(21) Headache (21)

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"Make sure not to take the rope off by the stands, this will cause the strands to grow and elongate, and then it will create another an additional tie on his spinal cord, eventually merging with the first rope, and getting tighter." Avdol finished explaining. You and Kakyoin looked at each other, obviously telling that you were both growing nervous. The both of you simultaneously took a deep breath getting ready to take both your stands inside Jotaro's head.

Both Zero Percent and Hierophant green made their way into Jotaro's ear canal. "Polnareff bring a TV from one of the guest rooms please, I'll use Hermit Purple to help Them see where they're going." Joseph spoke out. Polnareff  quickly stood up and made his way to one of the guest rooms, and coming back with a TV in his arms. Polnareff placed it down in front of him, Joseph took his other hand and used hermit purple to cast into Jotaros head. Joseph still kept his Hermit purple from his other hand, firmly gripping the blonde.

Both you and Kakyoin turned your head to the TV to see where exactly your stands were going. It didn't seem as far as you thought it was but your stand was smaller and required more mental strength than you thought. Zero began to slowly fall behind Hierophant and started to flicker as if he were about to dematerialize. "You got this Y/n, stay focused." Avdol encouraged. you nodded in response as both Zero and Hierophant got closer and closer to Jotaros Spinal cord.

Zero finally managed to catch up to Hierophant, this is where you come to the conclusion that. 'I'm kinda useless.' you thought that you have this cool strong stand, but you as a person, are mentally weak. You thought that you weren't strong enough to manifest such a stand as Zero. You tried to get rid of the thoughts cause they were causing  you to have doubts, and you tried to soley focus on saving Jotaro. 

Finally making it to the spinal cord, you could see that the rope was already fairly tight around it. This made you nervous. A sweat bead peirced down the side of your face as you looked at Kakyoin, who looked just as nervous at you. You focused back at the TV and wondered if you could used your flames. "What if i incinerated the rope?" You asked as you lightly taped the rope, seeing if it would do anything, and it didn't. "Please do not do that, we dont want to risk anything!" Avdol spoke. You nodded your head and watched as Kakyoin did the same thing you did, just a little harder.

"Take your time guys, don't rush it." Polnareff pushed, only making you and kakyoin more nervous. "We know!" he said, trying his hardest to concentrate on the task. Zero lightly wrapped his built arms around the rope. To your surprise, the rope did not move. Zero Lightly tugged at it to see if it would tighten, and it did not. On the down side, You had gotten a major headach from this singular action. You hands shot up and landed on your face, trying to settle down the headache you were getting. "Are you okay Y/n ? I think you should take a break and let me handle it." Avdol chimmed in. "No, I-i'm fine.." you said as you lowered your hands from your face, the three adults had shared worried glances at each other.

Kakyoins Heirophant green followed Zero Percent's previous action and tugged the rope with the same amount of strenght Zero had pulled it, making it loosen up just the slightest. "Please be careful!" Joseph had spoke as he had squinted and squirmed from were he sat, Not liking how you and Kakyoin made your stands tugged at the rope. You took a deep breath as you mustered up the strength to get Zero back to pulling  the rope. 

two fingers made their way up to the temples of your head as it still ached while both Zero and Heirophant both tugged at the rope, alternating who pulled the rope each time. "Hey Kakyoin, Are you getting headaches too?" You asked him while both your stands still tugged at the rope carefully. "Yeah im getting a headach, but not as bad as yours im guessing." he spoke while his face contorted a little.

Somehow you got the feeling as if you were being dramatic. You didn't want everyone to feel bad for you even though Jotaro was the one that could die. Even though you were in much pain, You tried your hardest to mask that feeling. "No, i'm okay." You spoke, trying your best to sound reassuring.

You could see your stand start to flicker as if it was about to dematerialize. You all looked at the TV screen in anticipation as the rope was almost undone. Zero started to quickly pull the rope out of the knot. Kakyoin didn't undestand why you decided to speed up the pace but decided to slow down himself, just to keep JoJo safe. 

Zero Pulled and Pulled and Pulled......

Zero flew the rope all the way out of JoJo's body, Your vision grew hazy and eyes fell half lided as you grew enough energy to incinerated the whole thing. Before your vision went blank, you could see Jotaro's body twitch and start to shiver. You looked around the room with a smile on your face, seeing as everyone had worried faces. You felt light and everything seemed as time was going in slow motion. Hands reached out to you as your vision got darker and darker. "Guys, im fine." You spoke in almost a whisper. That was the last thing you saw before everything went black and your ears rang.



-Kakyoin's point of View-

Zero percent out of no where started to pull the rope quicker and quicker. I could tell that Y/n was in alot of pain even though she tried surpressing it. Heirophant slowed down a little on his end, because i knew that if we pulled a little too hard, the rope would probably tighten how it was originally, or worse.

Zero kept pulling and pulling  until he finally got the rope undone. A wave of relief came over me and everyone else as Zero flew the rope all the way out of JoJo's body and burnt the rope to a crisp. So much things happened after this action was taken. first Jotaro's body jolted along with the girl who cause all this. Y/n looked like she was about to pass out as she looked around the room with a small smile of her face, and lids almost forced shut. "Guys, I'm fine." she said with a smile still on her face as she passed out. our faces filled with worry as the speedwagon foundation started approching her. They checked her pulse first and let us know that she was still breathing. 

Jotaro's Heart monitor was still beeping, not slowing down, but speeding up slightly from how it was beating before. The speedwagon foundation put Y/n on a heart monitor. They tried to get her elevated, putting a cold towel on both their heads. They took the IV out JoJos arm that was giving him the anesthesia so he could wake up soon and they put an oxygen mask on Y/n's face. "Will they be okay?" Mr. Joestar had asked the workers. "We dont know, But we'll do everything in our power to keep them alive and well." The rest of us in the room fell silent and shared sad and concerened looks.

How come i wasn't as affected by this as Y/n was? Why wasn't I affected. Will they be okay? Should i have helped more? Am i the problem?




End of Chapter 21


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