(3) Stand (3)

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7:48 AM

You were at your locker before Yuko approached you. "Yo, Y/n... I don't think you'll like who you'll be fighting today.."

"Oh my god, I swear if it's Kazuko I'm gonna-"

"It's Jojo....." He blurted.



"As in Jotaro Kujo?" You asked and he simply nodded. You then started to laugh.

"Are you okay?" Yuko asked you. "Oh, I'm more than okay! I've been wanting to beat his emo ass since the day I saw him!"

"What did he do to you?!"

"It's not what he did, it's his annoying ass fan girls, they give me a headache." You told him. "Y/n you realize if you do end up beating him in a fight his fan girls are going to come after YOU!!"

"It's fine, I have a way of silencing hoes.." You said as you flexed your muscles. "Kazuko's girlfriend, for example, hasn't even spared me a glance since she lost, and the other girls I fought in the past, they're scared to even breathe the same air as me.."

"True... But still! I know you're a good fighter but Jojo's girlfriends are vicious wild animals I SWEAR!!!! They'll tear you to pieces!!!" Yuko practically begged you to stand down.

"I don't care... I've been waiting for this moment my entire life!" You said. Yuko slapped his face with both his palms and groaned.

Suddenly a girl came up to you. "Y/n, right?" She said. You nodded and looked at her suspiciously.

"Well, I heard you're going to fight JoJo today and I want you to know that if he has so much as a scratch on his face, I'll kill you." She threatened.

Your mouth went into an 'O' shape before it formed into a petty smile. "If you even come within a two-mile radius of me, I'll snap your jaw off your face!" You had an evil grin on your face

Her mouth widen and her eyebrows furrowed. "Whatever miss wannabe." she rolled her eyes and quickly walked away from you.

"Keep an eye on her for me Yuko.." He nodded with a small grimacing face "you sound like a psycho..."

"Probably one of the reasons mom put me in a mental hospital..." You said before you started walking to class.

11:30 AM

Lunchtime came around, and there was no point in you taking out your bento. You were excited to finally fight Kujo.

You put your hands in your skirt pocket and made your way to the courtyard. There he was, already standing, waiting for your arrival.

It seemed like even more people showed up to see this fight. "Sup Kujo!" You smiled. He also had his hands resting inside his jacket pockets.

He lifted his hat down. "I'm not going easy on you.." He said as he took his hands out of his pockets.

"That's what they all say, then they end up a bloody mess." You smirked as you also took your hands out of your pockets.

He let out a small grunt. You ran towards him, but before you could get too close, he threw the first punch you dodged it with ease as you ducked below his hands and kicked him in the jaw.

"JOJO!!!" A bunch of girls yelled out. Jotaro spit out blood as he stood still.

"See what I'm saying." You said as you rested both your hands on the back of your head.

"You didn't win yet..." He grumbled as you stayed still. He started charging toward you, A blueish purple-ish figure appearing beside him.

"JOTARO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!?" His friend Kakyoin yelled.

Your eyes went wide as Zero appeared in front of you and dodged the purple muscular figure from hitting you by punching it in its abdomen.

Jotaro grunted as he stumbled back a little. "So my Hypothesis was correct.." He said.

"You have a spirit too? You can see Zero??" You said as you started to get more serious. "It's called a stand." He said as he held his arms in the shape of a 'T'.

"Are you forfeiting already??" You asked him and he simply just nodded. "Are you serious?" He nodded again.

The crowd groaned. "Now that I know that I was right, follow me." He said. "Like hell!"

"Good grief...." He scoff and picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder, and walking away from the courtyard.

"Let me go!!" You fought as you punched his back multiple times, but he didn't budge. "Where are you even taking me?!"

"would you shut the hell up?!" He let out. You groaned obnoxiously. "You're so damn annoying..." He clenched his jaw.

"And you stupid ass fan girls are annoying too but do you hear me complaining?!?!"

"You probably complain in your room..." He said. Your eyes widen a little. "Okay, stalker.."

Jotaro let out a small huff before he threw you on the ground. "Ow!!" You said as you clenched your teeth.

"You deserve it..." He said as he crouched down to where you were sitting. "Let me see your 'Spirit'..." He said.

Zero came out and sat crisscross next to you as he glared at Jotaro. "His name is Zero. He has this fire-type power. And apparently, I'm the only one who can see him. Well except for you I reckon?"

"Yes, I can see him. Zero is a stand. He a manifestation of your soul. Only stand users can see stands, and only a stand can beat a stand."

"So that probably explains the weird powers then." You said as you started to crisscross along with Zero.

"Say y/n, what's your dad's name?" Jotaro asked. "I don't know. He left when I was four and started a new family. Why?"

"Don't worry about it..." He said as he pulled his hat down.

"Jotaro there you are!" You looked up only to see Jotaro's friend. "Why'd you use your stand on her?"

"I didn't even lay a finger on her...?"

"You said you weren't going easy on me, yet I still kicked your sorry ass!" You said with a smile.

Kakyoin looked to your side. "You're a stand user?" He asked. You nodded. "His name is Zero, now can I see your stands?" You asked.

They nodded and their stands appeared behind them. "This is Star Platinum, and Kakyoin's stand is Heirophant Green."

"Woah... Never thought I'd meet other people with a spirit..."

"Stand...." Both Jotaro and Kakyoin said in unison.

"Right..." You said before you stood up, Zero following suit. "Well, my stand has like... A mind of its own is that normal??" You asked as they both shrugged.

You sighed and started to walk off. "Wait where are you going??" Kakyoin asked. "Class?" You said as you looked at your watch. "It's still lunch, I'm just going to eat a little bit of lunch while I can."

He made a small 'O' shape with his mouth and then nodded. You smiled and waved them goodbye before you left to go eat a little bit of your bento.

'I'm starving...' You complained in your head as your stomach growled.

3:16 PM

You were exhausted. You lazily slumped your bookbag over your shoulder.

'I can't wait to sleep..." You sighed.

Once you finally made it home you slumped into your bed, too lazy to take off your shoes and book bag.

Zero suddenly came out and held up a deck of cards.

"Not now Zero, let me rest for just a little while..." You told him as your eyelids fell heavy

Zero sighed and did a sad little 'Koh' before disappearing again.

End of chapter 3

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