(31) excessive thinking (31)

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-Jotaro's POV-

"Do you want to believe that you think of her as a friend or do you actually feel a platonic connection?"

"You didn't have to. I could tell you care about her allot."

"She's not just your goddamn friend JoJo, and you know it."

The words of my friend, my family, and my enemy raced through my head as I rest it on my pillow. I think about everything they said through every word and detail and I know how I feel. I know my feeling towards Y/N, I just hate that I know. I dont want to accept how I feel about her. I didn't sleep at all tonight and as the light shown through the curtains draping from my windows.

Today or Tomorrow might be the day that she's released from the hospital, and there's this feeling inside of me wanting to avoid her knowing that I feel those things about her. I really didn't want to ruin our friendship with how I feel, and if I'm around her I feel like those feelings would weigh heavier. I didn't know what to do with myself after coming to conclusion that I felt this way.

I only knew that I couldn't sulk around, so I got up and took a shower, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. I exit my room, My mom already setting up the table for breakfast. I sat down, not even worried about eating right now. I stood up and put in the refrigerator for later. "I'm not hungry right now." I said to my mom and my grandpa while walking through the front door, not even listening to what they were saying.

I stood on the porch pulling out a pack of cigarettes and taking one out, lighting it to take drags out of it. At this point I didn't know what to do, all I can do is sit wait. I want to stop thinking about her for at least more than five minutes, but just being here and alive reminds me that I should have been in a hospital bed and Y/N was the one who saved my life. She is the one who has all the long term effects of everything, and I just feel guilty.

I took one more puff out of my cigarette before I put it out. I took a deep breath before I went back in the house and went back to my room, sitting in silence.

-Your POV-

I was sitting on my bed, dreading these days. I didn't know how long I can stay here, and its worse since I can't summon Zero. Zero was always the one keeping me company and now I can't even manifest him without coughing up a lung. I just hope Jotaro Kept his word about coming back.

I can't stand being tested it was annoying having doctors come in taking my blood pressure and heart rate 24/7, but at least I got the night to myself. Even without the doctors checking up on me, I was still bored out of my mind. I wanted so bad to manifest Zero but its just gonna cause problems.

I decided to get up and try walking. I removed the covers from the top of my legs and let my them hang off the bed. My feet touched the cold floor and eventually my other foot touched the floor. I rolled my IV stand towards me for support. I rose from my bed. It took way more energy than I expected, just like the other night. I held on tight to the IV stand as I started taking small baby steps. I made it to the end of my bed and my legs felt like they were on fire. 'How in the world did that girl take so much of my energy?!'

I sat down giving myself a break. 'At least my arms are still strong.' That's when I heard a knock at the door, and the sound of it opening. Two doctors came in. One doctor started to mess with the machinery and the other doctor asked how I was, bringing a chair in and sat in front of me. "I'm alright I guess." I said.

"Well Ms. L/n, you're being discharged today!" 'Thank god!' "But you aren't fully healed yet so we have to prescribe you medications and other things to ensure you are safe." She explained. I was just so happy that was finally gonna be let out of this sad, despondent room. "Your father is on his way to pick you up and when he arrives we will discuss all the things you need to do to take care of yourself at home." I nodded as the nursed smiled and started helping the other nurse disassemble me from all the tubes and machines.

Once I was free from the machinery, my old clothes that I was in before I nearly died was washed and folded inside a bag. They gave me the bag to change into after helping me into the bathroom for privacy. I changed into my clothes feeling less restricted. Feeling like myself.

I stood up hanging onto anything in site to make it to the door. Once I opened the door, there was only one nurse there. They helped me back to the bed. "Ms. L/n, The other nurse went to go grab you some crutches. You're gonna use those until you can walking without falling okay?" I nodded.

Three minute passed until the other nurse came with a pair crutches and set them upright against the end of the bed. "Your father will be here shortly, hang tight!" The nurse said before they left. I sighed not knowing what to do until my dad arrived. I wondered if Jotaro would be with him. I rolled my eyes. 'As if Jotaro would come with Avdol..'

More minutes passed of me doing nothing until I heard a knock at door followed by the door opening. In came a nurse, Avdol, Polnareff, and... Sherry.

I wasn't disappointed to see Sherry, I was happy to see her again, though, I was still hoping to see Jotaro. I found myself thinking about him way too much. Past me would've been grossed out and hated myself for it but present me didn't mind too much, I just didn't like how excessively I was thinking about him.

They all sat down and a nurse with the clipboard sat in a rolling chair in the middle of the room.

"Okay, so here are the things you need to know. These pills — " They held up an orange pill bottle with a white cap. " — She is to take these after every meal, and these —" they held up another orange pill bottle with a blue cap. " — she is to take these whenever she feels pain in mainly her heart, or internal body part. She is to eat three healthy meals a day, and she should try walking around for thirty minutes a day. Whenever she's resting in bed keep her monitored in case she starts Seizing or has a hard time breathing, if that's the case, contact us immediately." The nurse explained.

Everyone nodded then the doctor started giving Avdol a bunch of paperwork to fill out. Sherry stood up and sat next to me. "You're gonna be living with us now Y/n!" She said with a small smile plastered on her face. I smiled back, happy that I got to spend more time with Sherry. She was so sweet and genuine and now she's my Aunt. My life is finally starting to look up for a change.

End of Chapter 31

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