(33) Do you trust me? (33)

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-Nobody's POV-

As you saw him sit at the foot of your bed, he had a look of discomfort, Like he'd been stressed out these last few days. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why he seemed this way because you knew exactly why he seemed this way.

You sat up, your knee touching his and your eyes grazing over his hunched over body and his arms rested on his legs. "You okay?" You asked him, trying to look in his eyes to see if he was seeking any sort of comfort. He glanced at you for a few seconds. Those few seconds told you everything you needed to know.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but I'm here for you if you need to." You told him, letting him know that whatever was going on he could come to you about it, you knew that he didn't want to go to anyone else about it but knowing how stubborn he is, he'll beat around the bush and try and avoid telling you anything. Thats why you weren't going to push him to tell you.

He let out a sigh before he opened his mouth to talk. "You're a dumbass." You smiled as you let out an airy laugh. You leaned your head on his shoulder and stared into the ground. "I couldn't just let that happen to you JoJo... I care about you." He looked down at you and moved his finger over towards your hands. You looked at him, his eyes finally meeting yours. His hand retracted and he was about to turn his head around and pull his hat down but you grabbed both his hands into yours.

He was finally looking at you. "I'm serious Jotaro... I really Appreciate you." You said. He didn't move his hands but he did look down. "You didn't have to risk your life for mine to prove that you appreciate me." He said.

"Well I did... Was I supposed to sit there knowing you were slowly dying?" You asked, Jotaro still not looking at you. "I wouldn't be able to live that down, and I wouldn't bare to see how Holly, Kakyoin, and Joseph would cope with that." 'This is getting annoying' "Jotaro look at me when I'm talking to you." You said as you grabbed his face gently pulling it up to look at you.

"I know I'm risking my life Jotaro, so let me be a little selfish so you can wake up to see your family everyday." You could tell behind those ocean eyes he was holding something back, you just didn't know what. One hand met yours on his face. "What about you?" He asked. You rubbed his cheek with your thumb before you let go of his face. "I'll be fine.." you said while giving him a half smile. "I'm not dying until I become rich!" You said trying to lighten the mood a little.

You could see the corner of his lip curl up a little. 'Finally!' You still felt like he was holding something back, seeing how his tenseness had fallen though he still seemed stiff. "I know theres something else you wanna tell me." You said. He glanced down at you not knowing what to do. He had this immense need to want to hold your hand and he tried so hard not to do it, afraid he might make you uncomfortable.

He cussed himself out knowing you've touched his face twice now. He was lost in thought when he suddenly felt your hand interlock with his. His thoughts quickly erased as he looked back at you. You already look at him with concern written on your face. "Are you okay your hand is twitching like crazy?" He looked at you trying to keep eye contact. His stomach started having this fluttering feeling and he could feel his face get hot. Using his free hand, he pulled his hat down.

He so desperately wished the roles were switched. "I wont push you to tell me whats wrong but if its really that bad you should tell somebody.." you said while letting go of his hand.

The both of you had feelings for one another, that wasn't a lie. But neither of you knew how to go about executing said feelings. You grew up not having men go crazy over you so knowing anything about romance was out of the question for you. It was opposite for Jotaro. He grew up with girls flowing towards him like a moth would to a flame. The thing about said girl, was that he didn't like them. What he did know was that he liked you. And since he never had feelings for another woman, he didn't know how to act when he did.

He wanted so badly to do something about it but it was too early for him. "Y/n..." he spoke. You hummed as you looked up at him. He paused and thought a bit before he sighed. "You're-.....Thanks.." he said. The corner of his lip slightly curled up as he looked at you. You smiled while looking at him, a light chuckle escaping your lips. "Anytime!"

It was now silent as you both sit there, eyes wondering everywhere but at each other. "Jotaro?" You spoke out, finally looking him in his eyes. He didn't say anything he only looked back at you, raising his eyebrows. "Can i... Hug you?" His eyes widen as you asked this question. He turned away pulling his hat down, you could see his ears get red.

A small smile crept up on your face as you saw his hand move close to you. You stood up, You were now in-front of him as you threw yourself on him, wrapping your arms around his neck. You could feel him hesitate before he snaked his arms around your waist and buried his head in your chest, his hat coming up slightly. "I was worried about you..." he admitted. You chuckled a bit, not expecting him to admit something like that to you. You couldn't help but to smile as your face got hot.

You could see him look up at you with a glare and a faint blush. "Stop laughing dumbass."

You couldn't help but to chuckle more as he said this, thinking he looked kinda cute

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You couldn't help but to chuckle more as he said this, thinking he looked kinda cute. He glared even more before he hid his face in my chest again.

Suddenly the sentimental moment was ended when the door suddenly opened. "Leave this door open.." Polnareff said, glaring at the both of us. You felt your face get hot, and before you could pull away, Jotaro pulled you closer. With his other hand, he outstretched it, giving Polnareff the middle finger. "Fuck off..."

"All I'm saying is leave the door open!" Polnareff spoke in a defensive tone. Jotaro turned his head as it still laid in your chest as he glared at Polnareff.

"Why are you looking at me like I interrupted something!?" Polnareff asked, still in his defensive tone. "Cause you did..." Jotaro grumbled as he kept his glare onto the french man. 

Polnareff rolled his eyes before slowly backing away. "Just keep it PG..." he said before he fully turned around and left. Jotaro kept his glare on him until he fully left, once Polnareff was completely out of Jotaro's line of sight, he turned his head back into your chest. You look at him with a warm smiled and rubbed his back a little.

After Polnareff left, the room was silent for a bit before I spoke. "My legs are about to give out..." you said as you felt your legs start to tingle a little. Jotaro didn't say anything as he was silent for a bit, not letting you go.
You were going to open your mouth as you felt your legs start to hurt a bit, but was interrupted by Jotaro speaking. "Do you trust me?" He asked, just barely lifting his face from your chest.

"Of course, why?" You asked, confused as to why he asked this question. He didn't say anything else, he only lifted you off the ground as he sat you in his lap.

Your face got hot as he buried his face back into your chest, pulling you close. Your arm were still around his neck, and his hat slipped off of his head. You took this as an opportunity to rest your head on top of his head while entangling your fingers in the back of his hair.

You both stayed like that for what seemed like forever. But you both enjoyed it.

"Sorry for making you worry, Jotaro..."

End of Chapter 33

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