(18) Who's Steely Dan? (18)

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This chapter i really struggled to write stand instead of quirk, idk whats wrong with me...

(Same Day)

"Your mother has had a warrant out for her arrest since before you were born, and now she's serving some time in prison."

"What did she do?" you asked. Holly simply shrugged her shoulders. "We'll find that out soon, but just try not to worry." She told you while rubbing your back. the noise in the rooms started becoming louder. 

"You should stay for Dinner for tonight, since your other parent is here." she spoke as she went to the boiling liquid on the stove. you nodded and stayed where you sat. "Your father can lift the restraining order so you can legally be around him now." 

"What would my future look like after this?" You asked. Holly lightly sighed with the shrug of her shoulders. "I'm not sure dear." Just as you said that you saw the cops dragging your mother out of the house in hand cuffs, she tried to resist and break out but there was no luck on her side.

The person who you thought you loved turned out to be so evil, you didn't know who to trust anymore. "Do you have a phone i can use?" Just as you asked this, Joseph came in. "Is everyone alright in here?" he asked. As he came out and revealed himself, you saw Jotaro appear next to him, along with the person you dreaded seeing. The blonde girl from the skating rink. "Every thing is fine father, could you take Y/n to a landline?"

Joseph nodded and motioned for you to stand up and follow him. You stood up, following Joseph, Purposefully bumping into the blonde girl with a glare. all she did was smirk as you left the room.

Joseph led you to a hallway that had an accent table with a vase and a picture frame on it. Next to the table had a telephone connected to the wall. "Thanks Joseph!" you smiled. "No problem kiddo!" he smiled back as he walked away. As he walked away you grabbed the phone and dialed Kakyoin's Number. 

The phone rang four times. 'come on Kak, answer the phone....'  the phone was in the middle of ringing one more time before it answered. "Hello?" you heard a familiar voice. "Hey Kakyoin?"

"Thats me." he resonded. "Uh, yeah this is Y/n, and um, what are you doing right now?" you asked him as you were trying to be aware of your surroundings  just to make sure the blonde girl wasn't eavesdropping. "I'm helping my mom cook, why?" 

"Can you give me your address, It's about Jotaro." He gave you his address without any hesitation. You thanked him before you hung up the phone and headed out the door without giving the others in the house a warning.

Once you find out whats going on with Jotaro, you were thinking just maybe you can finally live in peace, and so can your father.


You made it to Kakyoin's house, and he let you in and introduced you to his parents before taking you to his room. You both sat criss cross in the middle of his room. "So whats going on?" Kakyoin asked you. 

"I don't really know, but i was at his house today and i went up close to him and looked him in the eyes, and it was like there was a whole other person there. i also saw some kind thing poking out his ear." you explained.  You then looked at Kakyoin and saw him in a concentrated daze.

"What did this thing look like?" He asked. "You know the girl he's been hanging with right?" you asked him. he answered with a nod. "Well remember when she fought me, and she took hold of me with some kind of rope?" He then nodded again. 

"Well, it kinda looked exactly like that but more tinier and it was sticking out of his ear lobe." you told him, He began to think more. "Could this be a copy of Steely Dan's stand?" Kakyoin spoke under his breath, though, you could hear him. "Who's Steely Dan?" you asked.

"Oh, um, He's an old enemy stand user me and JoJo fought in the past, don't worry about him though!" he reassured you. You shook your head vigorously. "No! cause what if maybe his Stand is related to her stand, and thats how we get Jotaro out of this?" you said. Kakyoin sighs before he begins to speak again. 

"I guess your right..." he said before he went on to explain to you what Steely Dan's stand can do. He explained how he was related to The Lovers card in the tarot deck, and how he had his stand go and infiltrate Josephs brain so whenever pain in inflicted on him, it reciprocates to joseph. He also told you how he had to shrink his stand and attack Steely Dan from Josephs brain. 

You thought of the possiblity of the Girl's stand being like his, or could you pull the rope out of his ear? You didn't know what to think, at this point anything was possible. You were tired of the What if's, you just wanted things to be normal.

You looked down at your fidgeting hands wondering if Jotaro will be alright until you got everything fingued out. Kakyoin grabbed your attention when you noticed him stand up from your peripheral vision. He held his hand out to you and you looked at him. "You should stay for the night." he said. 

'Nows the time to tell him your a temporary orphan now Y/n.' you thought as you grabbed his hand, standing up with the help of him. "About that Kakyoin, i don't have a mother anymore!" you told him with a smile. "Why what happened?" he asked genuinly. "Well, she's kinda had a warrant out for her arrest since before i was even thought of, so there taking her to jail right now and we wont know until we go to court. That will also determine if i go back into avdols custody." You explained to him as you both walked out of his room and into the dining room.

"Oh, I'm sorry this is happening to you. If only i weren't snooping around in your family business." he said as he pushed out a chair for you to sit in. "It's okay Kakyoin! if it weren't for you, I wouldv'e been with Child Protective Services right now, but im here eating dinner with you and your parents!" you said as you smiled at him as he sat down across from you.

He smiled back as his mom started to fill both your plates up with food.

End of Chapter 18

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