(25) You got this! (25)

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1:37 PM (Tuesday)

-Y/n's Point Of View-

It's very dark, and... it's hard to breathe. My throat feels hoarse and my mouth feels dry. I can't move my body? Am...Am I paralyzed? No...That can't be... What if I move my finger? I can feel it moving...But why can't I see? Am I dead?

I tried opening my eyes, but they also felt very dry. it was a struggle. I managed to get my eyes halfway open, only to shut them again due to the bright atmosphere. I groan before I tried opening my eyes again, turning my head to the side so the light wouldn't hurt my eyes. To the side, I could see a familiar figure. 'Is that?' 

"M-mr. Joestar???" I softly muttered. though it came out hoarse and unintelligible. It seems like he heard me though since he turned around. His eyes grew wide as he rushed over and delicately wrapped his arm around my body, hugging me softly. You had so many questions, What happened? where were you? how long were you asleep? And was Jotaro okay?

10:32 PM (Earlier)

-Jotaro's Point of View-

Today we completed the math portion of our test. It was finals week and Wednesday was the last day for tests, and the last day we were let out for a break. School also let out early since it was test week. Kakyoin and I met by the school entrance where we were met by Y/n's male friend. "Hey, can I ask you guys something?" He asked. I already got irritated because I knew he was going to ask about Y/n.

"Sure what's up?" Kakyoin said, giving him the 'Ok' to ask us a question. "Do you guys actually know what's wrong with Y/n? She would never miss a test no matter how sick she is." he asked. Kakyoin and I gave each other looks as we both know that he was going to find out sooner or later. "Um-" Kakyoin started before we hear a familiar loud voice yell throughout the hallways. We looked at each other again before we both walked past the guy, Kakyoin apologizing at the moment as the voice got closer. 

"There you guys are!" It was the old man. "I've been waiting for you guys outside," He said as he pushed us toward the exit of the school. "The Speedwagon foundation says we can visit Y/n!" A smile grew visible on both his and Kakyoin's faces. My stomach felt like it was doing twists and turns, but I only pulled my hat down. 

We got into the car being met by both Polnareff and Avdol. Kakyoin and I sat in the back with Polnareff and we started to drive off. "So how was testing?" The old man asked us, trying to spark conversation. "It was great! better than I expected it to be honestly!" Kakyoin responded. They continued to make conversation. Once we made it, a worker lead us to where Y/n's room. It was just like a room in a hospital. We entered the room seeing she was attached to all kinds of tubes and monitors. I hated it, it should've been me instead.

The room was a little bigger than your average hospital room. it had a medium-sized couch and a few chairs, along with a table next to the bed she lay in, her heart monitor in between the two. Polnareff and Avdol stood by the bedside with sad looks. "You guys should stop cutting onions!" The old man said before he put both his palms on his face, his head hanging low. "Aw, Mr. Joestar please don't cry!!" Kakyoin said before approaching him and patting him on the back. "I'm not crying! my eyes are just sweaty!" he said while rubbing his eyes with his hands. 

I just stood back and watched everything play out. Seeing Y/n like that definitely hurt, that was something I wasn't afraid to admit. Avdol fixed her hair up before he spoke. "I just wished we would've brought flowers or a letter or something..." The old man looked up after wiping his eyes. 

"There should be a shop somewhere in the building, I'll take you."The old man spoke before he headed toward the door. "Polnareff why don't you take the boys to get something to eat? lunch ends in almost ten minutes." Avdol spoke as he left the room with my old man.

Me and Kakyoin stood up waiting for Polareff so we can go eat lunch. "Tu as compris, tu es ma filleule après tout !" (Translation: You got this, you're my goddaughter after all!)  He said in his native language with a smile before he walked towards the exit, Both Kakyoin and I following behind him.

We eventually came Across a restaurant inside the building and Polnareff started to talk to one of the workers. "What do you guys want?" he asked us before placing an order. "I'll take a bowl of udon please!" Kakyoin said. Polnareff nodded and then looked at me. "I'll just have a bottle of water." I said. Polnareff started placing all of our orders to go including his own. Since he already paid they gave me my water. and we all sat at a table while they waited for their food. 

I screwed open my bottle cap to take a sip and that's when the hunger hit me. 'How the hell did I not notice I haven't eaten in days?!?!?!' I took another sip hoping that it could last til dinner tonight. but I knew it probably wouldn't.

-Joeseph's Point Of View-

Avdol and I made it back with the flowers and a card. Though the vase was sold separately, which made me upset. But it's all for Y/n, which makes me happy! "I still think I should've picked the card and written on it..." Avdol complained. "Well, I did it! Now sign the card!" I spoke as I handed him the card and pencil "Nobody wanted your boring-looking card anyway!" Avdol signed the card before giving it back to me. 

"I'm going to go to the restroom real quick

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"I'm going to go to the restroom real quick." He spoke before he left the room again. I only hummed in response. I took the flours out and placed them in the vase and putting the vase on the window sill, taking off my gloves after. 'Dammit, there's no water... How will the flowers survive?' I thought to myself before I heard something gruff from behind me.

That's when I saw Y/n looking in my direction. My eyes widen as I rushed towards her, gently wrapping my arms around her, making sure not to interfere with all the cords and tubes she was attached to. 'She's finally awake!' 

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