(16) Not JoJo (16)

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You still had that sinking feeling in your stomach as you began making your way to your locker, where Kakyoin already stood. "Hey Kakyoin." You gave him a simple smile as you opened your locker to get your lunch box. "Hey y/n, how you doing?" he asked as he watched you dig into your locker. "I'm alright. could be better." You spoke, whispering that last part to yourself, Kakyoin humming to himself. 

"Listen Y/n.... JoJo isn't himself, ever since the skating rink, JoJo isn't JoJo." Kakyoing spoke meanwhile you slammed your locker shut. He was right. That wasn't the JoJo that you knew. "Well JoJo can kiss my ass...." You told him blatantly as you started to walk away.

"But y/n you cant just-"

"Cant what? If Jotaro wants to hang out with the cool preppy popular kids its not my problem..." you said as you turned to Kakyoin. "I'm sorry Kakyoin, but you can't help anyone who doesn't want to be helped."  You say finally before turning back around. 

Kakyoin felt dejected as he watched you walk away. He felt as if everything had fallen apart. Jotaro hadn't spoken to the either of you today, and he didn't no why, and neither did you. All you knew was that if Jotaro had chosen this path, then there was no point in trying to knock him off of that path.

You knew that everyone was going to be eating their lunch outside, thus how it was back when you used to fight. You just figured they haven't broken out of that habit yet. You decided to eat lunch in the building. As you were looking to find a spot to eat your lunch, you passed by the media center and saw familliar jet black hair. 

You stopped to take a better look and saw that Jotaro and the same girl from the skating rink sitting there, She was feeding him and they looked at each other lovingly. She had a big bright smile on her face and Jataro chewed the food she fed him with a light stoic expression. Softer than the stoic face that he'd had when he looked at you or Kakyoin.

Your heart thumped against your chest. You could hear it beating in your ears as your palms got sweaty. you looked down at your feet as you blindlessly started to walk off. This feeling was so weird to you. Your stomach twirled and your mind was foggy.

Your eyes burned as you kept walking, suddenly being met with a body. "I'm so sorry!" you spoke as you stumbled back a little. "Woah, you okay?" You look up only to see Yuko. He grabbed your shoulders to stabilize you a little. "Sorry..." you apologized again.

He could obviously tell that you were disturbed. "Are you okay?" he asked again. You nodded as you swallowed a lump that welled in your throat, not looking him in the eye. "Come on." he said as he put your hand on your back and led you to an empty class room. he sat you down in a chair, bringing another chair in front of you so he could sit down.

He looked in his bag, which he didn't put up, and got out a water bottle, handing it to you. You took it and thanked him, twisting the cap off and chugging it down. it was almost empty when you took the bottle of water off your face and placed it on the table. You exhaled deeply as you looked down at your hands, that were placed in your lap.

Yuko place his hand on your arm and you took another deep breath. 'Why did i react like that?' you asked yourself. "Thanks for the water Yuko, and yeah i'm fine, just anxiety." You said with a smile. His face got red and he let go of your arm. "I'm glad you're okay now!" he smiled. He took out his lunch box. You put your lunch box on the table that sat in front of you and opened it up. You both ate in a comfortable silence.

"Hey Yuko?" You spoke up, breaking the silence that was in the class room. He looked up at you and quirked up his eyebrow. You opened your mouth to speak but you couldn't really find the words. You shut your mouth and shook your head. "Nevermind, sorry." You said as you continued to eat. He looked at you in worry as you ate.

"Is this about what happened with the blonde chick?" He spoke. Your heart quickened. 'was he at the skating rink too?'

"How do you know about that?" You asked him with a confused look. Yuko's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you. "Y/n You fought her last week, remember?" He said as he placed his lunch box on the desk behind him. 'Oh...' 

"Oh that? yeah im fine, its not about that!" You tried to laugh it off but he caught you off gaurd when he grabbed your hands. "Y/n you can talk to me. We're still friends despite not fighting anymore." You sighed. "I'm fine!" you said as you looked him in the eyes and gave him a big smile, slowly pulling your hands away from his.

You stood up and grabbed your lunch box. "I think i should go." You said as you gave him a little smirk before walking off and exiting the class room. You felt bad for leaving him alone, but you didn't want to worry him with your stupid emotions. You didn't even finish your food when you put your lunch box back into your locker. The Halls were still a little empty so you went and sat under the stairwell until the bell rung, leaving you with just your thoughts.


You were making your way out of the school building until you felt your bicep being grabbed and you starting to be dragged. "Don't try to resist Y/n its just me." You heard that familliar soft voice of Kakyoin. He dragged you by a nearby bench and sat you down.

"What is it?" You asked, knowing that it was going to be about Jojo. "The Girl Jojo was hanging with-" 'here we go....' "-Wasn't she the same girl you fought last week?" he asked simply. You nod your head and he opens his mouth to ask another question. "She has a stand right?" You nod again and look at him. "Do you remember what stand it was?" 

"I don't know! it was some kind of rope or something i guess." You said as you shrugged your shoulders. "Well, we need to find out what else her stand can do,Maybe its why JoJo is acting weird." You let out a big sigh. before you felt a presence infront of you. Kakyoin must have felt it too, because he looked up the same time you did.

There she was, the blonde chick. "Kakyoin, what are you doing hanging around the brown girl?" She spoke. Your heart started to pump faster, and Kakyoin's eyebrows furrowed. "Excuse me, but this 'brown girl' is my friend." he said while wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You looked behind her and saw Jotaro behind her waiting, and you could see his eye twitch just the slightest. "Come on~! you can do so much better! come hang out with me and jotaro!" she smirked. 

Kakyoin only pulled you closer and glared at her. "No thanks." He spoke finally. "Lets go!" you heard Jotaros loud voice travel to were you were. The girl looked behind her and smiled. "The offer still stands Kakyoin. I just dont want people to think you're a thug like her!" she smiled before she turned around and left.

You watched as she and Jotaro walked off together, she clinged onto his arm. "I'm so sorry you're being treated this way Y/n.." Kakyoin spoke. You looked up at him, your faces were close but you didn't care. "It's fine. I guess Jotaro didn't want to be friends with a 'thug'. You should save yourself." You told him as your heart began to swell. "Dont say that Y/n!" he said as he started hugging you. "Thats not Jotaro, I know it. He wouldn't stop hanging with someone for ignorant childish reasons such as that." He finished. "Thanks Kakyoin!" you hugged him back.

You both let go of each other and stood up from the bench "Get home safe!" he smiled. at you and waved. 'home! crap i forgot to tell him i ran away!'

You sighed and shrugged your shoulders. Looking back you smiled and waved at him, him waving back. 'i'll just tell him tomorrow...'

End of Chapter 16

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