(30) Special?? (30)

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Same day

Making it back home, I opened the front door immediately taking off my shoes. "JoJo, is that you?" my mom asked from across the house. "Yeah!" I yelled back, going  straight the laundry room to clean my jacket. I could hear my mothers footsteps pattering my direction. "why are you home so early i thought you guys were taking a test?" she asked. "I didn't go to school." I said while putting a little bit of laundry detergent in the washing machine.

"You didn't do your test? I'm disappointed in you JoJo.." She said, she began crossing her arms. "I don't care, I'll take the test some other day." i told her while i started the laundry. "Well where have you been?"

"No where." I responded while walk to my room. "Jotaro Kujo, you tell me where you've been right now." She said in a serious stern tone as she stopped right in front of me. "Why does it matter, I'm home aren't I?" I said as I walked passed her, going straight to my room.

I kicked off my shoes and fell back onto my bed, groaning into my hands. I checked the clock on my side table analyzing the numbers. It read 10:22. I turned my head back while resting one arm above my head and one arm across my stomach and my ankles crossed.

Was lost even a word to describe how I felt? Confused? Exhausted? It was a feeling of Disconcerting and Perturbation. It felt mentally and physically draining. I just wanted to take a long nap and wake up years later feeling refreshed. I wanted things to go back to how things were, without the people I tolerate being attacked and hurt. It made me angry and sick to my stomach.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a knock on my door. "Jotaro its me." My grandfathers voice sounded from the other side. "Come in." I say blatantly. He entered the room and sat down at the foot of my bed. "Why don't you want to talk to your mother?" He asked while playing with his hands. "I'm tired of talking old man. I just want the last few weeks of my life back..." I said lowly.

"You don't have to worry about anything Jotaro. Y/n will be fine, she's in good hands." He spoke. My eyes fixed towards him and my eyebrows quirked. "I didn't say anything about Y/n." I said, wonder how he got that out of what I told him. "You didn't have to. I could tell you care about her allot." He smirked. My eyebrows furrowed from how he was talking. "Its not like that, she's just-"

"Special?" He interrupted. I paused for a second. "Get the hell out of my room." I demanded as I sat up from my pillow and pointed towards the door. He giggled while standing up and walking to the door. "Its okay, you're just in denial right now!" He smiled before he left the room. "She's just my friend...."

"She's not just your goddamn friend JoJo, and you know it."

I shook away the filthy voice of Chuya from my head, ignoring her past words. 'She's my friend. Nothing more, nothing less.'


-Kakyoin's POV-

Once school was finally over, I could finally relax. It was finally break. I exit the school and decided to go back to Jotaro's house to see if he was home.

Upon making it to Jotaro's house I knocked on the door. Holly was the one to answer and she welcomed me with a hug. I hugged back and she told me that Jotaro was in his room. I nodded before making my way to his room. Without knocking I opened the door and threw my bookbag straight at him, not analyzing where he was prior to throwing the bag. "What the fuck?!?!" I heard him say before I marched into the room, Seeing that he was sitting at his desk.

"Where were you?" I asked as I sassily put my hands on my hips. "I skipped, I didn't feel like coming today." I sighed and sat on his bed. "Dude, you can't miss a test like that, It really effects your grade." I told him. But he didn't seem to care.

"there's bigger things in my life to worry about than a goddamn test. I'll get my dream Job and live regardless." He said in an ice cold tone. "What happened today? Wanna talk about it?" I asked. "Nothing happened." He said. He didn't look too convincing.

"You're not slick, I know something happened." I told him. He looked at me as if he were about to attack me, A vein almost showing in his forehead. "Fine I'll fucking tell you..." He said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"When I tell you this you are not to say a word... Understand." He said while pointing his finger up. "Cross my heart hope to die!" I said with a small smile. He sigh before he got a little closer to me.

"I slept with Y/n."


He quickly slapped his hand over my mouth while shushing me. "You dumbass!" He scolded. "Let me explain.." He said to me, letting go of my mouth. "Yeah, please explain. Why would you do that when she's in the hospital?"

"Just let me explain! It's not what you think." He said. He began to explain everything from beginning to end, and it
was innocent. "Jotaro and Y/n sitting in the tree!" I started singing. He started glaring at me but I kept singing. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" I finished. He had his arms crossed as he was leaning back in his chair. He looked down at the floor. "Why do you seem so upset?" I asked genuinely.

"Because she's so goddamn stupid." He began. "I wish she just sat down and never tried to save me, now she's in the goddamn hospital coughing up fucking blood clots." He ranted. I sighed.

"Listen JoJo... I feel the same way you feel. I hate the circumstances that she's in. But you gotta understand she's in that hospital because she cares about you." I could see his facial expressions change slightly. "What other person besides us do you know would do something like that? Y/n showed she cared for you by saving your life."

Jotaro fully turned around and looked at me. "But why? I haven't done anything for her? Why would she save me when I've done nothing for her at all since we've officially met her." He asked. "

"You don't have to do anything for her, You're her friend Jotaro. The only thing you owe her is being alive." I told him sincerely. I guess he thought that he owed Y/n something for her saving him.

"Why are you so worked up about this I mean, me and the others saved you multiple times?" I asked genuinely. He never acted this way towards us whenever we saved him from death.

He only sighed in response. I waited for his to try and collect his thoughts. "Can I tell you something?" He asked me, I nodded my head wondering what he was about to say. "Back in the interrogation room when I was talking to Chuya..." He started. I immediately started getting interested. I've been wondering what she told him and why he got so upset. After He explained everything, I was shocked.

"The problem is, I only see her as a friend.. Nothing more nothing less." He said. I could tell he didn't know what to do with the situation but I really dont know how to help or comfort him.

"Do you actually feel that way about her? Or do you just think you feel that way about her?" I asked him, just to get his brain moving. Jotaro has never experienced anything romantically which is tough when you're feeling strongly towards someone who you think is your friend.

"Do you want to believe that you think of her as a friend or do you actually feel a platonic connection?"

End of Chapter 30

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