(8) dont deserve them (8)

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11:55 AM (Same day)

You were grabbing your bookbag and you were planning on leaving school. After you got all your belongings you didn't even go and get your shoes from the locker.

You passed the front office as you made your way out of the school building. Your eyes started getting blurry and you felt your throat get sore.

Tears pricked down the side of your face. You angrily stomped down the street as you didn't dare let out a sob.

'how dare she mention my dad...' You thought. You harshly wiped off the tears speeding up your pace
Finally arriving at your house, you didn't see a car in the drive way so your mom was probably at work. You stomped in your room throwing down your bookbag and curling in a fetal position on your bed.

Zero appeared and tried to calm you, but it didn't work. It made you cry even more. Then you started thinking back to your childhood.

Not only did you get bullied for being unattractive, but you also got bullied for not having a dad.

'I'm weak....'

You kept beating yourself up and saying it was your fault your dad left. It was your fault your mom was single. Everything was your fault.

Suddenly you heard your room door open. Zero disappeared and you didn't bother look back. You didn't care about anything anymore.

"Y/n?" You heard Kakyoin's voice. You wiped your tears and tried to stop your sobs but they just wouldn't stop.

You then felt you beg get weighed down. "Nice room..." You heard Jotaro's voice. "Why are you crying?" Kakyoin asked.

You didn't say anything as you just sniffed. "Why are you guys here?" Your voice cracked.

"to check on you dumbass, what was that out there??" Jotaro said.

You sat up, sitting next to Jotaro and pulling your knees to your chest. Kakyoin sat next to you and rubbed your back. "Its gonna be okay.."

"Hey Kakyoin, go and cook something, I'll fix up her wounds.." Jotaro said as the both of them began to stand up.

You rubbed your remaining tears as they started to slow down a little. Jotaro came back with a first aid kit.

You wiped your remaining tears as Jotaro crouched down in front of you and opened the kit. He took out a cotton ball and poured a little bit of peroxide on it.

He placed his hand under your face and turned your head and began wiping the scar that was near your eye.

You winced as the peroxide stung the open wound. "Not so rough!" You said pushing his hand away.

He scoffed. "Good grief, don't be dramatic, its peroxide its not going to burn...." He said.

You grumbled and rolled your eyes, letting him continue to clean your wounds. You had scrapes and bruises everywhere. On your nose, your jaw, your arms, and on your legs. Your sock and pieces of your shirt tore.

Even though you won the fight —— you didn't feel like a winner. You just wish life went your way.

'Why'd i have to get into fights? Why didn't anyone like me? Why'd i get bullied. Why did my dad have to leave?' You thought as your eyes started to water again.

"Y/n?" Jotaro said, catching your attention. You were so in thought you didn't even realized he had finished cleaning you up.

You your eyes met with his ocean blue ones as a singular tear fell. "You wanna tell me what happened?" He said as he stood up at took a seat next to you.

You sniffed and rubbed the tear away. "Nothing.... She just mentioned my dad..." You said shrugging your shoulders a little.

"Like hell it's nothing... What'd she say?" He asked again, not wanting to repeat himself.

"Fine! She said that she bet my dad would be disappointed and maybe that's why he left..." You repeated the blondes words..

It went silent for a few minutes. "She got what she deserved." Jotaro spoke out. You nodded as you stared out in space. "My dad isn't really in my life either y'know?" He spoke up again.

"Really?" You said as you turned your head to meet his eyes. "I'm sorry..." You said, looking back down.

"Dont be sorry..." He started. "My dad is a jazz musician so he has to travel. Unlike your dad who left you and started a new family." He explained. You sighed.

"Don't start bragging about your dad now..." You began. "Good grief...I wasn't trying to brag."

You lightly chuckled. 'Finally' Jotaros lips slightly curled up. It made him somewhat happy to hear you finally laugh. He pushed down his hat and stood up, rubbing your head in the process.

He went outside to check up on Kakyoin. "Hey what are you making?" Jotaro asked as he took in the smell.

"Uh, Yakitori and steamed rice. By the way did you get Y/n to calm down?" Kakyoin said, Jotaro nodding. "Why was she crying?" Kakyoin asked.

"the blonde girl mentioned that her dad left." Jotaro told the red head. Kakyoin frowned hearing his words.

"The food almost done?" Jotaro asked Kakyoin as he sat down at the dinner table. "Yeah, just give the Yakitori more time to cook."

You then came out of your room in different clothes, sitting next to Jotaro. "Thanks you guys, but you don't have to cook me anything." You said.

"Its fine y/n! Its the least we could do." Kakyoin said as he finally started to put the food on the plates.

"But you don't have to, don't you guys have better things to do than treat me? Plus, Zero's mature enough he can probably cook food and clean wounds!"

"Y/n! Learn to accept people in your life! We do this because we want to, not because we feel like we have to..." Kakyoin said as he placed the plate of meat and rice in front of you.

You sighed. "you guys are too nice..." You said as you started to eat the food Kakyoin had given you.

Kakyoin just simply smiled as he started eating the food as well. "This is really good Kakyoin!" You complimented with a small smile.

"Thank you!" He said. The room went silent as all three of you ate. It was nice.

'I don't deserve them..'

End of chapter 8

(guys omg look how cute this picture is)

(guys omg look how cute this picture is)

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