(17) Leave (17)

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A/N: sorry y'all, the first part of this chapter will be a little boring but i needed a filler that'll lead up to the next events, i'm really sorry if im boring you guys.


Today you were hanging with your therapist. You've always checked yourself in so it was fine that you went without your mom.  You sat in the waiting room with your book bag next to your legs. you had your homework out trying to start it since you came here straight after school and you didn't want to deal with it when you got to Polnareff's house.

Once they called your name and took you to your room, you sat down on the couch and waited for your therapist to arrive. When she came, there was a stressed toy in her hand. She walked towards you and gave you the stress toy. She went and sat in her chair with her clipboard and pen. "So Y/n, how have you been?" she asked. "more or less.... could be better?" you responded, as you looked down at your hands and squished the toy.

"Why have you been feeling like this?" She asked. "It's hard to explain... A few weeks ago, i met these people, I absolutely hated them at first, but i've grown really fond of them... Because i found out who my dad was and the truth about his and my mothers relationship." you started.

"Thats great! Hows your relationship with your father?" She asked as she started to scribble on her clipboard. "I mean, it's alright i guess... It's awkward as hell to say the least." you told her. "Any about your friends?" she brung up again. 

"Well, one of my friends, He's the Popular guy at school, and all the girls love him right. The other one not that popular, and way nicer than the popular one. The nice one takes us to the skating rink and we're all having good time, but the mean one didn't decide to skate so he sat down, and a girl from school approches him, I noticed he was hella uncomfortable, so i go and deal with it and scare her off and after that he's been totally pissed at me. He hates people other than his best friend." you finished.

"May i asked exactly what you did to scare her away?" She asked you. You took a deep breath and started to squeeze and play with the stress toy in your hand. "I slapped her." you said calmly. 

"Y/n you can't just slap people!" she scolded. "I know but you gotta understand..." You tried to defend yourself. "Enlighten me." 

"Well remember how i used to always complain about JoJo?" She nodded and you took a deep breath before explaining. "Well, he's my friend now." you could see her smile just the slightest bit. "He absoulutely hates when the girls are all over him, it pisses him off, and we were in public so he couldn't do anything. So i dealt with her, Mind you this girl tried to gang up on me!"

"Why'd she gang up on you?" She scribbled on her clipboard some more and looked your way. "She was mad because me and Jotaro fought and i won, and she and four other girls decided to beat me up for it but lets be real, no one can beat me!" you smiled brightly before going back into a rant.

"Anyways, After slapping her at the skating rink, JoJo has just been a prissy bitch, he's been ignoring me and his best friend to hang with that racist dick riding ass hoe." You cursed as you started to squeeze the stress ball harder. "Y/n your language is getting a little too Vulgar." She said, you calmed down just the slightest as you looked up at her. "Sorry." you apologized simply.

"Why do you think he's acting like this?" she asked you. "I dont know, Maybe he doesn't want to hang out with the brown girl anymore." you shruggedd sadly. "I'm sure thats not the reason he stop hanging out with you.." she tried reassure you. you rolled your eyes. "Well what other reasons are there?" You asked only for her to shrug.

"I think that will be your homework until the next time i see you!" you raised your eyebrow, not knowing what you meant. "Me personally, I think you should talk with him about it." She said. You shook your head. "No, he'll beat me up." 

"Didn't you say you beat him before?" She asked as she confusingly scribbled on her clipboard again. "Yeah, but you don't understand, It's a button inside that guy that i don't even want to press." She then raised an eyebrow and bit the tip of her pen. 

"Why did you and Jotaro get into a fight?" You paused for a second trying to make up a semi lie. "Uh, I don't remember, i think it was to see how strong i was or something. He had forfeit so i technically won." you said as you slightly shurgged your shoulders while sqeezing the stress ball a little.

"And after that you two became friends?" you nodded your head, and she sighed while rubbing the back of her head. "Anyways, i ran away from home."


Walking out of the therapist office with a big sigh. You were startled when a pair of hands grabbed your wrist. You jumped and tried to get out of the strangers hold, until they spoke. "Y/n L/n you stop it!" It was your mom. "What do you want from me!" 

"I want you to tell me where your father is!" She demanded as she came to a hault. "I don't know where he is!" you said. It was a semi lie. You knew the last place you saw him, but you weren't sure if he was still there.

"Where was the last place you see him then?" She asked. You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Why do you want to know?" you questioned. She rolled her eyes getting irritated with you. "Just answer the question now y/n...." You groaned, you really didn't want to tell her but what else were you going to do? Whip out your stand and burn her? No, she was still your mother. 

"God fucking dammit.... follow me.." you loudly groaned and complained as you started to make your way to the Kujo residence, hoping and praying that your father wasn't there.

once you were there, she banged on the door multiple times until it opened up, revealing Joseph Joestar. "M/n?? The hell are you doing here?" He spoke. "Where the hell is Muhammad?"  She demanded. You and Joseph locked eyes, all you did was shrug your shoulders. Nothing came out of his mouth yet it hung open.

"Who's at the door?" You heard Holly's voice from inside. "Uh, It's just Y/n!" he spoke as he looked behind him and looked back at your mom. "Could you just quiet down!" He scolded your mom in a whisper. She rolled her eyes not caring what so ever. "I'll show you where he is, just dont get to loud. Y/n, You can go hang out with Jotaro." he said as he opened the door wider for the two of you to enter.

They went down a hallway and you tried to find your way to Jotaro's room. Once you found his room, You knocked on the door. You heard shuffling and saw the knob turning. The door cracked open and you met with his ocean blue eyes, your hearts pace quickened. His eyes turned dark, "The fuck are you doing here?" He spoke lowly.  You heard a familiar, irritating voice behind him. "Who is it JoJo?" he looked back "Don't worry about it." He looked back you and glared. "Leave." He simply said to you before closing the door. "Jotaro Kujo! Come out and talk to me!" you said as you reciprocated your moms actions from earlier, banging on his door until he opens back up.

He opened the door, this time stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him. He then bent over just a little to look you directly in your eyes. You could see that something wasn't right. "There is nothing to talk about, especially with you, now leave." His low voice resonated thoughout the silent hall. You looked at him, you saw something stick out from his right ear. 

'Kakyoin was right, this isn't Jotaro...' You looked him directly in the eyes and noticed the tiniest glint. You took your hand and placed it on his cheek, his eye twitched just the slightest. He glared at you and swiped your hand off of his face, lowering his hat as your hand fell to your side. "Goodbye JoJo." you said as you turned around, Now going to find Holly.

She wasn't in the kitchen as she usually was, though there was something boiling on the stove. You then hear a Multiple knocks on the front door followed by a strong male voice. "Police department!" 

You saw Holly rush from the Hallway and answered the door, and pointed towards where she came from, two police officers went and followed where she pointed. Holly saw you from the corner of her eyes, She approched you and sat you down on the nearest chair. 

"Honey, can i speak to you about your mother?" She asksed you. You nodded trying to prepare for what she was about to say.

"Your mother has had a warrant out for her arrest since before you were born, and now she's serving some time in prison."

End of Chapter 17

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