(29) I Don't Know (29)

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-Kakyoin's Point of View-

I got up extra early today since it was test day for math, and math was supposed to be the hardest test. I wanted to get to school a little early so I had time to study for a little while before the test. As I was finishing up showering, I quickly dried up and put on my school uniform and got ready to make some toast as a quick breakfast. 

Making sure that I had everything I needed for school today. Once I was ready, I left the house and made my way to Jotaro's house so we can walk to school like we normally do.

It doesn't take that long to walk to Jotaro's house and his house is on the way to the school. Once I made it there, I knocked on the door, being met with Holly in her apron, per usual. When i get there Holly is always cooking breakfast. "Hey, Kakyoin! You're here quite early!" she smiled as she opened the door wider for me to enter. I enter the home and made my way to the seating room where I usually sit when I wait for Jotaro. "Yeah, I just wanted to be a little early."

"Well he should be in his room getting ready, Tell him that breakfast is almost ready." she told me, flashing her bright smile before she turned back to finishing breakfast. I made my way to Jotaro's door and knocked on it. 

I waited for an answer but there was no answer. I was convinced that he was just in his bathroom trying to finish getting ready. I knocked again to make sure he heard me but again, there was no answer.

I placed my hand on the doorknob and turned it. it was unlocked and when I lightly swung it open, I didn't see him on his bed, but it looked freshly made. I went to feel the bed as I made my way to the bathroom. The bed felt cold like it hasn't slept in all night. I knocked on the bathroom door while calling out his name. "Jotaro?"

no answer.

I didn't hear the shower or sink running. 'Did he leave without me?'  i left the room and made my way to the kitchen. "Hey Kakyoin, did you tell him?" I shook my head. "I think he already left, I'll just go to school!" I said as I waved to her while making my way to the door. "Okay then, See ya!" she waved back. I opened the door and started to exit, as I exit I could hear Mr. Joestar yawning in the distance.

i closed the door and started to walk to school. I can't help but think about why he'd leave without me. It doesn't seem like Jotaro goes to school early, especially without me, so I was left wondering if he actually went to school or if he's somewhere skipping.

I decided to just forget about it for the time being. If I didn't see him at school, I'll worry later. Once I did arrive at school, I was surprised that more people came early than I expected. I made my way to my locker and got my books, making my way to my class straight after. Some people decided to roam the school for the time being and other people like me decided to settle down and study for a bit.

I sat down and opened my textbook and got out a calculator until someone snatched it from me and threw it at the wall. I turned and looked up only to see that it was one of the blonde girl's friends. "Where the hell is my friend!" she seethed. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.." I lied "You know exactly what I'm talking about. where is Chuya!" she raised her voice, pushing my text book off the desk. "Look miss, I don't think there is any need for the hostility. I'm sure your friend is okay, she's probably just sick.."

She didn't believe me. "Look, My best friend has been absent for the same amount of time you and JoJo's little dog have been absent, and I know she's not sick because I've been to her house and her parents don't know where she is... it was like they forgot about her."

"It's not my problem! Your friend tried to Kill both y/n and JoJo, so whatever happened to her, she probably deserved it." I told her calmly, knowing full well that she was in the care of the Speedwagon foundation. You could see fear reside within her eyes. "What happened to her..." she asked in a low tone of voice, anger seething out from between her teeth. 

"I don't know..." I said as I looked her dead in the eyes. She then raised her hand above her head as if she'd slap me in the face, but the bell had rung. It pissed me off because I wanted to spend those few minutes studying and not arguing with an angry chia pet.

-Jotaro's POV-

I didn't realize I was asleep until I woke up. I look to my side to see Y/n hugging my arm. 'How the hell did this happen?'  with my free hand, I rub my eyes and look at the clock on the wall. 8:01. I'm late for school. I didn't really care since I usually skip school anyways.

I manage to wrangle my arm out of Y/n's hold and get out of bed to stretch. I sat back down on the bed and slightly turned my body to face Y/n. I shook her a little trying to wake her up. i could see her shuffling from under the covers. she turned around and lifted herself up with her arms. "What?" she asked in a tired sleepy tone. "You feeling better?" I asked. She turned around to sit upright and hugged her knees.

"I wanna go homee." she said, her voice cracking a little. I rubbed her back trying to comfort her. "I don't want to be in this place any longer.." she said. "I know you don't, I'll try to work something out with the doctor alright." I told her trying to reassure her. She nodded her head. "I'll be back tomorrow. you should get yourself some breakfast." I said before I stood up. She watched as I grabbed my jacket and walked out of the door. 

I walked to the receptionist's desk and I was immediately accommodated. "Hi, how may I help you today?" they asked. "I just want to know when Y/n L/n will be able to get discharged.." I asked. they nodded before starting to type on their keyboard. "She'll be discharged a week from now." they told me. "Do you have any more questions?" 'A week is absurd.'  i thought.  "Is there a way that she'd be able to get discharged?" I asked. That's when they started to look a little confused. 

"Sorry sir, you're going to ask her doctor about that." they told me. I sighed. "Well can you call her doctor to come here, like now?" they nodded before they started typing on the keyboard and then going to the desk phone. They told the doctor exactly what I asked him. To be here right now, but they said that it was urgent so that the doctor could come a little quicker.

the doctor eventually came and was surprised to see that I was here. "Ah, Mr. Kujo, what brings you here so early in the morning, isn't it school hours?" he asked. "Mind your business your not my parent." I snapped. "I was just going to ask you if Y/n could be discharged either today or tomorrow." I asked. 

"Oh um... Today isn't possible because we're still working on things like finding out an actual cure and creating medications for this particular virus." he explained. the word 'virus' caught me off guard. "What do you mean virus?" I asked. 

"Oh- uh- well... We don't know if it's for sure a virus, disease, some everyday sickness, etcetera, but all of her symptoms are leading more towards the virus side, but don't worry young man, it's ninety-eight percent curable." he explained. "So, when will she be discharged?"

"The soonest she can be discharged is tomorrow, or the morning after tomorrow, it just depends on what all we get done today." he explained once again. "Well go and hurry up with the shit you're doing, I'm leaving but I'll be back tomorrow." I said as I turned around, beginning to find my way out of the large building. 'Kakyoin is gonna be pissed I didn't show up...'

End of Chapter 29

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