(10) Dad (10)

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3:02 PM (Same Day)

School finally let out and you were walking out of your classroom now. first you went to your locker to change your shoes and said a small goodbye to Yuko. Finally being able to go home you exited the school building.

until an hand grabbed your wrist and started to pull you. "What the hell!!!" he grunted trying to escape their hold.

"Chill, its me Kakyoin!" they said stopping and crouching down being a bush, you following suit. "The hell? where were you?" you asked as your were befuddled and disoriented.

"don't worry about where i was, Jotaro will come out soon, come on lets go!" He Urged. "Wait where are we going?!" you asked.

"You'll see when we get there, its a surprise!" he said with a finger pressed against his lip. You Internally Groaned and let him drag you where ever he was taking you. "I swear i'm gonna kick your skinny ass..."

"I'm actually not that skinny, i'm one hundred, forty three pounds." he said as he kept walking. "That doesn't mean shit. that extra weight is added because you have muscles. your legs are built like toothpicks..." you said rolling your eyes.

"That's rude Y/n..." he said as he gave you a little pout and glare. "Whats rude was the fact that you're dragging me somewhere and, that big ass forehead.."  he gasped and grabbed his chest dramatically. 

He extended his arm out towards you and flicked your forehead. "Rude!" He said finally before continuing to drag you to this unknown place. 

He ended up speed walking with you on his back, and once he arrived you hopped off his back and you glared at him. "Really?? my house?"

"Yeah, Go hurry and get like two or three outfits." he said, pushing you closer to the house. "Why?! and What kind of outfit??" you asked as you both entered your house. "I don't know, something to sleep in and something else to go out in, you're having a sleepover!" he said as he smiled like a doofus. 

you glared at him."Dumbass you could've told me that..." you said punching him in the shoulder. "And why'd you try to leave so fast?"

"Because... it a secret..." he said with another dumb smile. You were skeptical, but went and got your clothes anyway. You put all of you clothes and necessities in a little drawstring brag, changing into comfortable in the process. After getting everything you needed, you wrote a note for your mom for whenever she'd come home and wonder were you were.

After getting your stuff and doing everything, you and Kakyoin exited the house. He then hoisted you back onto his back and started going to the next destination. Finally Making it to the house, he stopped and put you down.

"Wow... This house is huge..." you said as you admired the home. "This your house?" you asked him. "Not really... Its a friends house." your eyebrow raised as he grabbed your wrist and started dragging you into the house. After the two of you entered a short blonde woman greeted you. "Oh hey Kakyoin!" she smiled. "Who's This? Your girlfriend?" she asked.

"I could only dream!" he smiled. "She's me and Jotaro's friend, she staying over for a sleepover!" he told her. "Is she Jotaro's Girlfriend?" she asked. "No, not yet."

"Excuse me, whats that supposed to mean?" you asked Kakyoin. "Don't worry too much about it!" he smiled, brushing off the topic. "Hi, Whats you name dear?" the blonde lady asked you.

"Um, my name's Y/n L/n." you spoke. Her eyes widen before she smiled hesitantly. "Nice to meet you Y/n! My names Holly!" she smiled. She then looked at Kakyoin. 

"Hey, Y/n can, we talk privately for a minute, you can go look around." Kakyoin Said. you Nodded as you were very bemused by the situation "Okay..." you said with a smile looking more like a cry for help.

You went down a hallway and came across a room and entered it. It was minimally decorated. just a bed, bookshelves, and a desk. you went to go look at the bookshelf and you saw some manga 'Sweet! Kakyoin reads manga too!' you thought as you grabbed on of them and sat on the bed.

You flipped through the manga stopping on a random page. 'I'll be coming here for now on since i keep loosing my library card....' you flipped through the pages reading each one. you started to get a little too into the book, you didn't mean to get comfortable on his bed while reading the manga. 

You were laying on your stomach while kicking you legs in the air with the manga right in front of you. You weren't paying attention to your surroundings so when you heard the door open, you didn't have a reaction.

"Why are you in my room?" your head shot up and your eyes widen. "This is your room!?!?" you said as you stood up quickly and put the book away. "Sorry, I'll leave." you said as you began to walk past him, but he grabbed your shoulder.

"How'd you find out where i live?" he asked as he glared down at you. "Oh, um Kakyoin brought me here. He said were having a sleep over.."

Jotaro rolled his eyes and took his hand off of your shoulder, leaving the room with a scoff. 'okay, everyone is acting weird today...' you thought as you followed behind him. you followed him down the hallway and you leaned against the wall, listening to their conversation.

"Kakyoin, you really told her she was sleeping here tonight??" Jotaro asked with annoyance. Kakyoin smiled. "Jotaro meet Avdol!" Kakyoin smiled.

"Are you on some shit, we already know Avdol..." he scoffed as he grew more annoyed. Kakyoin let out a big sigh as he lowered his head and placing his palm there. "Oh Jotaro......" he huffed.

"what???" Jotaro asked in confusion. "Well... i did some digging and found out that Avdol.... Is Y/n's dad!"

"WHAT?!?!?!?!" both you and Jotaro exclaimed at the same time. 

You came out from around the corner and looked at everyone in the room. Kakyoin, Jotaro, Kujo, Some old dude,  holly, and then 'Avdol'.

"Hey y/n!" Kakyoin said with a smile. You looked him dead in the eyes before Avdol could break the silence. "May i speak with y/n alone please?" he said. you sighed as everyone left the room.

"So...If you're my dad, then why'd you leave??"

"...Here's the thing.... I didn't leave..."

End of Chapter 10

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