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Soobin and Beomgyu were at the park together when they spotted Yeonjun with Yunho and Mingi. Beomgyu smiled and went over to them, dragging his almost boyfriend along.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?"

"Oh. Hey Beomgyu, we're just hanging out," Mingi said. Yeonjun's smiled dropped when he saw Soobin standing behind Beomgyu, the two of them holding hands. He didn't mind that they were holding hands, he just didn't want to see Soobin.

"What about you guys?" Yeonjun then asked.

"Same thing. We were about to go and get some food though."

Soobin wrapped an arm around Beomgyu's shoulder and put on a smile. "Yeah, so bye!" He said as cheerful as he could, turning around with Beomgyu and walking away.

The younger sighed and looked up at his roommate. "Don't be rude! They're my friends."

"I'm sorry. I just don't want to waste any time with you and Yeonjun didn't look too happy to see me either."

Beomgyu laughed and patted the other's back. "It's fine, we have the entire day to spend together. I wasn't planning on inviting them or anything, don't worry."

The older smiled and they walked until they found a cinema. They were no longer interested in going to a restaurant and went to see a movie instead. They watched a random action movie. Neither of them even liked action movies, but who cares.

They shared a big popcorn and laughed at the bad usage of special effects.

Beomgyu slid his hand in Soobin's which made the older blush. After that, he was no longer able to focus on the movie.

Luckily for them, they were at the very back and no one else was in their row, because Soobin began to kiss Beomgyu's neck. The smaller shivered and tilted his head, allowing the touch.

"Soobin, we're in public!" He whisper yelled.

"No really?"

Beomgyu laughed and turned his head to properly kiss the other. "We taste so salty," he said against Soobin's lips. The older chuckled and pulled away with a big smile.

"I really like you," he whispered. "And I want to be more than what we are now."

"Me too..."

"I really want to be boyfriends, Gyu." Soobin said it with so much confidence, as if he wasn't afraid of rejection.

"Is that a question or a demand?"

"A question!"

Beomgyu laughed, nodding. "I'd love to be boyfriends."

Yeonjun watched with a smile as Yunho took pictures of Mingi in front of the lake. He had noticed that Mingi seemed very interested in Yunho ever since that karaoke night.

"Let me see!" Mingi yelled, running back to the other two. He smiled, seeing the pictures. "Aren't they so pretty?"

"Not really," Yunho replied. Mingi mocked him and they both giggled. "Kidding. They're nice, you should post them."

"We should take a picture with all three of us!" Mingi said, already striking poses while holding his phone up.

"Okay." Yunho chuckled and wrapped an arm around Yeonjun's waist as he stood next to Mingi, posing in front of the camera. Yeonjun blushed a little before doing bunny ears behind Mingi's head.

They all looked at the picture. Mingi frowned for just a second before replacing it with a smile.

"Cute! Okay, we should go somewhere else, we've been at the park for so long already!" Yunho suggested.

"We could go see a movie? I want to watch the new rom-com that everyone hates."

Yunho chuckled, "okay."

The three of them went to the cinema and got snacks before waiting for their theatre to open. They were waiting for people from the previous movie to all come out when Soobin and Beomgyu walked out together.

"Oh my God- hey Gyu," Yeonjun greeted with a chuckle. The younger looked up and smiled a little. Yeonjun eyed him, noticing the obvious hickies, flushed cheeks and connected hands. "Had fun?"

"Shut up!" Beomgyu smacked his friend's arm. "Are you guys going to see a movie."

"No, we're going ice skating."

"Oh? Then why—"

"We're seeing a movie, Beomgyu," Mingi said with a sarcastic sigh. Beomgyu chuckled at himself and nodded. "See you guys!"

Soobin and Beomgyu walked away, both looking a little suspicious. The other three entered the theatre and sat down.

"Yeonjun, why don't you ever say hi to Soobin?" Mingi asked. He's friends with Beomgyu, so he knows his roommate from coming over sometimes.

Yeonjun sighed. "He's my ex boyfriend."

Both Yunho and Mingi gasp. "And Beomgyu's with him now?!" Mingi basically yelled.

"He cheated on you?!" Yunho also said.

The youngest nodded. "Yeah. Soobin and Beomgyu kissed while we were still dating. I immediately broke it off when I found out though."

"But that's horrible! How could you just forgive Beomgyu like that? You were friends for so long right?"

"Yes. It's a long story, but I really don't want to be mad at Gyu. Besides, they look a lot better together than Soobin and I did."

"Tch... you deserve better than that prick, Soobin..." Yunho muttered, stuffing his face with popcorn.

Yeonjun laughed and nodded. "I realized that."

"So how's it going with Yunho?" Wooyoung asked his roommate as they both sat on their dorm floor. "Is everything working out?"

"What do you mean 'working out'?" The younger asked with a chuckle.

"Are you into him, is he into you? Everything going smooth?"

Yeonjun laughed. "We're just friends, Woo. I'm not sure if I even want a boyfriend right now, let alone a good friend."

Wooyoung pouted. "Why not? San, Yunho, you and me could go on double dates!"

"San? The boy who's dating another girl?" Yeonjun furrowed his brows. Wooyoung tsked at him and stuck his tongue out. He's had a huge crush on this boy, San, from his English class. Sadly San never noticed him, but he's kind of fine with it.

Yeonjun laughed again before shaking his head. "I'm not into Yunho like that. He's hot, nice and kind of flirty, but I don't want a relationship. Besides I think Mingi likes him."

"Mingi likes Yunho?!"

"Yeah, I think so. He looks at him with literal heart eyes."

"Fuck, I never noticed that before..." the older sighed. "Shit. Do you want me to introduce you to my hot ass friend Yeosang? He's kind of single."

"No! I don't want a boyfriend, Woo!"

Haiiiiiiiiii idk what these chapters are lol. They aren't necessarily useless but they def seem like itttt...... ANYWAYS most of these r yeonjun centered LOL sorry about that, I know this is a soogyu story 😞

I have a lot of story drafts with just like one chapter and they're al yeongyu soooo 😁

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