(23) Not Just Your Friend (23)

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5:21 PM

-Jotato's Point of View-

It was now Friday, the end of the week and Y/n still hadn't woke up. The Speedwagon foundation had told us that they were going to let us know when we were able to see Y/n, since they were still running test and making sure they know how to treat the sickness if we had got it. Chuya still hadn't confessed what her stand was truly capable of, and so we were also still waiting for that. Kakyoin was with me studying for an upcoming test we had Monday.

We were studying for the history portion of our test, reading the textbook and asking questions we didn't know the answers to. We sat in silence for a moment before Kakyoin spoke. "Do you think Y/n will wake up soon?" I paused before i thought about the question. I was caught off gaurd for a second but i managed to answer the question. "She's strong." i started off. "Whatever internalized battle she's going through im sure she'd win."

Kakyoin took in what i said before he lightly smiled and looked back down at his history book. It was obvious that Kakyoin and everyone else was worried that Y/n might not make it and i tried to mask my worry. I knew that if everyone seen that i was worried, they'd loose hope. I tried acting as if i didn't really care if she was in a miniature coma, i avoided asking questions even though it was eating me alive.

Suddenly there was a knock at my door, and then it opened. "Hey kiddos." The old man started. "I just got a call from the Speedwagon foundation. They said that Chuya was willing to confess what her Stand was really Capable of, but she wants to tell Jotaro and Jotaro only." he told us. Me and Kakyoin shared looks before i pulled my hat down. "When?" i asked.

"They told me that she said anytime was okay." I closed my textbook and stood up, putting it away in my bag. "Tell Mom to let them know were on our way." I motioned Kakyoin to stand up, and he did after closing his text book and putting it in his bag that was just right next to him. The old man left the room for a second to tell Mom what i said and grabbing his car keys. While he was getting his keys, me and Kakyoin headed outside and waited for him to come outside which didn't take him that long. Me and Kakyoin both entered the back seat while Pops sat in the driver seat and started the car, Driving off to the Speedwagon Headquarters.

once we arrive we all got out the car and entered the Building, We were immediatly accommodated by one of the workers and they took us to the solitary part of the building. We then entered a room with chairs lined up against a wall and it faced towards another wall that was made completely out of unbreakable oneway glass. On the other side of the glass it look to be like an interrogation room. Both Kakyoin and Pops sat down in the chairs that were lined up against the wall, and i entered the interrogation room and sat in the chair. On the opposite side i entered from, another worker brung in Chuya. She enterd the room in a blue jumpsuit and handcuffs that covered her entire hand, along with handcuffs around her ankels.

"Don't worry about her trying to use her stand, we gave her a vaccine that surpresses her stand from manifesting, though you should be quick cause it only last ten to thirty minutes." The worker told me. I responded by pulling my hat down. They let her seat out so she could sit down, exiting the room afterwards.

"Hey JoJo~, long time no see~!" she spoke. The way she said those words were sickening, "Don't bullshit me, tell me whats going on." i gritted through my teeth. "Eager aren't we~!"

"Look JoJo...All I'm going to say is that my stand is emotion based. My stand feeds off of its hosts aggression, lust, sadness, passion. Whenever you'd get angry it only made me stronger." She explained. I wasn't satisfied with just that much information. I wanted to know why it'd kill me, why it's trying to kill Y/n. "Look, i suggest you give me more information, or I'll kill you right now..." I seethed. I could see a smile growing on her face and her eyes travel up and down my body. "Calm down babe~, I'll get to that~!" She spoke in a flirtatious tone. "Shut the hell up bitch and tell me what's going on with Y/n!" i yelled.

She only giggled at my outburst and leaned back into the chair that she was sitting in. "You're really something else Kujo~! You're the reason Y/n's like that...." You could see her face contort from flirtatious to disgust as she finished talking. I raised my eyebrow, signaling her to keep explaining. "The hell do you mean by that?" i asked as i grew impatient. "Fine.... I'll just explain my intentions. God you're so impatient JoJo~!" she smirked. The more she tried flirting, the more I've been provoked to slap the shit out of her.

"My intentions were to make you fall in love with me JoJo... Because i'm in loveee with you~! and the more you strayed awayy, the more the rope around your spinal cord would tighten. Once you fell in love with me, the rope would untie itself." She explained. It took me a while to process what she said. Even though i was used to women ''falling in love'' with me, it has now reached a whole new level of low. But how does this all relate to what is happening with Y/n? "One, Why would you try and kill me if you 'loved me', and Two, how the hell does that relate to what happened to Y/n?" i asked.

"Oh, JoJo~! don't be oblivious now. If there was a chance that i couldn't have you, then Y/n isn't going to have you...." i raised my eyebrows in confusion, still not seeing how this relates to Y/n. "God JoJo, you really are obsessed with this girl, and for what? what does she have that i don't?" she pouted. "Just tell me what the hell is going on you fucking bitch...."

"You're fucking inlove with Y/n you jackass....." she voiced out. "That's why she's fucking sick. My stand functions even if I'm unconscious, and it follows my intentions. So it had the opportunity to kill her. The sickness that you were supposed to have after you broke from my possession, it transferred to her. All because you decided to fall in love with her and not me....."

'what?' "I want you to love me JoJo, but you love her..... and as long as you're alive, i wont allow her to live....." she said as a tear rolled down the side of her face.

"I don't understand why the hell you're trying to play the victim you stupid bitch! and i'm NOT in love with Y/n she's my fucking friend!!" i shouted as i rose from my seat with anger coursing through every vein in my body. "Deny it all you want JoJo! i know you're in love with her! And i AM the victim cause you love playing with a girls feelings!" she spoke as more tears poured out of her eyes. "She's not just your goddamn friend JoJo, and you know it."

I aggressively pushed in the chair and walked out the room. I was greeted by Kakyoin and my Old man. They stood up looking as confused as ever. "What happened?" they both asked me in Unison. "Lets just go the fuck home......."I spoke in a low but aggressive tone as i pushed the other door open. They shared looks but then quickly followed me out of the building.

End of Chapter 23

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