(6) i hate these people (6)

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7:44 AM

"Bye Kakyoin, bye Kujo." You waved them bye as you approached your locker.

"Bye Y/n!" Kakyoin waved. And Jotaro just let out a low grunt.

You changed into your school Loafers and closed your locker.

"Y/N!!!" you heard a familiar voice. You saw Yuko running towards you.

"Dude, calm down! What is it??"

"Fivegirlshavebeefwithyou!!!" He blurted as he tried catching his breath.

"Pardon me???" I said.

"Five girls want to fight you at lunch Y/n!! They're mad that your hanging with Kujo and Noriaki!" He shouted in a whisper.

Your rolled your eyes groaning loudly in the process as you closed your locker. "I swear to god, when will they learn!"

"Y/n, you can't go and fight them by yourself!!" He tried reasoning with you. "Oh yeah? Says who? I don't see you helping me fight them!"

"But I can't hit a woman!" He said. "You can if they hit you first! Its called self defense!" You said.

He sighed deeply and grabbed her shoulders. "Look Y/n I know we don't really talk and hang out much but I still consider you as a friend. I can't let you fight those girls, especially five of them."

You slowly smiled. "Your cheesy... " you said with a small giggle. Yuko started to blush. "I'm being serious!!"

"Sure dude!" You smiled and ruffled his head while walking away. He watched you walk away and he let out a low chuckle.

11:00 AM

It was almost time for lunch. You raised your hand and asked to go to the restroom. They said you could go and you got up and left the class room.

Instead of going to the restroom like you said. You sat on the stairs contemplating how you were going to fight five girls at once.

'I could use Zero to help...' You thought.

As you kept thinking of ways to win the fight the bell had rang. You sighed and stood up and started making your way to the courtyard along with everyone else.

Once you made it there you saw all five girls standing there with their hands on their hips.

Three of them were blonde and two of them were brunettes.

'of course...'

You thought as you slipped your hands into your skirt pockets. You glanced at the forming crowd, spotting Jotaro and Kakyoin. Jotaro had his legs and arms crossed and Kakyoin had a face that read 'your really about to fight all of them?'

You gave them a small smile and nod, letting them know you'll be alright. But deep down inside you know you weren't gonna be alright.

Something inside you was telling you that you needed to leave immediately. The aura around those girls were menacing. Usually you were fine but this time, you felt as if your life was on the line.

'I should probably listen to my gut, but there's no way I'm backing down from this fight.. I'd look like a total coward!'

You were a few feet away from the girls as they shot you sinister glares. Suddenly a bead of sweat rolled down the side of your head.

There were whispers in the crowd like, 'she's gonna lose.' 'No way she'd take all of them..' 'She might as well tap out now while she still can..'

you ignored the crowed and the girls suddenly started charging at you all at the same time.

You dodged one of their hits then you felt on of them push you towards one of the brunettes and she punched you in your left eye. You started seeing dots and colors as you winced but quickly reacted and kicked one of the girls in their stomach.

They began throwing punches and you dodged them, getting hit a few times. On of the blondes tried to sweep you off your feet but you noticed and kicked her and she skid across the concrete.

One of them punched you in your nose and while your head was turned someone tried to throw another punch, but you grabbed their arm and twisted it behind their back.

blood dripped from your nose and the side of your head along with a few other scratches. Every time you got hit the crowd said 'oooh'

You were about to punch one of the blondes until a humanoid creature faded out of her and punched you in the stomach, making you fly back and cough up blood.

'the hell, she has a stand?!?!' You thought as your body skid across the concrete, peeling your skin.

You quickly stood up as blood spilled everywhere. Four girls came charging your way, and you used Zero's Ability to get you out once they were close

You used his fire as foot blasters to shoot you towards the sky. You stopped and you landed on one knee, wincing as the dry rocks touched your open skin.

"you have one too huh?" The blonde with the stand said. You ignored her and punched one of the brunettes.

After the punch you turned around while throwing your legs in the air, using the back of your heel to kick a blonde in the side of her face, knocking her out.

'screw it....' You said as you let zero come out. He threw mini flaming plates at all the girls. The plates looked like red guitar chips, but they could pierce through people like a bullet.

The girls cried in agony, holding their bloody stomachs. Except for the blonde who has the stand. She dodged the flaming chips.

The crowd was confused and scared, some students were so spooked that some left. Suddenly ropes came out of the blondes stand and you dodged too late. They got a hold of you.

"Bad move Barbie!" You said as zero used his flames to disintegrate the rope, causing burn marks to appear on the girl.

She grunted in pain as the rope dropped you, and two girls started to attack. Zero started fighting the both of them as you made your way to the burning girl. "I bet your dad would be so disappointed!! Maybe this is why he left!!" The girl grunted so only you could hear.

You snapped making the flames stop and you grabbed a hold of the collar of her uniform. You then started punching her face mercilessly until she was black and blue and blood pool from every inch of her face.

The world around you went black, and all you could see was the girl in front of you. You dropped her and got on top of her. Your pupils constricted. As you about to throw another punch and hand grabbed your balled fist.

You turned around and it was Yuko. "Y/n I think you should go home..." He said. You snatched your hand away from his and stood up, kicking the blondes unconscious body before you left the sight.

You scoffed and threw your hands into your pockets. 'I hate these people....'

End of chapter 6

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