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Beomgyu woke up with a really bad headache and a loud groan. He sat up and held his head in his hands, sighing. "It's too bright..."

"Morning Gyu," Soobin appeared, crouching down in front of his boyfriend. "Do you... remember anything from last night?"

"No," Beomgyu weakly let out, leaning forward to rest his head on Soobin's shoulder. "Did I do something weird? What'd I do? Did I drink that much?"

"You didn't do anything weird. You drank some sort of horny drug I'm assuming, just like everyone else in that house. Some guy... almost took advantage of that, but I took you home."

The younger's eyes widened. "Fuck, I'm so dumb. Oh my God, thank you and I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. Just don't drink something if you haven't watched it be made. I'm just glad you were okay."

"Well now I definitely don't feel okay." They both chuckled and Soobin pulled away.

He stood up and came back with a glass of water, aspirine and soup. "Here. Take the aspirine first."

"Aww, thank you." Beomgyu took the medicine and then ate the soup his boyfriend made while they talked together. Beomgyu was glad he didn't remember anything. From what Soobin told him, he didn't want to remember.

Soobin didn't mention the 'I love you' part. He was just drunk, he didn't even mean it. He watched with a smile on his face as his boyfriend ate the soup. It didn't matter if Beomgyu loved him or not. Soobin loved Beomgyu too much to care about that.

"You're grinning at me like a creep," the younger said. Soobin chuckled and flicked his forehead which made him groan. "Do you wanna go out today? We have school tomorrow," Beomgyu frowned.

"After you feel better, sure. Where do you want to go?"

The couple was at a restaurant together. After going to an arcade together they decided to get dinner too. They were laughing while talking when Soobin suddenly had to go to the bathroom.

Beomgyu waited while sipping his drink when the waiter came up to him.

"Umm hey," the waiter spoke up.

Beomgyu looked up and smiled. "Oh hi."

The waiter seemed to blush a little and cleared his throat before speaking up again. "My name's Juyeon. I don't want to be weird or anything, but you just seem so cool. I was wondering if we could get to... know each other better?"

The boy just looked at him for a couple of seconds. "Wha— so suddenly?" He laughed while Juyeon just chuckled nervously. "I don't want you to get the wrong idea. I'm here with my boyfriend..."

"I just meant as friends! D-Don't worry!"

Beomgyu continued staring at him. He definitely felt awkward as hell, but becoming friends with this random waiter couldn't hurt right? "Yeah, we can be friends."

Juyeon smiled brightly and got his phone out, "can I have your number?"

"Uh sure."

Short chapter :)

I'm sorry for not updating in SO long! I've had no motivation whatsoever and I haven't been using this app a lot lately. I'll try and update more from now on.

Thank you for reading <3

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