(27) High Nerves (27)

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-Jotaro's point of view-

The old man and I made it home after dropping everyone home. Once I entered the house I was greeted by a nice smell of chicken yakisoba from the kitchen, which only made me even more hungry. I ignored it and walked to my room, trying to diverge a plan to go back to the Speedwagon headquarters.

I decided to pass by time by taking a shower. I spent most of that time daydreaming as the water ran down my body. I looked down at my hand remembering how it felt to hold Y/n's hand.

I finished washing up and put on some fresh clothes. I left my room looking around. It seemed like everyone was already getting settled in bed as I walked into the kitchen while only in a tank top, sweatpants, and socks. I opened the fridge seeing the leftovers in a big glass Tupperware bowl. I took two clean plastic Tupperware bowls and filled them both up with the food my mother cooked just a few minutes ago. 

I then wrapped both up and put two chopsticks in the bag and turned around only to see my pops standing by the entryway. "And where are you going?" he asked. "To my room..." I lied. He only eyed the food in my hands. "With two bowls that aren't warmed up and two chopsticks?" he asked.

"Well, I'm hungry, I haven't eaten all day." I said trying to make a valid excuse. "Still doesn't explain why you have two chopsticks and the food not being warmed up," he said pointing to the bag with a smug look. 

"Isn't it past your bedtime old man? good fucking grief." I said as I started to walk past him making my way back to my room. I waited a few minutes before I walked back out with my jacket and hat on, putting on my shoes at the front door and quietly exiting the house.

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I walked down the street as it was getting darker. I decided to light a cigarette. I looked around for any nearby stores while I took drags out my cigarette, coming across a small store. I Put out my cigarette before I entered the store. 'What kind of snacks does Y/n even like?' i thought as I walked down the aisle.

I grabbed three different jumbo bags of chips doing the same with candy and drinks, hoping that one out of the three of each snack is her favorite. I go up to the register and pay for the snacks. After paying for all the snacks, I left, holding the bag in the same hand I held the food in. 

It did take a while to get there, but once I made it, I managed to sneak in using Star Platinum. I managed to get inside, but finding her room was a hassle, seeing as there were multiple workers walking around the building like a bunch of dogs guarding the place.

I finally found the room and opened the door. "Y/n." I said, alerting her before I caught her off guard. I hear shuffling and her voice calling out my name. "Jotaro?" I walked all the way in and I could see her sitting up, now only hooked up to a heart monitor. "I brought you food.." I said as I started to take my shoes and jacket off, placing my jacket on a nearby chair and leaving my shoes by the door. "You did??" She asked as she sat up a little more. I nodded as I sat down at the foot of the bed placing the bags next to her. "Why?" she asked. I stayed silent, not really knowing the right answer. 

"I can't buy snacks and bring food for my friend who's been in a coma for almost two weeks?" I said, looking at her as I stood up, grabbing the two Tupperware bowls out of the bag and going towards a microwave that was sitting in the corner of the room, warming up one bowl at a time. "Did your mother cook that?" she asked me.

"She did."I said as I waited for the microwave to beep. "I also didn't really know what kind of snacks you liked so, I just bought some stuff I thought you'd like.." I said. She opened the bag and took out some of the snacks. "Jotaro...You didn't have to get me this much stuff." She said. The microwave beeped and I replaced the bowl with the other bowl.  

"Why not?" I asked. It must've stumped her because she didn't know exactly how to answer. "Thank you Jotaro." She said as I could hear one of the chip bags open. The microwave beeped again. "It's no problem." I took out the food and headed back over to Y/n  "Scoot over." I told her and she did so. 

I gave her the bowl and she took it and started eating immediately. "Geez, do they not feed you in this place?" I asked with a little snicker. "I was eating from my arm for almost two weeks you dingus!" she said as she lightly nudged me in the side. I catch myself smiling a little, pulling my hat down, and start eating along with her, the satisfaction of food filling my stomach after not eating for days.

"Jotaro?" she spoke. I only hummed as I enjoyed the food and the company. "How much work did I miss?" She asked. I paused. I knew she was very serious about school, and telling her that she missed test week is only going to build on top of the stress she was already going through.  "Don't worry, you didn't miss too much," I started. I then looked at her and she looked back at me. "I'll help you get ahead," I said, trying to reassure her that everything was okay.

"Thank you!" she said, continuing to eat the food. we finished our food in silence and I put both of our bowls off to the side. "Why weren't you watching the TV?" I asked her seeing as it looked like she hasn't touched the remote. she sighed while taking out the chips and started to eat them. "I just wanted to sit and think..." she said. I could see him glancing at me from my peripheral vision as she ate another chip.

"Want to talk about it?" I asked as I took a chip out of the same bag. I could see him relax a little before she fully looked at me, and I looked back at her. "Is it okay if I lean my head on your shoulder?" she asked. Nodded my head and she started to scoot closer to me, then relaxed her head on my shoulder. I took some of the chips as I felt her head lay against my shoulder.

"I was really thinking about what were her intentions.." She spoke after a few moments of silence. That's when the memories came flooding into my head. Memorise I tried to ignore and forget.

"If there was a chance that I couldn't have you, then Y/n isn't going to have you...."

"You're the reason Y/n's like that...."

"You're fucking in love with Y/n you jackass....."

I sighed as I scooted more toward her, trying to relax, Although it only worsened my nerves. "Yeah, same..." I said lowly, trying not to sound nervous. "Wait, so she hasn't come clean yet?" she asked, her head lifted off my shoulders and she faced me again. I looked the other way and pulled my hat down. "Mhm..." I simply hummed, not looking her in the eyes. I could feel my heart palpitating.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she leaned forward trying to get a glimpse of my eyes. "Yeah... Just uh...It's just getting late." I said. 'this is so stupid ....' I thought didn't like how I was reacting. "You should get back home then." I shook my head a little.

"It's not like that it's just that like... A lot has been going on and It's just like really exhausting, but if it, like bothering you I can leave." I spoke, trying not to stumble over my words, but it only caused me to use stupid filler words. "Lighten up Jotaro, You're talking like you have a stick stuck up your ass!" She smiled with a giggle. 

It felt like someone was squeezing my insides trying to get them to explode. I really needed to get a grip. I turned my head to face her again. "So, what else was on your mind?" I asked. I could see her face fall again.

"Well, I can barely summon Zero...."

End of Chapter 27

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