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Soobin lives in a college dorm with his roommate, Beomgyu. They've been living in a dorm together for a couple months now and Soobin both loved and hated it at the same time.

Beomgyu has to be the most attractive person Soobin has ever seen and he has such an adorable personality as well.

That's why it was hard for Soobin to control himself at times. He's all I want.

"Hey Soobin." Beomgyu greeted with a smile as he walked out of the bathroom. The said male looked up, seeing the younger bend down to grab his shoes from the floor.

"Hi, are you going somewhere?"

Beomgyu chuckled. "Yeah, to the library." He put on his pretty, platform shoes that went with his pretty outfits. They made his lace socks stand out. "I've got to study."

"Oh, okay."

"Shouldn't you study as well? Midterm exams are coming up."

Soobin groaned upon hearing that, making his roommate laugh. "You can come with me to the library. We'll study together."

"Okay, sure." Soobin grinned to himself and put on his own shoes as well. The two grabbed their bags and set off to the schools library. Soobin wasn't planning on studying, but he'd do anything to spend more time with his attractive roommate.

"Are you a freshman?"

"No, I'm a sophomore." Beomgyu chuckled at the stranger who he was having a conversation with in the library. Beomgyu was honestly such an "it boy" at their school. Everyone found him attractive and liked him, too. He was a very like-able and social person, many people are drawn to him.

Soobin didn't like the fact that this random boy was flirting with his roommate. He wanted to say something, but didn't.

"Oh really? I'm a junior here... my name's Jongseok."

"I'm Beomgyu."

"It's crazy how I haven't seen you around before. Surely, I'd notice someone like you."

Beomgyu giggled at the boy, melting his heart. Even though many people always flirted with him, Beomgyu never really told them to fuck off or anything. Sometimes, the people are nice and he even gets a friend out of it. Plus, he likes receiving compliments.

"Very cheesy, very lame."

Jongseok giggled as well and handed Beomgyu a strip of paper. His cheeks turned slightly red. "Call me sometime, if you want..."

Beomgyu smiled and took the paper. "Okay, maybe I will. Bye Jongseok, see you around?"

Jongseok nodded with a smile before leaving.

"Wasn't he pretty nice? He's cute as well." Beomgyu said to Soobin, watching Jongseok as he walked away. Soobin was lucky Beomgyu wasn't facing him, because he rolled his eyes.

"Sure... if you like suck ups." He whispered the last part to himself, breaking a pencil with the table.

Hey guys, I really hope you'll enjoy this new story! I personally really like the idea.

Please keep in mind that this is a fan-fiction. It's not a real presentation of what the characters in this story are like irl. Also, Jongseok is a made up character.

Thank youuuu for reading, xx -3-

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