(14) Lies (14)

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Kakyoin came back and put a plate of pizza infront of you both. He sat down on the other side of the booth and looked at you. you were zoned out in space, not even noticing that he came back. "Earth to Y/n!" he spoke, waving his hand infront of your face. You snap back into reality and looked at him, he motioned his head towards the pizza and you looked down, finally noticing it.

"So, are ya gonna tell me what happened?" he asked. You nodded and took a bite out of your pizza. "You remember that blonde girl from the other day?" you began. Kakyoin nodded and continued to eat his pizza.

"Well, she was here earlier and i saw her up on jotaro right when i made a lap, and me and Jotaro made eye contact, and i knew he needed help because that bitch is delusional." you started to explain. "Get back on track Y/n, lets not start insulting her right now." Kakyoin assured. "Right...."

"Well, i went up to help him, she went away and then it seemed he got possessed. His eyes got real dark and he was all of a sudden pissed cause i slapped the bitch. So i was like bro why you mad, and he ignored me and followed her out." you finished explaining. Kakyoin looked as if he were deep in thought. "Thats not a JoJo thing to do..." he spoke.

You nodded your head agreeing with him. "By the way this is really bothering me!" he said as he took a napkin and leaned over the table, lifting your chin up with one and and wiping your face with the other. "Sorry, there was pizza grease on your face!" he smiled as he balled the napkin up and placed it on his plate. 

"Oh no, it's fine! thanks!" you said with a smile. you finished your food and you both went to throw your plates away. "You ready for me to take you home?" Kakyoin asked you. you simply nodded your head, keeping your response short and simple. You both took off your skates and turned them back in, getting your sneakers back. The both of you headed outside and made your way to the car. But there was something wrong.

there was no car...

"Ugh... don't tell me he took the car......" Kakyoin let out an irritated sigh as he  ran his fingers through his hair. You sighed. "It's fine, I'll just walk home." you said. Kakyoin looked your way. "Absolutely not. Stay here." he said. He went and ran across the street, running towards a telephone booth. You waited in the parking lot until he came back. Once he came back the both of you decided to sit on the curb. 

"I ordered a Taxi!" he spoke. "But Kakyoin, you already spent so much money today?" you said, confused on how he still has money left. Kakyoin looked at you with a smile. "As long as you get home safe, im fine!" you smiled back at him and just as you were about to speak, he wrapped his arm around you. "Don't worry about Jotaro, he's probably just on his man period!" you both laugh out loud. 

when the taxi came, he let you enter first and he sat next to you. He cave the driver your adress and you both put your seatbelts on. The driver took off and the ride was silent. after arriving at your house Kakyoin wished you farewell. "Bye! call me when you get home!" you told him as you got out the cab and walked into your house.

you saw your mom sitting on the couch with a wine glass while watching some type of housewives show. 'i forgot about her....' you thought as you closed the door behind you. She looked your direction. "Oh, Y/n! i thought you'd never show up!" she began "i was about to file a missing persons report." she laughed. 

You didnt't laugh though. "I was just at the skating rink." you said as you took off your shoes. "Plus i wouldn't go missing, i have zero remember." you could see your mom frown a little. "Yeah that thing." she said.

She walked over to you and gave you a piece of paper. "here's your weekly chore list." you took the paper from her and put it in your back pocket. "Mom.... can i talk to you?" you asked. your mom looked concered. "Of course, talk about anything." she said.

you both sat at the dining room table and you took a deep breath, she waited for you to begin talking. "Why am i darker than you and all the other kids?" you asked knowing full well why that is, you just wanted to hear it coming from her mouth. You could see her eyes widening. "Well your dad-"

"My dad what? and don't tell me some sappy ass lie." you interuppted. her eyes furrowed and "what do you mean? and watch your language!"

"You know exactly what i mean! Mom, kids at school are racist as fuck! and you sat here and lied about everything! You lied about dad! you lied about my culture! you lied about YOU!" you raised your voice. "Like how my dad was egyptian, and how you lied about him running away, but you were the one who ran him away, because YOU wanted to sleep around with other men!"

"First of all, how'd you find this out? second It happened way before you were even able to spell your name! I needed the money so i had to sleep with other men!" She tried to explain, but it only made her situation way worse.

"Oh? so you were a prostitute? What the hell mom?!" you spoke, your throat tightened and your face got hot. you felt liquid spill from your eyes. "Y/n listen-"

"I don't want to hear it M/n! Its only gonna be coated in another lie!" you said as you stormed out of the house and started running, you dont know where. you couldn't hold back your tears. You ended up walking into some woods, there was a giant log infront of you, not noticing it you tripped over it, and fell on top of leaves, branches, and grass. this iritated you even more.

You were at your limit, you really wanted to end it. "Fuck you zero, for not helping me...." you said as you sat up and craweled over to a nearby tree and leaned against it. Zero materialized in front of you and shrugged his shoulders. he sat down criss cross in front of you picking up flowers from the ground.

You rolled your eyes and rolled your head to the side. 'Koh!' you heard zero speak. You saw that he had made a flower crown. This lit your mood and made you smile. He stood up and placed the crown in front of you. After he put the crown on your head, you heard a branch snap. Zero quickly disappeared and your head cocked towards where the sound came from. You saw a cute little boston terrier approch you. It went and came to sit in your lap. 'oh.....?'

you pet it and it relaxed, and so did you. You didn't realize how tense you were until now. "Hey there little guy! whats your name?" you spoke. It looked up at you and you saw a little collar on him. the collar had a little silver metal knight on it. 'well that doesn't help....'

"IGGY!" you heard a soft female voice shout. 

You stood up with the dog still holding the dog in your arms. you followed where the voice came from. "IGGY!!" the voice shouted again, only hearing it closer. the little dogs ear moved to where the sound came from. soon

You were met with a tall dark haired woman, with soft grey/glue eyes. "Oh my goodness! Iggy!" she saw you and the dog in your arms in went over to you. "This is your dog?" you asked, placing the dog in her arms.

"No, he's my brothers dog, im just dog sitting!" she smiled. "What about you? do you need assisstance?" she asked. 

"Yes actually... i ran away from home, now i kinda need a place to stay, i know my friend is kinda pissed at me right now so i cant stay there."

"You can stay with me if you like! i wouldn't mind having another girl over!" she smiled brightly "whats your name?" she asked you.

"I'm Y/n L/n, you can call me Y/n and you?" 

"I'm Sherry Polnareff, just call me Sherry!" 

End of Chapter 14

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