(34) Be Mine (34)

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-Nobody's POV-

It had been three weeks and you'd been working on your walking, getting somewhat better. Everyday, Kakyoin and Jotaro came to visit you, helping you walk and keeping you company along with Iggy. Holly also came to visit you a few days, happy to see you healthy.

Today, you were in your room reading a book in your bed, Sherry in her bed doing the same thing. Sherry and you shared a room, your beds being separated on each side of the room being divided by a nightstand.

"Did you take your pills?" Sherry suddenly asked. You looked up from your book. "Uh, No I haven't..." you said as you sat up and picked up one of your pill bottles from the nightstand along with your water bottle that sat on your nightstand.

After taking the pill, you continued reading your book in silence. Until you heard a familiar knock on your door.

Without saying anything, the door opened revealing Jotaro. You peaked up from your book and watched as he walked to the other side of your bed. Sherry got up and left the room. It was routine when Jotaro and Kakyoin would come over.

"Wheres Kakyoin?" You asked as Jotaro sat down next to you. "Couldn't come today..." he said simply. You hummed as you kept reading.

You continued reading in silence while Jotaro sat down next to you. Until he decided to speak up. "What are you reading?" He asked, his voice quiet yet deep. "Oh, Just some random book I found." He hummed and scooted himself closer, reading the book with you from over your shoulder.

But, he wasn't reading. Instead, he was watching you read. You could feel him staring at you, but you decided to ignore him.

"Y/n.." he spoke up. You looked up from your book and looked at him, humming in response. He didn't say anything, he only looked you in the eyes.

"What!?" You let out in a chuckle. He didn't say anything. He kept looking you in the eyes with a neutral expression "Nothing..." he said. You shook your head and rolled your eyes with a smile as you turned your head back to your book.

before you started reading again, Jotaro took his hand and gently grabbed the other side of your face and turned your head back around so that you were looking at him again.

When he did this, you felt your stomach flutter and your face get hot. "Look at me..." he spoke in a low tone sound just a slight bit desperate.

You were at a lost for words as you looked him in the eyes. He still had his hand on the side of your face and he gently grazed your cheek with his thumb. You kept your eyes on his and he looked at you with so much emotion that kinda overwhelmed you both..

He took his hand off your face and let out a deep sigh. "Whats wrong??" you asked him as you began to sit up, now looking down at him. he shrugged and looked down at the sheets. "Jotaro, you know you can talk to me right??" you told him. He glanced up at you through his lashes for a bit before he looked back down. "Y/n..." he muttered.

"Im listening." you spoke in a softer tone, placing your hand on his shoulder. To your surprise, he shrugged your hand off his shoulder. this confused you. "Jotaro..." you spoke. "why are you touching me?" you asked in a bit of a brash tone as he narrowed his eyes and looked up at you.

this caught you off guard. Your eyes widened a bit and you retracted. When he said those word you could feel your heart sink a bit. "What...?" you muttered. "You heard me..." he said quickly.

you were so confused and it was starting to upset you a bit. "Well, why did you touch me?!" you retorted. he sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "Right...if something is pissing you off, just tell me..."

"Nothing is pissing me off Y/n." he gritted in an irrited tone as rubbed his eyes with his fingers. "Then what the hell is wrong with you?!" you said, sounding irrited as well. You can see his irritation growing and he looks like hes trying to hold something back. his jaw clenched as he let out a deep sigh.

You gently placed your hand on his shoulder to try and comfort him and get him to talk, but just like last time, he shrugged your hand off his shoulder. you sighed and rolled your eyes. "Whatever... sit there and whine like a damn baby then, i dont ca-" he interupted you.

He pulled you down and smashed his lips on yours. he started kissing you, and it was obvious that this is what he was holding back. Your eyes widened a bit as this caught you off guard. Your inner brows curled upwards and your eyes slowly started to close and you started to melt into the kiss. Jotaro held your face with both of his hands as he kissed you with everything he had in him.

Your stomach curled into knots as he kissed you, his other hand made his way down to your waist and he pulled you closer. "Y/n" he mumbled into the kiss. when he said your name, it made your stomach tighten. Your hands made their way to the back of his head and you started to entangle your fingers into his hair. The way his hands felt on your hips and the way his lips felt on yours, was an exhilerating feeling.

He started to pull away, and open his eyes. He didnt want to go too far, so he started pulling away. Your eyes started to open as well and you looked up at Jotaro. you both didnt say anything. You started blushing heavily. "Do you like me, Y/n?" he asked confidently while looking you directly in the eyes. the question caught you off guard, so you averted your head away from him.

He grabbed your chin and turn your head back to face him. "Do you like me.... Yes or No?" he asked seriously. You looked him in the eyes and he looked into yours. you swallowed a lump in your thoat and nodded slowly.

"Say it... please..."

You took a deep breath and started to speak. "Jotaro... I... I like you...." you said, your face getting extreamly hot. you could see Jotaro's cheak tint with pink as he looked at you. He tried to hold back his smile and just gave a downturned smirk instead. He pulled you closer to him and hugged you tightly.

You smiled a bit and hugged him back, burrying your face in the crook of his neck. "So does that mean the feeling is mutual??" you asked him. He let out a deep content sigh. "It does..." he said gently.

The two of you sat there basically cuddling each other in your bed. you slowly closed your eyes and sighed. "To be honest... I've liked you for a while..." you told him.

he went silent for a moment and then he started to speak. "Why didn't you say anything?" he asked as he started to rub your back slowly and gently, you eased into his touch.

"I didn't want you to stop being friends with me... I thought you'd find me annoying because everyone else has a crush on you as well." you told him. He lifted your face so that you were looking at him. "Y/n...You're not like anyone else who liked me... any other girl would have left when i was infected with Chuya's stand. You literally risked your life for me Y/n..." he leaned down and gently kissed you on the forehead. "I'm not exaggerating when i say, that you're the only girl that would've stayed by my side and you did... I trust you with my life, Y/n..." he spoke with genuine passion as he looked you into your eyes.

"Listen... You're the strongest woman I know... Any other female compared to you is weak. you survived near death... You're could've quite legitimetly beat me when we fought that first time we met...

For the love of God, Y/n... Please be mine...."

End of chapter 34



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