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Soobin and Beomgyu were once again studying together in the library. They've been going there very often just to kill time.

Yeonjun knows that. He knows Soobin always goes to the library to study and he figured Beomgyu would come along too. That's why he went there as well.

He was bold and sat at the table right in front of the duo. Beomgyu noticed and kicked Soobin's leg under the table, gesturing towards Yeonjun. The older looked at his ex boyfriend and sighed.

Yeonjun knew they were staring, but he didn't look back at them. He just opened his books up and pretended to be unbothered. Truth is, he secretly misses both Soobin and Beomgyu with his entire heart. But he can't give in.

"...should we say something?" Beomgyu asked with a frown.

"No, let's give him space. I'm sure he doesn't want to see us," Soobin whispered back.

"Hey Yeonjun, sorry I'm a little late."

Both Soobin and Beomgyu shot their heads back at Yeonjun's table when they heard someone talking to him. They saw a tall male looking at Yeonjun with a warm smile.

They watched as Yeonjun smiled brightly. "It's fine, sit down!"

"...who's that?" Beomgyu asked with raised brows. "I've never seen him before."

"I don't know. He looks handsome though," Soobin answered.

Beomgyu scrunched up his face when Yeonjun leaned onto the handsome boy while he was laughing. It didn't necessarily annoy him to see his... ex friend having fun with someone else, he was just sort of worried? Maybe a bit jealous too. Even if he might have no right to be.

"Beomgyu, you're staring."

"Oh." The younger slowly looked away, starting to frown. "Let's leave." Beomgyu stood up with his stuff, not waiting for an answer. Soobin was confused, but followed anyway.

They walked all the way back to their dorm in silence. Once they were inside, Beomgyu set his stuff down and turned towards Soobin again. "If he's ready to move on then so should we."

"...what do you mean?"

"I mean, shouldn't we consider... us being a thing? You basically confessed your love for me and we already kissed. Why should we wait?"

Soobin was stunned to hear that. He didn't want to go any further because he thought Beomgyu wasn't ready yet. But I guess he was wrong.

"Do you really want to be with me?"

Beomgyu blushed at the question. "Yeah. I've been thinking about it a lot and I really like you..." he then looked up at Soobin's face since the older had gone silent. Soobin's cheeks were bright red and a small smile was displayed on his face.

Soobin didn't waste any more time and leaned down, pressing his lips onto Beomgyu's. The younger made a surprised noise, but soon kissed back. He felt Soobin's arms going around his waist as he deepened the kiss.

It was so sudden, but neither of them minded.

Soobin pushed Beomgyu back until they reached the younger's bed, getting on it with Soobin hovering over the smaller boy.

Beomgyu was about to pull up the older's shirt, but Soobin pulled away. They were both catching their breaths for a bit as Beomgyu looked at the other, confused.

"I really like you, but we shouldn't yet," Soobin spoke. "We shouldn't rush things like this."

The younger chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Okay, that's fine with me." He grinned as he pulled Soobin down in a hug, rolling over to lay on top of the older. Soobin laughed, patting Beomgyu's head. "Let's just stay like this then."

Yeonjun was actually having fun with Yunho in the library. He didn't even notice that Soobin and Beomgyu had left.

"You're seriously so good at English! Why don't you major in it?" Yunho asked, surprised with Yeonjun's skills.

The younger scoffed. "I'm really not, I just watch a lot of English shows!"

"You got every single question right in under 10 minutes. You're a total genius... can I copy your answers?"

Yeonjun chuckled, sliding over his notebook, "sure."

Both of the boys stopped laughing when another boy came to their table, sitting down next to Yeonjun. "Jongseok, what are you doing here?" Yeonjun asked with an annoyed sigh.

The older shrugged. "I just wanted to say hi." He looked over at Yunho and raised his brows.

"I'm Yunho."

"Nice to meet you," Jongseok said with a smile. He then turned back to Yeonjun, placing his hand on the younger's shoulder. "I was wondering if you wanted to get some food with me later?"


"Do we need a reason to eat together?"

Yeonjun didn't want to. He still thinks Jongseok is a jerk for the way he treated Beomgyu while they were dating... even if Beomgyu turned out to be the bigger jerk after all. But he didn't want to seem rude in front of Yunho.

"Sure, I guess..." Yeonjun said, keeping in an eye roll.

"Great! I'll text you later then?"

"Okay." Yeonjun waited for Jongseok to be gone before he finally let out another sigh.

Yunho bit his lip, staring at Yeonjun. "Is he your boyfriend?"

"No! Definitely not!" The younger immediately shouted, shaking his head as well. "I don't like him like that at all."

"...okay." Good.

Sorry for the crappy ass chapters lately 👴🏼
I spent so much money on stuff for photocards today I hate myself 😭😭😭😭😭

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