rolling her eyes.

"I swear he pushed me into my room and did it all on his own!" You protested but she just laughed. "Whatever you say..."

You and your mom were like best friends, you didn't have friends at school since they were all intimidated by you, so the only people you could talk to was Zero and your mom.

After you finished eating you went to the door and slipped on your sneakers. "If you get into a fight again today I'm sending you back to the mental hospital..." Your mom said in a joking tone.

"Therapy is already bad enough mom.." You told her before you left. "I love you, don't stress yourself," you told her before you left the house.

Your mom had a small smile on her face after you left. "I love you too..." She whispered.

7:43 AM

You were at your locker changing into your loafers before your... Accomplice... Approached you.

"Sup Yuko..." You said. He was the one who arranged your fights, you weren't really friends just accomplices.

"Yeah, Um today at lunch Kazuko is back for redemption..." Yuko told you.

"I just beat his crooked tooth ass last week and he wants more... Ugh give me a break..." You groaned in annoyance.

He always tried hitting on you and you tried to ignore it until he started hitting on you in front of the whole school, including his girlfriend. So that day you beat him up in front of everybody.

His girlfriend was pissed at the whole situation so the next day you had to fight her. Kazuko was pissed that you beat up his girlfriend which was the fight you had with him Friday of last week.

Now he wants more... "Sorry Y/n..." Yuko apologize. You waved your hand in front of you.

"Don't apologize for the bullshit he caused." You told him. He simply nodded and went about his day.

You sighed and closed your locker and headed for class. On the way, you could already hear the squeals of the JoJo fan club.

'Fuck my life....' You growled as you put in headphones and pressed play on your mp3 player. You then put your hands in your skirt pocket and marched to class angrily.

Meanwhile, Jotaro's trying to get through the crowd of squealing girls which pissed him off.

There was a girl who started to cling onto his arm, which pissed I'm off if that was even possible.

"Get the Hell off me bitch!" He yelled as he tried to pry her off.

"Jojo! Let me walk you to class!!"

// Psycho //  Jotaro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now