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Beomgyu was curled up in a blanket as he was crying to sad songs. Currently, 'Love In The Dark' by Adele was playing and Beomgyu sang his little broken heart out. Luckily for anyone who was able to hear him as they passed by, Beomgyu was a decent singer.

Yeonjun and Soobin went on a date and weren't surprised to see Beomgyu like that when they entered the dorm room.

Yeonjun sighed and went over to his best friend, stroking his fluffy hair.

"He hasn't even texted me or whatever!" Beomgyu yelled, more upset than he felt like he should be. "What an ass!"

"He doesn't deserve you, Gyu," Yeonjun said. He was obviously pissed at Jongseok. It doesn't matter what he did or didn't do, he will always be on Beomgyu's side.

"Ugh, I know..." Beomgyu pouted, making Soobin chuckle.

Soobin walked through the college halls. He was returning to his dorm from the library — he needed to study, but Yeonjun and Beomgyu were still in the dorm. Soobin didn't want to be an ass, so he decided to just leave to study.

While he was walking back he saw Jongseok.

Soobin's blood boiled at the sight of the older boy. Jongseok was holding a bouquet of roses which Soobin assumed were meant for Beomgyu.

"Where are you going?" Soobin called out, making Jongseok turn around.

"Soobin? Oh... hello." Jongseok let out a sigh and looked at the younger, "to Beomgyu, actually."

"Don't. Just turn around and leave, he's too good for you," Soobin snarled at him.

Jongseok frowned at the comment. Rude, he thought, but didn't say it. Jongseok wanted Beomgyu back, so he can't have Beomgyu's friends hating him... too late for that.

"Look, I'm sorry, but this doesn't involve you. This is between Beomgyu and I, so just let me be."

"Well, you're going over to my dorm, so I can just not allow you to enter. Also, I care about Beomgyu and I know that he deserves someone way better than you." Me, I'm someone! "And you're going to give him flowers? This is all pointless, man. It's not going to make Beomgyu fall in love with you."

Jongseok gritted his teeth. He didn't care about Soobin's opinion, he just wanted Beomgyu.

At least they have that in common.

"I don't care, I will try. I know that we're meant to be." And with that, Jongseok hurried to Soobin and Beomgyu's dorm.

Soobin sighed. Is that dude that stupid?

Jongseok softly smiled when Beomgyu opened the door. The younger looked stunning. Yeonjun had cleaned him up a bit to make Beomgyu less upset and wow.

"What are you doing here, Jongseok?" Beomgyu asked, trying not to cry at the sight of his now ex-boyfriend.

"I... I wanted to give you these," he answered, handing Beomgyu the roses. "Beomgyu, I'm sorry for kicking you out last time. And I'm sorry for everything. Please, I know how much you're worth and I know what I can offer you... please, forgive me."

"You know my worth?" Beomgyu giggled and didn't grab the roses. "You're hilarious. Bye Jongseok."

"But— Beomgyu please."

"Get out, dude," Soobin suddenly said, pushing Jongseok away and entering his dorm room. Beomgyu closed the door after him and let out a sigh.

"That was pathetic," Yeonjun commented about Jongseok. Soobin giggled and nodded, agreeing.

Beomgyu didn't even hear them. He was zoned out with a frown painted on his face.

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