(32) pretty eyes (32)

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"anything you say or do will be used against you in court"


"What were your motives while doing this? And are you aware that your victim Y/n L/n could potentially die?"



"...All i wanted was Jotaro... Y/n had it coming..."

"Okay... is it true that your name is not Chuya, and that your real name is Hailey Lee?!"


"Ma'am, are you aware that you could potentially get the death penalty if you dont answer my questions."


"If i die... they'll die too...I'll be with him forever... death wont do us apart..."

"So are you saying that if we execute you, both Y/n L/n and Jotaro Kujo will die as-well?"

"Haha.... You're silly... all i want is Him... i could care less if i die. Hehe."

"Ma'am, have you ever received any sort of mental care or have been prescribed anything for your mental health?"

"You dont get it do you? I'll kill that bitch with my bare hands if i have to... I already sold my soul to Dio... hehe."

"May i ask who Dio is?"



"Get out... now..."

-2nd person POV-

You settled in quite fast, and you had to share a room with Sherry since the house was so small. Luckily you got your own bed though.

Once they got you settled it they started making Lunch. Polnareff and your father decided to go and get the rest of your clothes and other belongings from your house to bring them here while sherry stayed and cooked dinner. You sat on the couch and decided to watch TV. On the TV played a random cartoon you didn't pay much attention to but looked at it because you were bored. What you really wanted to do was either spend time with Kakyoin or Jotaro.

"Hey Sherry?!" You called out. "What is it Y/n?" She asked, placing down her cooking utensils and approaching you. "Do you guys have a telephone anywhere?" She nodded and helped me to get up and on my crutches. She told me where the phone was and i slowly made my way where she pointed.

Once you made it, you dialed Jotaro's house number. It rung a few times before it finally answered. But it wasn't Jotaro. "Hello?" Said the voice. "Hey, is that you Holly?" I asked. Its like i could hear her smile from the other side. "It sure is darling! I heard you were finally out of the hospital!!" She said energetically. "How are you?"

You smiled before you started to answer her questions. " yup! Im finally out of the hospital and I'm doing fine actually." You told her. You loved that Holly cared about you, she was like the motherly side you were missing all along. Looking back you realized that your actual mom treated you more like a crazy friend. "Well that's good!! Im glad you're feeling alright!" She said.

"Yeah, thanks Holly!" You said, a smile still plastered on your face. "Can I ask you a question." You asked. "Of course dear!"
"Is Jotaro home?" You asked her. "He actually isn't, he went with my father to help your father and Polnareff remove your stuff from your old home." She explained to you.

You could feel your lips curl up a little. "Oh okay, thanks for letting me know!" I thanked her. "Yeah its no problem!" She reassured. "Well Y/n, I'll come visit you soon, but I'm going to tend to my garden!" She told you. "Okay, you have a good evening!" You told her with a smile, even thought she couldn't see it. "You too Y/n, bye!!" You hung up the phone and made your way back to the living room.

// Psycho //  Jotaro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now