(4) The Restroom (4)

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7:33 AM

You arrived at school earlier than you usually do today. Since class didn't start until eight, you sat on top of the roof to wait. You were about to close your eyes until you heard the doors creak open. You shot up into a defensive position, ready to fight.

You stood down once you saw that familiar red hair. You sighed and sat back down. "Oh.. Hey, y/n." He said.

"Hey... Kakyoin right?" He nodded before he sat next to you. "What are you doing up here?" He asked you.

"I could ask you the same thing." You said. He let out a light chuckle before responding. "I was getting fresh air I guess."

"Same." You replied. "So where's your buddy Kujo? I know you didn't come alone."

"Oh he's handling something right now, he told me to just go with out him."

You hummed. "Hey Y/n, I have a question.." He said. "what is it?" You asked before he cleared his throat.

"How come you aren't all over Jotaro like the other girls?"

"Because.. The reason why girls are all of over him is because his looks. They don't want to actually get to know anybody... And I want to get to actually know someone before judging them based off their looks." You started to explain.

"That's how I was picked on in middle school. I was judged off my looks. I didn't look... Beautiful back then, and I was shy, useless, and I couldn't defend myself. I didn't have any friends, and I still dont."

"It was until some guy, tore all of the money I saved up and laughed about it right in my face. That's when I lost all my cool and rocked his shit.. It wasn't until high school, when I had a glow up. Everyone wants me now..." You finished.

"Well I think you look beautiful, and I'm sure you were beautiful back in middle school." He said as he looked at you with a smile.

You looked back at him a small smile appearing on your face, along with a blush. "Thank you!"

"I'm also sorry that happened to you. I'll be more than happy to be friends with you!" He said with a closed eye smile.

"Really?!" You had a shocked expression. He hummed in response. "Okay then!"

"By the way, you remind me of someone I know." He said.

"I do?" You asked and he nodded. "You have similar features as him." He told you.

"Him???" You echoed. "Yeah.. He's a close friend." You slowly nodded.

Before the both of you could get another word out, the bell rang. You both stood up and Kakyoin opened the door for you. He went in right after you did. "See you later Y/n!" He smiled with a little wave.

"I'll see you later too Kakyoin!" You smiled back with a little wave.

As you were walking to your class through the crowd of students, you felt something grab your wrist and drag you backwards.

"What the-" you were dragged into the girls restroom and thrown onto the ground. "The hell???" You said.

"First you hurt Jojo, then you flirt with kakyoin?? Seriously who do you think you are?" A female voice spoke.

You looked up and saw that she had blonde hair and green eyes, with red lipstick and a face full of makeup. She was the same girl from the locker

"Who do you think you are? You really think you can get the best of both worlds? Trust me babe, they do not want you."

// Psycho //  Jotaro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now