(28) Are You Staying (28)

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-Your Point of View-

"Well, I can barely summon Zero...." You said. you could see Jotaro's face contort as he looks down at you. You looked in an almost empty spot of the room and tried to manifest Zero. He only lightly fickered a few times before he competely disappeared.

You then started coughing uncontrollably, coughing up blood into your hands just like earlier. His eyebrows raised in concern as he placed a hand on you shoulder. You finally stopped coughing and rubbed your hands on the side of the hospital gown you were wearing.

You didn't realise that when you rubbed your hands on your gown you would reavel all the smeared blood stains on it. Everytime you tried to summon zero, you started to cough up blood. Jotaro looked down at your blood stained gown then looked back at you. "Does this happen everytime?" he asked. you only nodded while not looking in his eyes. "But i'm fine though!" you said while giving him a closed mouth smile. he didn't buy it.

He got off of the bed and went to put his jacket back on. "I'll be back..." he said as approched the door. "Do not try to summon your stand while i'm gone..." He demanded before he left the room. You didn't know what to do as you sat in the silent dim lit room. You grabbed one of the drinks that Jotaro bought from the bag and opened it up, drinking a little before you relaxed back into the bed until jotaro came back.

You closed your eyes for a moment before you sat back up, looking into and almost empty corner to try and Summon zero again. 'Sorry JoJo...' you though with a sigh before you mustered up the tiniest bit of strength to try an manifest Zero again.

It actually took a while before he started to flicker. You could see distincted features of him, and he appeard vividly before he dissapeared again. This caused you  to feel very lightheaded you didn't start coughing immediatly, but you could feel a peircing pain in your chest. It was like when you breathed your could feel the pain, like you had a knife sticking out of your chest.

You tried to breathe in, but you felt yourself stop breathing like you had gotten a small peice of food stuck in your throat. You panicked and moved your hands towards your throat and chest area, trying to breath in slowly, only making it worse. You started rapidly beating of your chest but it seems as if it wasn't working. 

You could hear the heart monitor start to beep, matching the pattern of your heart rate. You heard the door open while you saw black dots flicker behind your eyes. You could see the familiar tall and broad build of Jotaro as he threw whatever he had in his hand into the floor and rushed towards you.

You felt tears well up in your eyes as he started to pat your back. You could feel your throat start to feel very scratchy as you still felt that sharp stabbing pain in your chest. You could tell he started getting nervous when he pulled you into his lap and started to pat your back with greater force. You could admit that you were scared. You wrapped your arms around his neck as your hard breathing turned into aggressive coughing. 

It still felt like there were bullets being shot into your chest, every cough you let out.  You coughed up two bloodclots that were almost twice the size of an american quarter. the coughing fit eased down, and you could felt like you could breathe again. Even though the attack stopped, You could still feel his hand pat your bare back, easing on the force. 'Im so fucking stupid.'

You told yourself as you felt the tears stream down your face. "Im sorry!" you spoke through sobbs. "I'm an idiot, i should've listened to you!" you snivel as you buried your head deeper into his shoulder. He didn't say anything. the light pats turned into slow rubs. "How long will i be like this?" you asked, just ready for this to all be over. "I don't know...." He said.

The two of you stayed like that for a while. Him, lightly rubbing your back, and you quietly sobbing into his shoulder. "I borrowed some liquid robitussin and a extra gown for you." He spoke. You hesitanly unwrapped your arms from his shoulder, his eyes grazed into your puffy ones as you made space between the two of you. "Can you walk?" he asked. You shrugged your shoulders before you decided to answer verbally. "Haven't tried yet.."

// Psycho //  Jotaro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now